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更多 “简述Java中path及classpath的作用。” 相关考题
考题 packagecom.company.application;publicclassMainClass{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){}}AndMainClassexistsinthe/apps/com/company/applicationdirectory.AssumetheCLASSPATHenvironmentvariableissetto.(currentdirectory).WhichtwojavacommandsenteredatthecommandlinewillrunMainClass?()A.javaMainClassifrunfromthe/appsdirectoryB.javacom.company.application.MainClassifrunfromthe/appsdirectoryC.java-classpath/appscom.company.application.MainClassifrunfromanydirectoryD.java-classpath.MainClassifrunfromthe/apps/com/company/applicationdirectoryE.java-classpath/apps/com/company/application:.MainClassifrunfromthe/appsdirectoryF.javacom.company.application.MainClassifrunfromthe/apps/com/company/applicationdirectory

考题 Given:And MainClass exists in the /apps/com/company/application directory. Assume the CLASSPATHenvironment variable is set to . (current directory). Which two java commands entered at the command line will run MainClass?()A.java MainClass if run from the /apps directoryB.java com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps directoryC.java -classpath /apps com.company.application.MainClass if run from any directoryD.java -classpath . MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directoryE.java -classpath /apps/com/company/application:. MainClass if run from the /apps directoryF.java com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directory

考题 JDK环境变量都设置好了,在DOS中输入JAVA-VERSION也对 可怎么javac就提示不是内部或外部命令呢环境变量如下CLASSPATH=.\%JAVA_HOME%\libJAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02"Path=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\TTKN\Bin;C:\Program Files\Rational\common

考题 java classpath设置问题,跪求高手解答! .;%JAVA_HOME%/lib/tools.jar;1.最前面那个点是干什么用的?2.tools.jar有哪些重要的类?多谢!

考题 下面关于path和classpath的说法中,错误的是() A、path用来指定java虚拟机(JVM)所在的目录B、classpath用来指定我们自己所写的或要用到的类文件(.jar文件)所在的目录C、在dos命令行中,classpath和path环境变量的查看与配置的方式不相同D、只要设置了classpath这个环境变量系统就不会再在当前目录下查询某个类

考题 下面关于classpath的说法中,错误的是()。 A、classpath和path环境变量的查看与配置的方式完全相同。B、为了让Java虚拟机能找到所需的class文件,就需要对classpath环境变量进行设置。C、从JDK5.0开始,如果classpath环境变量没有进行设置,Java虚拟机会自动将其设置为“.”,也就是当前目录。D、在命令行窗口中配置了classpath后,重新打开新命令行窗口依然生效

考题 若希望命令行窗口下,在任意路径中都可以使用java命令,那么应该()A、设置classpath环境变量B、设置path环境变量C、设置name环境变量

考题 package com.company.application; public class MainClass{ public static void main(String[]args){} } And Main Class exists in the/apps/com/company/application directory.Assume the CLASSPATH environment variable is set to“.”(currentdirectory).Which two java commands entered at the command line will run MainClass()A、java MainClass if run from the/apps directoryB、javacom.company.application.MainClass if run from the/apps directoryC、java-classpath/appscom.company.application.MainClass if run fro many directoryD、java-classpath.MainClass if run fromt he/apps/com/company/application directoryE、java-classpath/apps/com/company/application:.MainClass if run from the/apps directoryF、javacom.company.application.MainClassifrunfromthe/apps/com/company/application directory

考题 安装JDK之后如何设置JDK系统的PATH,CLASSPATH?他们的作用是什么?

考题 简述Java SE中3个内建的Annotation的作用。

考题 在Java中,关于CLASSPATH环境变量的说法不正确的是()。A、CLASSPATH一旦设置之后不可修改,但可以将目录添加到该环境变量中。B、编译器用它来搜索各自的类文件。C、CLASSPATH是一个目录列表。D、解释器用它来搜索各自的类文件。

考题 在Java中,关于CLASSPATH环境变量的说法,正确的有()。A、CLASSPATH一旦设置就不可修改,但可以将目录添加到该环境变量中B、编译器用它来搜索各自的类文件C、CLASSPATH是一个目录列表D、解释器用它来搜索各自的类文件

考题 安装JDK时,需要配置环境变量path、classpath和JAVA_HOME。

考题 下列关于classpath环境变量的说法中,哪一个是正确的()。A、classpath配置一次后可永久使用B、没有classpath环境变量就不能运行Java程序C、classpath环境变量可以让虚拟机找到class文件的目录D、查看当前classpath配置的命令是:classpath

