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The majority of people,about nine out of ten,are right-handed.Not until recently,people who were left-handed were considered__________(51),and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally_________(52),but it is still a disadvantage in a world________(53)most people are right-handed.For example,most tools and implements are still designed for right-handed people.
In sports,__________(54)contrast,doing things with the left hand or foot,is often an advantage.Throwing,kicking,punching or batting from the"wrong"side may result_________(55)throwing off many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the_________(56)of players who are right-handed.This is why,in many ________(57)at a professional level,a higher proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a whole.
The word"right"in many languages means"correct"or is_________(58)with lawfulness, whereas the words associated__________(59)"left",such as"sinister",generally have_________ (60)associations.Moreover,among a number of primitive peoples,there is_________(61)close association between death and the left hand.
In the past,in most Western societies,children were often forced to use their right hands,especially to write with.In some cases the left hand was_________(62)behind the child's back so that it could not be used.If,in the future,they are allowed to choose,_________(63)will certainly be more left handers,and probably_________(64)people with minor psychological disturbances as a result of being forced to use their_________(65)hand.



解析:根据后面这句:孩子们一旦显示出左撇子的倾向就会被强迫使用右手,可以推断出人们在最近之前一直都认为使用左手是很不好的,因此这里选D "abnormal",意思是:不正常的。unique“独特的”;eccentric“古怪的”;normal“正常的”。
generally accepted“普遍接受的”。admit“承认”;approve“同意,许可”;acknowledge“认可”。
by contrast“相比之下”。
result in“导致,造成”;result from“由于······而造成”。
majority“大多数”;minority“少数”;plenty“很多”,通常修饰不可数名词; lack“缺乏”。这句话的意思是:从反面投掷、踢腿、拳击或者是用球拍击打可能会把大多数习惯了对付使用右手的对手们彻底击败。
be connected with“跟······联系在一起”;related要和介词to搭配使用;mix “混合”,意思在这里不合适;combine“结合”,常和with搭配,意思不合适。本句话的意思是: “右”这个词在很多语言中都意味着“正确”或者和“合法”联系在一起。
be associated with sth.“和······相关联”,这句话中associated with "left", 是定语,修饰words。
根据句中转折连词whereas可以判断两种情况形成对照,既然和“右”相关的词汇意味着“正确”“合法”,因此whereas后的句子中说的就是相反的情况,因此这里选择 negative , negative association的意思是“负面的含义”。
There is a close association between...and…意思是:······和······之间关系密切。这句话的意思是:而且在很多原始的部落里,左手和死亡也密切相关。
tie“绑,捆”; attach“连接,附属”; bring“带来”; remove“拿走,脱掉”。这句话的意思是:有时候孩子的左手被绑在背后避免他使用。
这里是there be结构。
更多 “共用题干 The majority of people,about nine out of ten,are right-handed.Not until recently,people who were left-handed were considered__________(51),and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally_________(52),but it is still a disadvantage in a world________(53)most people are right-handed.For example,most tools and implements are still designed for right-handed people.In sports,__________(54)contrast,doing things with the left hand or foot,is often an advantage.Throwing,kicking,punching or batting from the"wrong"side may result_________(55)throwing off many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the_________(56)of players who are right-handed.This is why,in many ________(57)at a professional level,a higher proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a whole.The word"right"in many languages means"correct"or is_________(58)with lawfulness, whereas the words associated__________(59)"left",such as"sinister",generally have_________ (60)associations.Moreover,among a number of primitive peoples,there is_________(61)close association between death and the left hand.In the past,in most Western societies,children were often forced to use their right hands,especially to write with.In some cases the left hand was_________(62)behind the child's back so that it could not be used.If,in the future,they are allowed to choose,_________(63)will certainly be more left handers,and probably_________(64)people with minor psychological disturbances as a result of being forced to use their_________(65)hand._________(58)A:related B:mixedC:connected D:combined” 相关考题
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