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There is no margin for error in our plan.



解析:本句意思:“我们的计划不允许出错。”margin和room表示空间或者余地,例如:There's lots of room to express yourself creatively.有很多让你展现创意的机会。house: 房间,例如:a beautifully decorated house装演典稚的房子。place:地方,例如:In the spring the place is crowded with skiers.春季这地方满是滑雪者。account:记述,报告,例如:Your account of events does not correspond with hers.你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。
更多 “ There is no margin for error in our plan.A:room B:house C:place D:account” 相关考题
考题 MArgin属性主要有哪几种属性?() A边距(mArgin)B左边距(mArgin-left)C右边距(mArgin-right)D上边距(mArgin-top)E下边距(mArgin-Bottom)

考题 () shall we give up our plan. A、In no caseB、On this caseC、In any caseD、On the case

考题 Mr. White has been --------(缺席的)from work for days, so he knows nothing about our new plan.

考题 Mr. White has been_____(缺席的)from work for days, so he knows nothing about our new plan.

考题 在CSS中,关于BOX的margin属性的叙述正确的是()。A、边距margin只能取一个值B、margin属性的参数有margin-left、margin-right、margin-top、margin-bottomC、margin属性的值不可为autoD、margin属性的参数值不能全部设置成0px

考题 如果要为网页元素设置左边界应使用的属性是:()。 A.mArgin-bottomB.mArgin-leftC.mArgin-rightD.mArgin-top

考题 听力原文:W: Manager, I have to inform. you that there is an error in our invoice to Mr. Smith for the shoes he ordered on May 25.M: OK, just change "carriage forward" to "carriage paid". We can't lose this customer.Q: What did the customer order on May 25?(12)A.Invoice.B.Shoes.C.Carriage.D.Error.

考题 ___ they will not come to join us, we have to change our plan. A、Seeing thatB、WhenC、ForD、As soon as

考题 要设置宽度不为100%的页面容器居中,则可以在CSS定义中添加( ) A.margin-left:0;margin-right:0;B.margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;C.margin-left:100%;margin-right:100%;D.margin-left:auto;margin-right:0;

考题 诺基亚ADJ参数中,功率预算切换时,邻区所需电平增益值所代表的参数,不正确的是()。 A.ho_priority_levelB.ho_load_factorC.ho_margin_pbgtD.ho_margin_levE.ho_margin_qual

考题 We have a high demand for quality and _______ tolerance for error. Based on our research, that also describes your firm.A.much B.none C.no D.nothing

考题 如何改变元素的左边距?()A、text-indent:B、margin-left:C、margin:D、indent:

考题 在HTML中,盒子模型中元素实际占位的高度应该为()。A、height属性+padding-top+padding-bottomB、height属性+padding-top+padding-bottom+border-top+border-bottomC、height属性+margin-top+margin-bottom+border-top+border-bottomD、height属性+padding-top+padding-bottom+border-top+border-bottom+margin-top+margin-bottom

考题 下面对于margin定义不正确的是()。A、margin-top:5%B、margin-bottom:5pxC、margin-top:10pxD、margin-color:#f00

考题 What is added to the MS sensitivity level to obtain the required signal strength, SSreq?()A、Rayleigh fading margin.B、Rayleigh fading margin, interference margin, and body loss.C、Rayleigh fading margin and interference margin.D、Rayleigh fading margin and body loss.E、Interference margin and body loss.

考题 上行链路预算过程中,Shadowing Margin的取值可以根据()推导得出。A、Cell AreaB、Cell Edge Coverage ProbabilityC、Shadowing Standard DeviationD、Mean Error

考题 能够设置盒模型的左侧外补丁的属性是()。A、margin:B、indent:C、margin-left:D、text-indent:

考题 怎样使一个层垂直居中于浏览器中?()A、padding: 50% 50%B、margin: 50% 50%C、margin: 0 autoD、margin: -100 auto

考题 下面选项中,()可以设置网页中某个标签的右外边距为10像素。A、margin:0 10pxB、margin:10px 0 0 0C、margin:0 10 0 0pxD、padding-right:10px

考题 摩托罗拉Handover参数中,下列说法不正确的是()A、“bounce_protect_margin”参数取值范围是0~127B、“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是8C、“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是15D、“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是5E、“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是9


考题 单选题You are creating a sales data template and need to add a picture to the margin. What is the best way to add this margin?()A Choose the margin code in the object navigator and select file-import-image. B Choose the margin node in the object navigator and use the tool bar button. C Click the margin button in the layout model and select file-import-image. D Click the margin button in the layout model and use the tool bar button.

考题 多选题摩托罗拉Handover参数中,下列说法不正确的是()A“bounce_protect_margin”参数取值范围是0~127B“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是8C“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是15D“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是5E“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是9

考题 问答题We walked for many hours through the thick forests and over the rocky hills until we had reached the clearing                                  A            Bin which we would pitch our tent for the night. No error  C                  D      E

考题 多选题诺基亚ADJ参数中,功率预算切换时,邻区所需电平增益值所代表的参数,不正确的是()。Aho_priority_levelBho_load_factorCho_margin_pbgtDho_margin_levEho_margin_qual

考题 问答题Most linguists are convinced that the ability to speak, while uniquely human, is simply a combination of             A                              Bcognitive skills that have been passed on to our species through evolution. No error    C                    D                E

考题 单选题在CSS中,关于BOX的margin属性的叙述正确的是()。A 边距margin只能取一个值B margin属性的参数有margin-left、margin-right、margin-top、margin-bottomC margin属性的值不可为autoD margin属性的参数值不能全部设置成0px