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英译中:Deconsolidation center


更多 “ 英译中:Deconsolidation center” 相关考题
考题 The center of volume of the immersed portion of the hull is called the ______.A.center of buoyancyB.center of floationC.center of gravityD.tipping center

考题 A ship lists and trims about the ______.A.Center of gravityB.Center of buoyancyC.Center of flotationD.Centroid of the underwater volume

考题 In the presence of external forces, the center of buoyancy of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the ______.A.center of gravityB.metacenterC.center of flotationD.Keel

考题 Adjust the ()(中心稳索), please.A、center tapB、center point guyC、center guyD、center line block

考题 英译中:Regional distribution center

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考题 ()is a logistics center where most inbound goods are the whole truckload most outbound goods are small pieces. A、collecting centerB、collecting goods centerC、consolidation centerD、Deconsolidation center

考题 ()is a logistics center where most inbound goods are the whole truck and most outbound goods are pieces.A、Collection centerB、Collection goods centerC、Consolidation centerD、Deconsolidation center

考题 英译中:Process center

考题 单选题In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare?().A Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravityB Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravityC Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancyD Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity

考题 名词解释题英译中:Deconsolidation center

考题 名词解释题英译中:Regional distribution center

考题 名词解释题英译中:Process center