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I happened to see the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.

A:had a vision of
B:glimpsed at
C:looked at
D:saw a scene of


解析:本句话的意思:我碰巧看见那辆就要消失在街角的出租车。have a vision of意为“想象到”,如:We need people who have a vision of what could be and the courage to try to get there.对理想的状况有远见并有勇气尝试达到那一状况,我们需要的是这样的人。glimpse at意为“看到,瞥见”,如:She watched him steal a glimpse at the marooned bus.她看到他偷偷睬了一眼受阻的公共汽车。look at意为“看,考虑”,如:The children looked at their new teacher in curiously.孩子们好奇地望着新老师。a scene of意为“一片······,一派······”,如:A scene of prosperity spreads out before us.一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。
更多 “ I happened to see the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.A:had a vision of B:glimpsed at C:looked at D:saw a scene of” 相关考题
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