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Last week,I callde on my teacher.

A: telephoned
B: rang
C: visited
D: saw


解析:句意为:上个星期,我去拜访了我的老师。四个选项中,telephone意为“打电话”, call虽然有打电话的意思,但是在与on搭配后,意思发生了变化,ring意为“打电话”, 或者是“鸣、按铃”; see意为“看见”;visit意为“拜访、浏览”,call on sb.正是拜访某人的意思,如果说拜访某地,应该选用call at a place。
更多 “ Last week,I callde on my teacher.A: telephoned B: rang C: visited D: saw” 相关考题
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