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获毒(取食)期(acquisition period)


更多 “获毒(取食)期(acquisition period)” 相关考题
考题 Which one of the following is not an acquisition method?A advertisingB invitationC negotiationD purchaseE all are acquisition methods

考题 73 Which one of the following is not an acquisition method?A. advertisingB. invitationC. negotiationD. purchaseE. all are acquisition methods

考题 毒饵站是指:鼠类能够自由进入取食而其他非靶标动物物(如如鸡、鸭、猫、狗、猪等)不能进入取食的,能盛放毒饵的的装置,也称毒盒。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The critical age for language acquisition refers to the qualitative difference in language acquisition before and after the age around fifteen.()

考题 成虫期是昆虫个体发育的最末一期,此时停止( ),成虫要行交配、产卵,故成虫期是昆虫的( )。A.生长和蜕皮 , 生殖时期B.生长和蜕皮 , 衰老期C.取食和运动 , 生殖时期D.取食和运动 ,衰老期

考题 地老虎主要危害苗床和移栽至团棵期的烟苗,3龄后幼虫食量增大,除取食嫩叶外,还常常取食烟苗基部,切断烟株,造成缺苗,大田期造成断行。此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 If the acquisition symbol flashes three times when acquisition is attempted,it may be possible that the acquisition symbol ________ over the navigation mark.A.is not positioned properlyB.is not a fixed positionC.is not at a position fixedD.is a wrong position

考题 Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition ().ALanguage acquisition is a process of habit formatioBLanguage acquisition is the species-specific property of human beingsCChildren are born with an innate ability to acquire languageDHumans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use

考题 地老虎主要危害苗床和移栽至团棵期的烟苗,3龄后幼虫食量增大,除取食嫩叶外,还常常取食烟苗基部,切断烟株、造成缺苗,大田期造成断行。A对B错

考题 成虫期是昆虫个体发育的最末一期,此时停止(),成虫要行交配、产卵,故成虫期是昆虫的()。A、生长和蜕皮,生殖时期B、生长和蜕皮,衰老期C、取食和运动,生殖时期D、取食和运动,衰老期

考题 地老虎主要危害苗床和移栽至团棵期的烟苗,3龄后幼虫食量增大,除取食嫩叶外,还常常取食烟苗基部,切断烟株、造成缺苗,大田期造成断行。

考题 利用害虫喜食的诱料与农药混合制成含毒食物,引诱害虫前来取食,从而毒杀害虫的方法称为()A、烟雾法B、诱杀法C、熏蒸法D、喷粉法

考题 储粮防护剂是一类残效期比较长的杀虫剂。从药剂进入害虫体内的途径来说,主要是()。A、取食作用B、触杀作用C、胃毒作用D、触杀作用和胃毒作用

考题 隐蔽期(eclipse period)

考题 药剂防治害虫的最佳时期是()。A、卵期B、幼龄幼虫(若虫)期C、大量取食的高龄幼虫(若虫)期D、成虫期

考题 昆虫取食、蜕皮、生长的时期为()。A、幼虫期B、卵期C、产卵期D、成虫期

考题 成虫期害虫大量取食和为害的时期,因此也是防治的关键时期。

考题 获毒(取食)期

考题 循回期(circulative period)

考题 头部是昆虫的()中心。A、取食和感觉B、取食和消化C、感觉和消化D、取食和新陈代谢

考题 单选题药剂防治害虫的最佳时期是()。A 卵期B 幼龄幼虫(若虫)期C 大量取食的高龄幼虫(若虫)期D 成虫期

考题 名词解释题隐蔽期(eclipse period)

考题 名词解释题获毒(取食)期

考题 单选题Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition ().A Language acquisition is a process of habit formatioB Language acquisition is the species-specific property of human beingsC Children are born with an innate ability to acquire languageD Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use

考题 名词解释题获毒(取食)期(acquisition period)

考题 名词解释题循回期(circulative period)

考题 单选题昆虫取食、蜕皮、生长的时期为()。A 幼虫期B 卵期C 产卵期D 成虫期