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诱发抗病性(inducing resistance)


更多 “诱发抗病性(inducing resistance)” 相关考题
考题 致发根质粒(rhizogen inducing plasmid俗称Ri质粒)

考题 抗病性(resistance to disease)

考题 致瘤质粒(tumor inducing plasmid,俗称为Ti质粒)

考题 诱发抗病性

考题 垂直抗病性(vertical resistance)

考题 诱发产生的抗病性有哪些?

考题 按照抗病机制,植物抗病性可以分为物理抗病性和化学抗病性。

考题 微效基因抗病性(minor gene resistance)

考题 非小种专化抗病性(race-nonspecific resistance)

考题 小种专化抗病性(race-specific resistance)

考题 主效基因抗病性(major gene resistance)

考题 试说明诱发抗病性的特点和可能的机制。

考题 According to Ohm’s Law, which of the following is correct?()A、As voltage increases, resistance decreasesB、As amperage decreases, resistance decreasesC、As resistance decreases, amperage increasesD、As resistance increases, voltage increases

考题 名词解释题诱发抗病性(inducing resistance)

考题 单选题If a voltmeter is connected across a line, it must be protected with a()A shuntB high-resistance coil in the armature circuitC low-resistance coil in the armature circuitD shunt and a coil of high resistance

考题 单选题Most conducting materials such as copper, aluminum, iron, nickel, and tungsten ().A increase in resistance with increased temperatureB increase in resistance with decreased temperatureC decrease in resistance with increased temperatureD increase in conductance with increased temperature

考题 判断题按照抗病机制,植物抗病性可以分为物理抗病性和化学抗病性。A 对B 错

考题 单选题垂直抗病性与水平抗病性不同之处主要在于垂直抗病性是()。A 小种特异抗病性B 主基因抗病性C 对各种病原小种的抗性接近一个水平D 呈现高抗或免疫

考题 问答题诱发产生的抗病性有哪些?

考题 问答题试说明诱发抗病性的特点和可能的机制。

考题 判断题交叉保护作用是一种诱发抗病性。A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题小种专化抗病性(race-specific resistance)

考题 名词解释题非小种专化抗病性(race-nonspecific resistance)

考题 单选题According to Ohm’s Law, which of the following is correct?()A As voltage increases, resistance decreasesB As amperage decreases, resistance decreasesC As resistance decreases, amperage increasesD As resistance increases, voltage increases

考题 名词解释题致发根质粒(rhizogen inducing plasmid俗称Ri质粒)

考题 名词解释题主效基因抗病性(major gene resistance)

考题 名词解释题微效基因抗病性(minor gene resistance)