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An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include (请作答此空), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and ( ). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the ( ). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data( )are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of ( ), we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server.

A.logical DFDs and ERD
B.ideal object model and analysis class model
C.use case models and interface prototypes
D.physical DFDs and database schema


更多 “An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include (请作答此空), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and ( ). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the ( ). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data( )are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of ( ), we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server. A.logical DFDs and ERD B.ideal object model and analysis class model C.use case models and interface prototypes D.physical DFDs and database schema ” 相关考题
考题 () and I’ll get the work finished. A、Have one more hourB、One more hourC、Given one more hourD、I have one more hour

考题 试题(71)~(75)The software architecture is a set of software components, subsystems, relationships, interactions, the properties of each of these elements, and the set of guiding principles that together constitute the fundamental properties and constraints of a software system or set of systems. (71) defines a general set of element types and their interactions. The examples include Pipes and Filters, Model-View-Controller, and Reflection. A (72) in software architecture is a representation used to understand or document one or more aspects of a problem or solution. Architecture is usually used in conjunction with many adjunct terms. The (73) defines the key strategies, organization, goals and related processes of the enterprise. At the enterprise level, the (74) may be more of a set of guidelines on how the various software architectures should be constructed consistently across the enterprise. The (75), which describes the high-level set of elements involved in application from a particular domain along with their interactions, is often used to focus on subsystem definition rather than application process level definition.(71)A. Architectural patternB. Architectural descriptionC. Architectural viewD. Architectural viewpoint(72)A. modelB. domainC. componentD. subsystem(73)A. enterprise architectureB. technical architectureC. infrastructure architectureD. business architecture(74)A. enterprise architectureB. data architectureC. application architectureD. information architecture(75)A. product-line architectureB. reference architectureC. technology architectureD. infrastructure architecture

考题 An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include( ), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and ( ). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the( ). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data( ) are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of ( )we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server.A.logical DFDs and ERDB.ideal object model and analysis class modelC.use case models and interface prototypesD.physical DFDs and database schemaA.the database management systemB.the feasibility of techniques usedC.the network topology and technologyD.the user interface and process methodsA.context DFDB.system DFDC.network architecture DFDD.event-response DFDA.vertical partitioning and horizontal replicationB.vertical replication and horizontal partitioningC.integration and distributionD.partitioning and replicationA.storing all data on a single serverB.storing specific tables on different serversC.storing subsets of specific tables on different serversD.duplicating specific tables or subsets on different servers

考题 ● Information systems design is defined as those tasks that focus on the specification of a detailed computer-based solution. Typically, there are four systems design tasks for in-house development.1) The first task is to specify (71) , which defines the technologies to be used by one, more, or all information systems in terms of their data, processes, interfaces, and network components. This task is accomplished by analyzing the data models and process models that are initially created during requirements analysis.2) The next systems design task is to develop the (72) . The purpose of this task is to prepare technical design specifications for a database that will be adaptable to future requirements and expansion.3) Once the database prototype has been built, the systems designer can work closely with system users to develop input, output and dialogue specifications. The (73) must be specified to ensure that the outputs are not lost, misrouted, misused, or incomplete.4) The fourth design task involves packaging all the specifications from the previous design tasks into a set of specifications that will guide the (74) activities during the following phases of the systems development methodology.Finally, we should (75) and update the project plan accordingly. The key deliverable should include a detailed plan for the construction phase that should follow.(71)A. an application architectureB. a distributed systemC. a system scopeD. a system physical model(72)A. database design specificationsB. database organization decisionsC. data structure specificationsD. data distribution decisions(73)A. format and layoutB. transaction detailsC. additional instructionsD. internal controls(74)A. system administrator’sB. system analyst’sC. computer programmer’sD. system designer’s(75)A. adjust the project scheduleB. reevaluate project feasibilityC. evaluate vendor proposalsD. select the best vendor proposal

考题 Which of the following is true about job chains?() A. They consist of one or more Scheduler programs.B. They are used to implement dependency scheduling.C. They are used to implement time-based scheduling.D.They are used to implement event-based scheduling.E.None of the above.

