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砂培 sand culture


更多 “砂培 sand culture” 相关考题
考题 Gestures, a body language of human beings, _________widely from culture to culture.A. changeB. varyC. differD. alternate

考题 Europeans brought carnival to the Caribbean ,but Caribbean carnival traditions are more rooted in ancient African culture than inherited from European culture.()

考题 He played on the ________ for two hours and when he returned he found half his goods ________ stolen. A.sands...wasB.sand...wereC.sand...wasD.sands...were

考题 Whichofthefollowingstoragesolutionsattachestoaservereitherthroughafiberchannel connectionorispresentedtotheserverviaiSCSI?() A.DASB.NASC.SAND.WORM

考题 研究某矿物质元素对植物生长的影响时,准确而又便宜的方法是( )。 A.土培法 B.水培法 C.砂培法 D.蛭石培法

考题 研究某矿物质元素对植物生长的影响时,准确而又便宜的方法是(  )。A.土培 B.水培 C.砂培 D.蛭石培

考题 Maoris have adopted many aspects of()and more and more New Zealanders now share in the rich heritage of()AAmerican culture/Asian cultureBWestern culture/Asian cultureCAmerican culture/Maori cultureDWestern culture/Maori culture

考题 滨海度假饭店以海滨浴场为基础,依托的是“3S"旅游资源,下列哪组单词是”3S”的正确翻译?()A、Sand,Service,SunshineB、Sea,Service,SunshineC、Sea,Sand,ServiceD、Sunshine,Sand,Sea

考题 蝴蝶兰常采用()基质栽培。A、水藓B、石砾C、营养液培D、河砂

考题 土培 soil culture

考题 砂丘(sand dune)

考题 沙波(sand wave)

考题 砂培法

考题 网络存储的的类型:()A、DASB、NASC、SAND、DISCO

考题 简述下列概念的区别: fed-batch culture;continuous culture colony;cloning

考题 名词解释题土培 soil culture

考题 单选题The “singer” treats the patient by ______.A rubbing the patient’s body with sand from a sand painting figureB destroying the sand painting figure of a supernatural beingC transferring his supernatural power to the patientD applying a magic substance to the patient’s body

考题 填空题When we ____ (比较) western culture with Chinese culture, you’ll find many differences.

考题 名词解释题砂丘(sand dune)

考题 名词解释题砂培 sand culture

考题 名词解释题沙波(sand wave)

考题 单选题Chinese culture and Japanese culture have a lot _____.A in factB in sightC in commonD in touch

考题 单选题During large storms, when waves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand is suspended in the water and may drift with the current.A waves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand is suspendedB the beach is crashed against by waves, large amounts of sand are suspendedC the beach is crashed against by waves suspending large amounts of sandD waves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand are suspendedE waves crash against the beach, the suspending of large amounts of sand is

考题 单选题Maoris have adopted many aspects of()and more and more New Zealanders now share in the rich heritage of()A American culture/Asian cultureB Western culture/Asian cultureC American culture/Maori cultureD Western culture/Maori culture

考题 名词解释题砂培法

考题 单选题The fact that reproductions of sand paintings are now commercially available shows that ______.A modem technology has helped the mass production of sand paintingsB people have come to appreciate the healing effect of sand paintingsC modem people no longer believe in supernatural powerD people have realized the artistic value of sand paintings

考题 单选题下列哪一种是研究无机营养元素必需性的精确而又便捷的方法()A 土培B 水培C 蛭石培D 砂培