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search engine


更多 “search engine” 相关考题
考题 WebofScience的检索方法不包括以下哪项?() A、Search(来源文献检索)B、Cited Reference Search(引文检索)C、Structure Search(化学结构检索)D、Expert Search(专家检索)

考题 The search engines work by means of _________.A. arranging links to the InternetB. submitting specific search termC. updating a knowledge databaseD. searching engine spiders

考题 Baidu is the most popular ( ) with Chinese netizens (网民).A.search machineB.search engineC.research machineD.research engine

考题 搜索引擎是对搜索引擎(Search Engine)和搜索目录(Search Directory)的统称,是通过互联网进行网络营销的重要途径。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 permit a user to compose and transmit a message on an office automation system.A.Electronic mailB.DatagramC.MSN messageD.Search engine

考题 ---Ring off engine! ---Ring off engine! _________________A.Finished with engine!B.Engine rung off!C.Engine stand by!D.Got it.

考题 "Stand by an engine" meansA."prepare to stop the engine"B."assemble an engine on its bedplate"C."make an engine ready for starting"D."dismantle an engine"

考题 如何学习SEO(Search Engine Optimization),搜索引擎优化。 本人没有基础,想业余时间学习下SEO,怎样基础入门好?

考题 A pattern according to which vessels and / or aircraft may conduct a co-ordinated search is a ___________.A.Research patternB.Research modeC.Search patternD.Search and rescue mode

考题 共用题干 First Image-recognition Software1. Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues have created an artificial intelligence software that uses photos to locate documents on the Internet with far greater accuracy than ever before.2. The new system,which was tested on photos and is now being applied to videos,shows for the first time that a machine learning algorithm(运算法则)for image recognition and retrieval is ac-curate and efficient enough to improve large-scale document searches online.The system uses pix- el(像素)data in images and potentially video—rather than just text-to locate documents. It learns to recognize the pixels associated with a search phrase by studying the results from text-based image search engines. The knowledge gleaned(收集)from those results can then be ap-plied to other photos without tags or captions(图片说明),making for more accurate document search results.3 .“Over the last 30 years,”says Associate Professor Lorenzo Torresani,a co-author of the stud-“the Web has evolved from a small collection of mostly text documents to a modern,massive, fast-growing multimedia data set,where nearly every page includes multiple pictures or videos. When a person looks at a Web page, he immediately gets the gist(主旨)of it by looking at the pictures in it.Yet,surprisingly,all existing popular search engines,such as Google or Bing, strip away the information contained in the photos and use exclusively the text of Web pages to perform the document retrieval. Our study is the first to show that modern machine vision systems are accurate and efficient enough to make effective use of the information contained in image pix-els to improve document search.”The researchers designed and tested a machine vision system—a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed—that extracts semantic(语义的)information from the pixels of photos in Web pages. This information is used to enrich the description of the HTML page used by search engines for document retrieval.The researchers tested their approach using more than 600 search queries(查询)on a database of 50 million Web pa-ges.They selected the text-retrieval search engine with the best performance and modified it to make use of the additional semantic information extracted by their method from the pictures of the Web pages .They found that this produced a 30 percent improvement in precision over the original search engine purely based on text.A:using photosB: description of the HTML pageC: current popular search enginesD: document searchE: information in imagesF: machine vision systems