考题 Thesoftware architecture isa set of software components, subsystems,relationships, interactions, the properties of each of these elements,and the set of guiding principles that together constitute thefundamental properties and constraints of a software system or set of systems.(71)defines a general set of element types and their interactions.The examples include Pipes and Filters,Model-View-Controller, and Reflection.A (72)in software architecture is a representation used to understand or document oneor more aspects of a problem or solution. Architectureis usually used in conjunction with many adjunct terms. The(73)defines the key strategies, organization, goals and related processes of theenterprise. Atthe enterprise level, the (74)may be more of a set of guidelines on how the various software architecturesshould be constructed consistently across the enterprise.The (75), whichdescribes the high-level set of elements involved in application from a particular domainalong with their interactions, is often used to focus on subsystemdefinition rather than application process level definition.A.Architectural patternB.Architectural descriptionC.Architectural viewD.Architectural viewpoint

考题 Software architecture reconstruction is an interpretive, jnteractive, and iterative process including many activities. ( )involves analyzing a systems existing design and implementation artifacts to construct a model of it. The result is used in the following activities to construct a view of the system. The database construction activity converts the ( ) contained in the view into a standard format for storage in a database. The ( )activity involves defining and manipulating the information stored in database to reconcile, augment, and establish connections between the elements. Reconstruction consists of two primary activities: ( ) and ( ). The former provides a mechanism for the user to manipulate architectural elements, and the latter provides facilities for architecture reconstruction.A.Reverse engineering B.Information extraction C.Requirements analysis D.Source code analysis A.actors and use cases B.processes and data C.elements and relations D.schemas and tables A.database normalization B.schema definition C.database optimization D.view fusion A.architecture analysis and design B.domain analysis and static modeling C.visualization and interaction D.user requirements modeling A.pattern definition and recognition B.architecture design and implementation C.system architecture modeling D.dynamic modeling and reconstruction

考题 The architecture of an embedded system is an abstraction of the embedded device,meaning that it is a______of the system that typically doesn't show detailed implementation information such as software source code or hardware circuit design.A.specialization B.computer C.generalization D.design

考题 An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include ( ), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and ( ). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the ( ). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data(请作答此空)are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of( ), we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server. A.vertical partitioning and horizontal replication B.vertical replication and horizontal partitioning C.integration and distribution D.partitioning and replication

考题 An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include ( ), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and ( ). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the ( ). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data( )are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of(请作答此空), we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server.A.storing all data on a single server B.storing specific tables on different servers C.storing subsets of specific tables on different servers D.duplicating specific tables or subsets on different servers

考题 An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include ( ), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and ( ). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the (请作答此空). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data( )are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of( ), we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server.A.context DFD B.system DFD C.network architecture DFD D.event-response DFD

考题 Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design. There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application. (请作答此空) store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information. ( ) contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities . Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. ( ) is given to those databases which are based on older , sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . ( ) are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers In relational database , ( ) can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.A. Master files B. Look-up files C. Transaction files D. History files

考题 Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design. There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application. ( ) store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information. ( ) contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities . Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. ( ) is given to those databases which are based on older , sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . ( ) are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers In relational database , (请作答此空) can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.A. identifying relationships B. normalization C. referential integrity D. store procedure

考题 The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the ( 请作答此空) into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a (), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used. A. functional requirements 功能需求 B. nonfunctional requirements 非功能需求 C. system constraint 系统约束 D. system operational environment 系统运行环境

考题 The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a (), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. (请作答此空 ) are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used. A. Safety requirements 安全要求 B. Security requirements 安全要求 C. Data management requirements 数据管理要求 D. System requirements 系统要求

考题 The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a (), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. (请作答此空 ) specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used. A. client-based architecture 操作要求 B. server-based architecture 速度要求 C. network architecture 存取控制要求 D. client-server architecture 定制要求

考题 The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a ( ), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used. A. client-based architecture 基于客户端的架构 B. server-based architecture 基于服务器的体系结构 C. network architecture 网络体系结构 D. client-server architecture 客户机服务器体系结构