考题 A class games.cards.Poker is correctly defined in the jar file Poker.jar. A user wants to execute the main method of Poker on a UNIX system using the command: java games.cards.Poker What allows the user to do this?()A、put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java,and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/javaB、put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java,and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/*.jarC、Put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java,and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/Poker.jarD、put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java/games/cards,and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/javaE、put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java/games/cards,and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/*.jarF、put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java/games/cards,and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/Poker.jar

考题 package com.company.application;  public class MainClass {  public static void main(String[] args) { }  }  And MainClass exists in the /apps/com/company/application directory. Assume the CLASSPATH environment variable is set to “.“ (current directory).  Which two java commands entered at the command line will run MainClass?()A、 java MainClass if run from the /apps directoryB、 java com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps directoryC、 java -classpath /apps com.company.application.MainClass if run from any directoryD、 java -classpath . MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directoryE、 java -classpath /apps/com/company/application:. MainClass if run from the /apps directoryF、 java com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directory

考题 A UNIX user named Bob wants to replace his chess program with a new one, but he is not sure where theold one is installed.  Bob is currently able to run a Java chess program starting from his home directory /home/bob using thecommand: java -classpath /test:/home/bob/downloads/*.jar games. Chess Bob’s CLASSPATH is set (at login time) to: /usr/lib:/home/bob/classes:/opt/java/lib:/opt/java/lib/*.jar What is a possible location for the Chess.class file?()A、/test/Chess.classB、/home/bob/Chess.classC、/test/games/Chess.classD、/usr/lib/games/Chess.classE、/home/bob/games/Chess.class

考题 问答题安装JDK之后如何设置JDK系统的PATH,CLASSPATH?他们的作用是什么?

考题 单选题You completed your Java procedure for your external Java function activity, and you now want todeploy this to your server. What would you do to deploy the Java procedure?()A take the Java sources (.java) files and include them in your $APPL_TOPB take the Java sources (.java) files and include them in your CLASSPATHC take the Java classes (.class) files and include them in your $APPL_TOPD take the Java classes (.class) files and include them in your CLASSPATH

考题 单选题下面关于path和classpath的说法中,错误的是()。A path用来指定java虚拟机(JVM)所在的目录B classpath用来指定我们自己所写的或要用到的类文件(.jar文件)所在的目录C 在dos命令行中,classpath和path环境变量的查看与配置的方式不相同D 只要设置了classpath这个环境变量系统就不会再在当前目录下查询某个类

考题 多选题Given: And MainClass exists in the /apps/com/company/application directory. Assume the CLASSPATH environment variable is set to "." (current directory). Which two java commands entered at the commandline will run MainClass?()Ajava MainClass if run from the /apps directoryBjava com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps directoryCjava -classpath /apps com.company.application.MainClass if run from any directoryDjava -classpath . MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directoryEjava -classpath /apps/com/company/application:. MainClass if run from the /apps directory

考题 单选题下列关于classpath环境变量的说法中,哪一个是正确的()。A classpath配置一次后可永久使用B 没有classpath环境变量就不能运行Java程序C classpath环境变量可以让虚拟机找到class文件的目录D 查看当前classpath配置的命令是:classpath

考题 单选题A class games.cards.Poker is correctly defined in the jar file Poker.jar. A user wants to execute the main method of Poker on a UNIX system using the command:java games.cards. Poker What allows the user to do this?()A put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/javaB put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/*.jarC put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/Poker.jarD put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java/games/cards, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java

考题 单选题下面关于classpath的说法中,错误的是()。A classpath和path环境变量的查看与配置的方式完全相同。B 为了让Java虚拟机能找到所需的class文件,就需要对classpath环境变量进行设置。C 从JDK5.0开始,如果classpath环境变量没有进行设置,Java虚拟机会自动将其设置为“.”,也就是当前目录。D 在命令行窗口中配置了classpath后,重新打开新命令行窗口依然生效

考题 判断题安装JDK时,需要配置环境变量path、classpath和JAVA_HOME。A 对B 错

考题 问答题简述Java SE中3个内建的Annotation的作用。

考题 单选题A class games.cards.Poker is correctly defined in the jar file Poker.jar.  A user wants to execute the main method of Poker on a UNIX system using the command:  java games.cards.Poker  What allows the user to do this?()A  put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/javaB  put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/*.jarC  Put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/Poker.jarD  put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java/games/cards, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/javaE  put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java/games/cards, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuffijava/*.jarF  put Poker.jar in directory /stuff/java/games/cards, and set the CLASSPATH to include /stuff/java/Poker.jar