考题 共用题干 First Image-recognition Software1. Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues have created an artificial intelligence software that uses photos to locate documents on the Internet with far greater accuracy than ever before.2. The new system,which was tested on photos and is now being applied to videos,shows for the first time that a machine learning algorithm(运算法则)for image recognition and retrieval is ac-curate and efficient enough to improve large-scale document searches online.The system uses pix- el(像素)data in images and potentially video—rather than just text-to locate documents. It learns to recognize the pixels associated with a search phrase by studying the results from text-based image search engines. The knowledge gleaned(收集)from those results can then be ap-plied to other photos without tags or captions(图片说明),making for more accurate document search results.3 .“Over the last 30 years,”says Associate Professor Lorenzo Torresani,a co-author of the stud-“the Web has evolved from a small collection of mostly text documents to a modern,massive, fast-growing multimedia data set,where nearly every page includes multiple pictures or videos. When a person looks at a Web page, he immediately gets the gist(主旨)of it by looking at the pictures in it.Yet,surprisingly,all existing popular search engines,such as Google or Bing, strip away the information contained in the photos and use exclusively the text of Web pages to perform the document retrieval. Our study is the first to show that modern machine vision systems are accurate and efficient enough to make effective use of the information contained in image pix-els to improve document search.”The researchers designed and tested a machine vision system—a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed—that extracts semantic(语义的)information from the pixels of photos in Web pages. This information is used to enrich the description of the HTML page used by search engines for document retrieval.The researchers tested their approach using more than 600 search queries(查询)on a database of 50 million Web pa-ges.They selected the text-retrieval search engine with the best performance and modified it to make use of the additional semantic information extracted by their method from the pictures of the Web pages .They found that this produced a 30 percent improvement in precision over the original search engine purely based on text.The new system was found more effective in document search than the_______.A:using photosB: description of the HTML pageC: current popular search enginesD: document searchE: information in imagesF: machine vision systems

考题 共用题干 First Image-recognition Software1. Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues have created an artificial intelligence software that uses photos to locate documents on the Internet with far greater accuracy than ever before.2. The new system,which was tested on photos and is now being applied to videos,shows for the first time that a machine learning algorithm(运算法则)for image recognition and retrieval is accurate and efficient enough to improve large-scale document searches online. The system uses pixel(像素)data in images and potentially video-rather than just text-to locate documents. It learns to recognize the pixels associated with a search phrase by studying the results from text-based image search en-gines. The knowledge gleaned(收集)from those results can then be applied to other photos without tags or captions(图片说明),making for more accurate document search results.3. "Over the last 30 years,"says Associate Professor Lorenzo Torresani,a co-author of the stud-y,"the Web has evolved from a small collection of mostly text documents to a modern,massive, fast-growing multimedia data set,where nearly every page includes multiple pictures or videos. When a person looks at a Web page, he immediately gets the gist(主旨)of it by looking at the pictures in it.Yet,surprisingly,all existing popular search engines,such as Google or Bing, strip away the information contained in the photos and use exclusively the text of Web pages to perform the document retrieval. Our study is the first to show that modern machine vision systems are accurate and efficient enough to make effective use of the information contained in image pix- els to improve document search."4. The researchers designed and tested a machine vision system-a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed-that extracts semantic(语义的)information from the pixels of photos in Web pages. This information is used to enrich the description of the HTML page used by search engines for document retrieval.The researchers test-ed their approach using more than 600 search queries(查询)on a database of 50 million Web pages. They selected the text-retrieval search engine with the best performance and modified it to make use of the additional semantic information extracted by their method from the pictures of the Web pages.They found that this produced a 30 percent improvement in precision over the original search engine purely based on text. When performing document retrieval the existing search engines ignore______.A: using photosB: description of the HTML pageC: current popular search enginesD: document searchE: information in imagesF: machine vision systems

