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It is no defense to a claim for freight to show that the goods()damaged.

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更多 “单选题It is no defense to a claim for freight to show that the goods()damaged.A to beB areC hadD have” 相关考题
考题 “请在这里签上您的名字。”翻译成英文是()。 A、Here you are.B、Please sign your name here.C、Please show me your notice of arrival.D、I want to claim a parcel.

考题 Where there has been unjustifiable deviation, the Shipowner can not claim the contractual rate of freight payable under the charter-party, but may ________ to a reasonable sum if the goods are carried to their destination safely.A.entitleB.be entitledC.be entitlingD.entitles

考题 If a full cargo is not loaded, the Charterer must pay not only freight on the goods actually shipped but also ________ .A.broken spaceB.dead weightC.constantD.dead freight

考题 The claim for dead freight being a claim for damages for breach of contract,the Shipowner is under a duty,where the Charterer fails to load a full and complete cargo,______ the damage by obtaining other cargo,provided he acts reasonably in so doing.A.to minimizeB.minimizingC.minimizedD.have minimized

考题 At common law the Shipowner has possessory liens on the cargo for ______.A.advance freightB.freight payable on deliveryC.freight not earnedD.freight payable after delivery

考题 If the ship cannot finish the voyage,the Shipowner must forward the goods by some other means ______ his claim to freight is lost.A.thenB.andC.whenD.or

考题 Owner shall have a lien on the cargo for freight,dead-freight,demurrage and damages for detention.It means that ______.A.Owner will not deliver the cargo if freight not paidB.Owner will keep the dead-freight until the cargo has been deliveredC.Owner will keep the demurrage as soon as the cargo be deliveredD.Owner shall have no right of detention for the damaged cargo to be delivered

考题 When the carrier is liable for the compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods,such compensation shall be calculated on the basis of the Merchant's net invoice cost,plus freight and insurance premium,if paid. This sentence means that ______.A.if the freight and insurance premium are paid,they shall be added to the basisB.if the freight and insurance premium are not paid,they shall be added to the basisC.the freight and insurance premium shall not be added to the basis even they are paidD.the freight and insurance premium shall be added to the basis even they are not paid

考题 Where a period is fixed during which freight is to be paid,the Shipowner must ______ to deliver the goods throughout the whole of that period if he wishes to claim payment.A.be hadB.be madeC.be preparedD.be delivered

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考题 单选题A reimbursing bank has received a valid claim under its reimbursement undertaking and is instructed by the issuing bank not to honour the claim. In accordance with the URR725, the reimbursing bank should: ()A Reques tthe claiming bank to cancel the claimB Instruct the claiming bank to contac tthe beneficiaryC Honour the claim and debit the issuing bank’s accountD Dishonour the claim as per the issuing bank’s instruction

考题 单选题Owner shall have a lien on the cargo for freight,dead-freight,demurrage and damages for detention.It means that().A Owner will not deliver the cargo if freight not paidB Owner will keep the dead-freight until the cargo has been deliveredC Owner will keep the demurrage as soon as the cargo be deliveredD Owner shall have no right of detention for the damaged cargo to be delivered

考题 单选题It is no defense to a claim for freight to show that the goods()damaged.A to beB areC hadD have

考题 单选题If a full cargo is not loaded,the Charterer must pay not only freight on the goods actually shipped but also().A broken spaceB dead weightC constantD dead freight

考题 单选题Should it appear that war or blockade would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and / or discharging the goods thereat,the Carrier().A is entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient place and terminate the contract of carriageB is not entitled to terminate the contract of carriageC is not entitled to claim against the shipper or charterer any damage that he will suffer with the cargo on boardD is entitled to claim freight with the cargo on board

考题 单选题As freight is prima facie payable on delivery of the goods,the burden of making out a case for advance freight()on the Shipowner.A hasB haveC isD are

考题 单选题If the ship cannot finish the voyage,the Shipowner must forward the goods by some other means ()his claim to freight is lost.A thenB andC whenD or

考题 单选题Where a period is fixed during which freight is to be paid,the Shipowner must()to deliver the goods throughout the whole of that period if he wishes to claim payment.A be hadB be madeC be preparedD be delivered