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VPN即Virtual Private Network虚拟私用网,是利用Internet来传输()而形成的逻辑网络。


更多 “VPN即Virtual Private Network虚拟私用网,是利用Internet来传输()而形成的逻辑网络。” 相关考题
考题 VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)即虚拟局域网,是一种通过将局域网内的设备逻辑而不是物理划分成一个个网段从而实现虚拟工作组的技术。此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 下面不属于VPN的三种类型的是() A.远程访问虚拟网(Access VPN)B.企业内部虚拟网(Intranet VPN)C.企业扩展虚拟网(Extranet VPN)D.外部访问虚拟网

考题 You have a computer that runs Windows Vista. You create a virtual private network (VPN) connection between the computer and your company’s network.You notice that while the computer is connected through the VPN connection, users on the company network can access shared folders on the computer.You need to prevent network users from accessing your shared folders when you are connected to the company’s network by using the VPN connection.What should you do?()A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 You have a computer that runs Windows Vista.You connect to your company’s network by using a virtual private network (VPN) connection. You notice that when you establish the VPN connection, you are unable to access Internet Web sites. When you disconnect the VPN connection, you can access Internet Web sites.You need to access Internet Web sites while you are connected to the VPN connection.What should you do?()A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 Your portable computer has a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection configured. You need to connect to the VPN.What should you do?() A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 现在具有加密/解密功能的路由器使人们通过互联网连接这些局域网成为可能,这就是我们通常所说的虚拟专用网(Virtual Private Network,VPN),下列各项属于VPN所采用的加密手段的是(7)。A.具有加密功能的防火墙B.单独的加密设备C.具有加密功能的路由器D.VPN内的各台主机对各自的信息进行相应的加密

考题 A service provider wants to prevent the repeat of a denial of service (DoS) attack that recently disabled Internet access for several thousand customers. Which Cisco solution best matches this business need?()A.Network securityB.Virtual Private Network (VPN)C.Wireless networkD.Content networking

考题 在通信专业中,描述网络模式的缩写词VPN的英文全称是(),时隙英文通常翻译为()。A.Video Protected Network B.Visual Private Network C.Virtual Private Network D.Virtual Protected NetworkA.frame B.slot C.group D.set

考题 某公司的对外公开网站主页经常被黑客攻击后修改主页内容,该公司应当购买并部署下面哪个设备()?A、安全路由器B、网络审计系统C、网页防篡改系统D、虚拟专用网(Virtual Private Network,VPN)系统

考题 A service provider wants to prevent the repeat of a denial of service (DoS) attack that recently disabled Internet access for several thousand customers. Which Cisco solution best matches this business need?()A、Network securityB、Virtual Private Network (VPN)C、Wireless networkD、Content networking

考题 A service provider wants to prevent the repeat of a denial of service (DoS) attack that recently disabled Internet access for several thousand customers. Which Cisco solution best matches this business need?()A、Network securityB、Wireless networkC、Content networkingD、Virtual Private Network (VPN)

考题 虚拟专用网VPN(Virtual Private Network)是一种组网技术,但不是一种网络安全技术。

考题 虚拟私有网(VPN)从IETF的角度分为()。A、拨号VPNB、虚拟专线C、路由VPND、局域网VPN

考题 S9300支持的VPN类型有()A、VPDN(Virtual Private Dial Network)B、VPRN(Virtual Private Routing Network)C、VLL(Virtual Leased Line)D、VPLS(Virtual Private LAN Service)

考题 VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)即虚拟局域网是一种通过将局域网内的设备逻辑而不是物理划分成一个个网段从而实现虚拟工作组的技术。


考题 What is  reason the customer should install IBM DS8000 Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology for the Call Home function()A、to avoid using a more expensive dial-up modemB、to load new licensed internal codeC、to achieve more efficient and faster problem resolutionD、to enable capacity on demand

考题 What is one reason the customer should install IBM DS8000 Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology for the Call Home function()A、to avoid using a more expensive dial-up modemB、to load new licensed internal codeC、to achieve more efficient and faster problem resolutionD、to enable capacity on demand

考题 What is one reason the customer should install IBM System Storage DS8000 Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology for the Call Home function()A、to avoid using a more expensive dial-up modemB、to load new licensed internal codeC、to achieve more efficient and faster problem resolutionD、to enable capacity on demand

考题 为防止企业内部人员对网络进行攻击的最有效的手段是()。A、防火墙B、VPN(虚拟私用网)C、网络侵入侦测仪(如CYBERCOP)D、加密

考题 Your portable computer has a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection configured. You need to connect to the VPN.  What should you do?()A、Use the Mobile PC program.B、Use the Ease of Access program.C、Use the System and Maintenance program.D、Use the Network and Sharing Center program.

考题 某总部位于纽约的大型连锁超市公司一直通过租用卫星线路来保持总部和遍布全球的各个超市之间的信息交换,这些信息包括采购成本等敏感信息。现在,为了节省通讯费用,公司管理层考虑采用因特网来代替卫星线路。此时最适合采用的技术是:()A、VLAN(虚拟局域网:virtual local area network)B、PBX(专用分组交换机:private branch exchanges)C、VPN(虚拟专用网:virtual private network)D、VAN(增值网:value added network)

考题 单选题What is one reason the customer should install IBM DS8000 Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology for the Call Home function()A to avoid using a more expensive dial-up modemB to load new licensed internal codeC to achieve more efficient and faster problem resolutionD to enable capacity on demand

考题 单选题某公司的对外公开网站主页经常被黑客攻击后修改主页内容,该公司应当购买并部署下面哪个设备()?A 安全路由器B 网络审计系统C 网页防篡改系统D 虚拟专用网(Virtual Private Network,VPN)系统

考题 判断题虚拟专用网VPN(Virtual Private Network)是一种组网技术,但不是一种网络安全技术。A 对B 错

考题 填空题VPN即Virtual Private Network虚拟私用网,是利用Internet来传输()而形成的逻辑网络。

考题 单选题某总部位于纽约的大型连锁超市公司一直通过租用卫星线路来保持总部和遍布全球的各个超市之间的信息交换,这些信息包括采购成本等敏感信息。现在,为了节省通讯费用,公司管理层考虑采用因特网来代替卫星线路。此时最适合采用的技术是:()A VLAN(虚拟局域网:virtual local area network)B PBX(专用分组交换机:private branch exchanges)C VPN(虚拟专用网:virtual private network)D VAN(增值网:value added network)