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School Lunch
Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat______(1) in the middle of the day.In Britain schools have to ______(2) meals at
lunchtime.Children can______(3) to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.One shocking______(4) of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.There are strict______(5) for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one______(6) of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.Lunchboxes______(7) by researchers contained sweet drinks,crisps and chocolate bars.Children______(8) twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.
The research will provide a better______(9) of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has______(10) in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot ______(11) parents, but it can remind them of the______(12) value of milk,fruit and vegetables.Small changes in their children's diet can______(13) their future health.Children can easily develop bad eating______(14) at this age,and parents are the only ones who can______(15) it.



解析:本句意为“研究表明在英国超过一半以上的儿童将午餐带到学校去吃而不是在中午饭点正常吃”。此处需要有“正当地,得体地”意思的副词。A项appropriately“适当地;相称地”,B项properly“正当地,得体地”,C项probably“大概,或许,可能”,D项possibly “可能地;也许;大概”。所以应该在A和B之间选择,A项倾向“得体”。故选B。
本句意为“孩子们可以选择带餐过去或者在食堂就餐”。A项prefer“更喜欢”。B项manage“管理,经营”,C项 want“需要”,D项choose“选择”。根据句意可判断选D。
此处的句意为“政府不能批评家长”。B项instruct“指导,通知,命令”;C 项order“命令,整理”;D项tell“告诉,辫别”;而A项criticise意为“批评”,与句意相符。故选A。
此句意为“孩子们饮食上小小的改变可能会影响他们未来的健康。”A项damage“损害,毁坏”;B项predict“预测”;C项destroy“破坏,消灭,毁坏”;只有D项affect 意为“影响”,与句意相符。故选D。
develop habits为固定搭配“养成习惯”的意思,故选D。
此句意为“……家长却是唯一能够阻止这件事发生的人。”B项define“定义,使明确”;C项decide“决定”;D项delay“延期,耽搁”;只有A项prevent意为 “预防,防止”,与句意相符。故选A。
更多 “共用题干 School LunchResearch has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat______(1) in the middle of the day.In Britain schools have to ______(2) meals atlunchtime.Children can______(3) to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.One shocking______(4) of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.There are strict______(5) for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one______(6) of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.Lunchboxes______(7) by researchers contained sweet drinks,crisps and chocolate bars.Children______(8) twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.The research will provide a better______(9) of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has______(10) in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot ______(11) parents, but it can remind them of the______(12) value of milk,fruit and vegetables.Small changes in their children's diet can______(13) their future health.Children can easily develop bad eating______(14) at this age,and parents are the only ones who can______(15) it.4._________A:findingB:numberC:figureD:factor” 相关考题
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