考题 Text 4 Alphabet Inc.'s most successful product-the Google search engine-may now be its most problematic.On Tuesday,the European Commission's top antitrust regulator levied a$2.7-billion fine against Alphabet and Google for the way the search engine handles requests for information about products.Specifically,Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said that Google twisted its results to bury links to rival companies'comparison shopping sites while prominently featuring its own service,Google Shopping.Google responded that it's simply trying to give users what they want and denied"favoring ourselves,or any particular site or seller."It has a lot at stake:Google has integrated many different offerings into its search engine,including its mapping and travel services.The principle advanced by Vestager,however,is a good one:Giant online companies shoulcl not be able to take advantage of their dominance in one field to hurt competitors in another.Google's argument is:It integrated Google Shopping,which offers links to products at sites that advertise on Google.into its search engine because that gave users quicker access to the information they were seeking.And in the United States,the key question in antitrust!aw is whether a company's behavior hurts users,not whether it hurts the company's competitors.European regulators focus more on competitors,but they really are two sides of the same coin.If competitors are unfairly closed out,the public can miss out on the very real benefits that vigorous competition provides.At the same time,it's undeniable that the public has welcomed virtual monopolies in search,social media and other services in the Internet era.A large part of the appeal of sites like Facebook and Twitter is that so many people use them.There's a network effect for social media apps in particular-the more people who use the service,the more valuable it becomes to them.Meanwhile,start-ups come out of nowhere to create whole new categories of must-have apps and proclucts online.That means dominant companies have to innovate too,or else they can easily change from today's thing to yesterday's.And often,that innovation involves finding a better way to do something that a competitor is doing.The challenge for regulators is to provide the big companies space to try new things without grossly disrupting the market,closing out other companies and reducing consumer choice,which will ultimately lead to less innovation.A good place to start is by focusing on cases where there is evidence of intentional undermining of competitors-where a dominant company alters the platform it provides not just to feature its own services,but to make it harder to find or use its rivals'. The European Commission fined Google for_____A.providing false information B.integrating multiple offerings C.manipulating search results D.defaming rival companies

考题 属于数据库营销的推广手段是什么()A、SEM(Search Engine Marketing)B、EDM(Email Direct Marketing)C、交换链接D、论坛营销

考题 以下表示搜索引擎营销的全称是?()A、Search Engine MarketingB、Meta Search EngineC、Search Engine OptimizationD、Site Management Organization

考题 下列选项中不是搜索引擎按其工作划分的是()。A、全文搜索引擎(Full Text Search Engine)B、目录索引类搜索引擎(Search Index/Directory)C、元搜索引擎(Meta Search Engine)D、单语种搜索引擎

考题 下列哪项不属于WileyInterScience电子期刊全文数据库提供的检索方式()。A、advance search高级检索B、CrossRef/Google Search(公共检索)C、search基本检索D、Subject Search主题检索

考题 ---Stand by engine! ---Stand by engine!()A、Engine stand by!B、Finished with engine!C、Engine by stand!D、OK.

考题 ---Ring off engine! ---Ring off engine! () A、Finished with engine!B、Engine rung off!C、Engine stand by!D、Got it.

考题 SEO搜索优化营销的常见术语有?()A、Paid ListingB、RankingC、Search Engine OptimizationD、Ranking Algorithm

考题 下列选项中不是搜索引擎按其工作划分的是()。A、全文搜索引擎(Full Text Search Engine)B、目录索引类搜索引擎(SearchIndex/Directory)C、元搜索引擎(Meta Search Engine)D、单语种搜索引擎

考题 Cisco Software Advisor allows you to search either for software that is compatible with your hardware or for software with the specific features you need. Identify two items that are only available for selection when searching for specific features? (Choose two.)()  A、 CategoryB、 TypeC、 SeriesD、 ModelE、 OSF、 Engine/CPU

考题 What IBM resource is a search engine used to match hardware and software requirements to help you maximize your sales opportunities? ()A、IBM Solutions and Options GuideB、IBM Configuration and Options GuideC、IBM Sizing GuidesD、IBM Server Proven

考题 单选题In a four-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at ().A half the engine speedB twice the engine speedC the engine speedD four times the engine speed

考题 单选题下列选项中不是搜索引擎按其工作划分的是()。A 全文搜索引擎(Full Text Search Engine)B 目录索引类搜索引擎(Search Index/Directory)C 元搜索引擎(Meta Search Engine)D 单语种搜索引擎

考题 单选题In conventional systems, the injection pressure(), while it’s()in common rail diesel engines.A fluctuates with the engine speed to some extent, independent of the engine speedB keeps constant at all engine speed, dependent on the engine speed to some extentC keeps constant at all engine speed, independent of the engine speedD is decided by the engine speed, constant at all engine speed

考题 单选题Which is false about engine trials?()A engine trails should be done after finishing the operation of turning the engine with the turning gear and starting the engine on air brieflyB in the operation of engine trails, the main engine should be running in low-speedC As to the ship equipment with twin main engine, engine trials should be done with one engine ahead and another engine astern at the same timeD the order “engine trials” should be given by the bridge