考题 The final documentation that records detailed implementation information for customers, including specific design requirements, are delivered at which server component within the Cisco Unified Communications implement phase()A、Project CloseoutB、As-Built DocumentationC、Operations SetupD、Post-Implementation Support Handoff Meeting

考题 As a Cisco Network Engineer, you have to master the knowledge of the Cisco validated Design (CVD) program. Which three of the following descriptions are appropriate about the CVD program?() (Choose three.)A、It incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products.B、It facilitates faster and more reliable customer deployments.C、It extends the value of designs through a sustained development plan.D、It incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systems.

考题 The company auditors require a System p administrator to archive detailed information from each of their systems.  Which of the following commands will accomplish this task()A、snap -aB、snap -iC、prtconfD、lsconf

考题 Which of the following is true about job chains?()A、They consist of one or more Scheduler programs.B、They are used to implement dependency scheduling.C、They are used to implement time-based scheduling.D、They are used to implement event-based scheduling.E、None of the above.

考题 You are a database administrator for your company. A user named Susan belongs to the Windows SalesManagers group. Susan needs a Reporting Services report to display annual sales information by territory. A user named Joe reports to Susan and belongs to the Windows Sales group. He needs a report that is limited to his sales territory, but still displays the same detailed sales data that is on Susan’s report. You need to design a secure solution that meets the reporting needs of the users and that consumes the minimal amount of server resources.  What should you do?()A、Design a report for Susan that includes two data regions. One data region is used for summary sales data. The other data region is used for the detailed sales data for each sales representative. Then, design a report for Joe that displays the detailed sales data.B、Design two reports for Susan. One report includes the territory information, and one report includes the detailed sales data. Then, design a report for Joe that displays the detailed sales data for his territories.C、Design a report for Susan that includes the territory information. Then, design a report for Joe that includes detailed sales data for his territories. Finally, configure Susans report so that it includes the data in Joes report.D、Design a parameterized report for Susan that includes all territory information. Then, design a linked report for Joe that links to Susans report.

考题 多选题As a Cisco Network Engineer, you have to master the knowledge of the Cisco validated Design (CVD) program. Which three of the following descriptions are appropriate about the CVD program?() (Choose three.)AIt incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products.BIt facilitates faster and more reliable customer deployments.CIt extends the value of designs through a sustained development plan.DIt incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systems.

考题 单选题Which of the following is true about job chains?()A They consist of one or more Scheduler programs.B They are used to implement dependency scheduling.C They are used to implement time-based scheduling.D They are used to implement event-based scheduling.E None of the above.

考题 单选题You are a database administrator for your company. A user named Susan belongs to the Windows SalesManagers group. Susan needs a Reporting Services report to display annual sales information by territory. A user named Joe reports to Susan and belongs to the Windows Sales group. He needs a report that is limited to his sales territory, but still displays the same detailed sales data that is on Susan’s report. You need to design a secure solution that meets the reporting needs of the users and that consumes the minimal amount of server resources.  What should you do?()A Design a report for Susan that includes two data regions. One data region is used for summary sales data. The other data region is used for the detailed sales data for each sales representative. Then, design a report for Joe that displays the detailed sales data.B Design two reports for Susan. One report includes the territory information, and one report includes the detailed sales data. Then, design a report for Joe that displays the detailed sales data for his territories.C Design a report for Susan that includes the territory information. Then, design a report for Joe that includes detailed sales data for his territories. Finally, configure Susans report so that it includes the data in Joes report.D Design a parameterized report for Susan that includes all territory information. Then, design a linked report for Joe that links to Susans report.

考题 单选题_____ construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i.e., a word or a groups of words, which serves as a definable Center or Head.A ConstituentB EndocentricC ExocentricD Connective

考题 单选题The final documentation that records detailed implementation information for customers, including specific design requirements, are delivered at which server component within the Cisco Unified Communications implement phase()A Project CloseoutB As-Built DocumentationC Operations SetupD Post-Implementation Support Handoff Meeting