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Practice 4  ● Your company is planning to launch a new mode of cellphone. You have been asked to do some research and put forward a proposal.  ● Write your proposal, including the following:  ● when and where to launch the cellphone,  ● promotion activities to go with the launch,  ● possible benefits that the launch will bring to the company,  ● possible risks involved.  ● Write 200—250 words.


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更多 “问答题Practice 4  ● Your company is planning to launch a new mode of cellphone. You have been asked to do some research and put forward a proposal.  ● Write your proposal, including the following:  ● when and where to launch the cellphone,  ● promotion activities to go with the launch,  ● possible benefits that the launch will bring to the company,  ● possible risks involved.  ● Write 200—250 words.” 相关考题
考题 You, like many of your classmates, probably have been in such a situation where you are asked to do something to help a foreign friend. (翻译)

考题 Some of your belongings have been harmed during transit by a home-moving company.Write the company a letter to(1)file a claim,and(2)specify the items damaged You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)

考题 You have lost your cellphone charger at the hotel where you stayed during your vacation.Write a letter to the hotel aboul your item left behind.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address

考题 Some of your belongings have been harmed during transit by a home-moving company.Write the company a letter to 1)file a claim,and 2)specify the items damaged.You should write about 100 words neady on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming instead.Do not wnte your address.

考题 问答题Practice 6  ● You are the head of the Administrative Department of a company. The Managing Director has asked you to write a proposal for office health and safety provisions.  ● Write a proposal for the Managing Director:  ● giving reasons for writing the proposed proposal  ● summarizing the problems that have been raised concerning office health and safety  ● giving the main causes of the possible accidents  ● suggesting new provisions of office health and safety.  ● Write 200~250 words on the separate answer paper provided.

考题 问答题Practice 5  ● You are on a business trip to one of your company’s factories in Paris to inspect some machines in trouble. You are asked to report to your Department Manager about your work progress there.  ● Write a memo  ● telling him what you have done so far,  ● stating what the trouble is,  ● saying what you are going to do next.  ● Write 40—50 words on the opposite page.

考题 问答题Practice 12  ● You work in a company which deals with industrial waste. You have read about a new kind of pump which could save your company thousands of dollars in servicing and maintenance costs.  ● Write a memo of 30—40 words to your Head of Department saying:  ● where you read about the new pump,  ● why you think it could be a good investment,  ● how you might get more information about it.

考题 问答题Practice 5  ● Your company has decided to invest some of this year’s exceptionally high profits in one of the following areas:  ● New company buses  ● Culture comparative Courses  ● Special bonus payments.  ● You have been asked to write a report recommending how the profits should be invested and what benefits they would bring respectively.  ● Write 200-250 words on your Answer Sheet.

考题 问答题Practice 3  ● You have been informed that Mary Owen from the Medical Records Department of your company is going to retire next month, and your company will held a party in her honor.  ● Write an email to all staff in your department:  ● Saying what time and where the party will be held,  ● Saying what the party will include,  ● Saying what the employees should do.  ● Write 60-80 words.

考题 问答题Practice 6  ● Your company wants to choose a new Overseas Sales Manager. You are asked to draft a want-advertisement to be posted on the Internet of your company.  ● Write an e-mail to all staff:  ● stating what position is wanted and what abilities are required,  ● saying what documents are needed when applying,  ● pointing out for how long this position holds.  ● Write 30—40 words on the opposite page.

考题 问答题Practice 1  Discussion—about 5 minutes  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.  For two candidates  Program for New Staff  Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation.  Discuss and decide together:  ● why poor time management can become a major problem in companies.  ● what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.

考题 问答题Practice 1  ● You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.  ● Write a memo to staff:  ● explaining why the courses are necessary,  ● saying which members of staff should attend,  ● announcing when the courses will start.  ● Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

考题 问答题Practice 4  ● A foreign business associate is visiting your company for three days. You have been asked to organize the visit and plan appropriate entertainment.  ● Write a letter to the visitor outlining a timetable for the visit and describing the activities you have planned.  ● Write 200-250 words on your Answer Sheet.

考题 问答题Practice 11  ● You are the Manager of a small printing company. A new employee, Mark McCabe, is joining your company on 10th May.  ● Write a short memo to your office administrator.  ● Saying who is starting work and when;  ● Telling him what Mark McCabe’s desk should be put;  ● Suggesting where Mark McCabe’s job will be.  ● Write 30—40 words on your answer sheet.

考题 问答题Practice 4  ● Your manager is keen to improve work efficiency among the staff. He has asked you to introduce to your fellow staff members practices to improve time management.  ● Write the report for your manager, including the following information:  ● the importance of planning work time effectively,  ● practices to improve time management,  ● steps to follow in carrying out the practices.

考题 问答题Practice 1  You have read the following advertisement on the Morning Post, an English newspaper.  Write an application letter to the hotel manager. Your letter should include:  (1) reasons for your application  (2) a request for an interview  You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin” instead. You do not need to write the address.

考题 问答题Practice 6  Discussion—about 5 minutes  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.  Time Management  Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation.  Discuss, and decide together:  ● Why poor time management can become a major problem in companies  ● What procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.

考题 问答题Practice 3  ● You are going to inform your subordinates of a meeting on sales promotion.  ● Write a memo to area sales managers saying:  ● When and where the meeting will be held;  ● What materials should they prepare.  ● Write about 30—40 words.

考题 问答题You have been asked to organize a special event as part of the school’s English Book Week. Suggestions include a book sale, poetry readings and an opportunity to meet the author of one of your English course books.  Write a notice for the school notice board to advertise the event.  In your notice:  ★ describe the kind of event you are planning  ★ state exactly where and when it will be held  ★ ask for volunteers to help with preparations  ★ say how you can be contacted  You should write no fewer than 100 words on the answer sheet.

考题 问答题Practice 1  ● Your company ordered from Maximum Company 50 tables. But when the goods arrived, you found that the sides of nearly all the tables are badly scratched. The damage appears to have been caused by rough handling before dispatch.  ● You are asked to write to Mr. Cooper, sales manager of Maximum, and complain about the damage.  ● Write about 60—80 words.

考题 问答题Practice 2  ● Your company has decided to protect itself safer from industrial espionage. You have been asked to put forward a proposal concerning this.  ● Write your proposal, including the following:  ● identifying the problems with security,  ● suggesting possible measures to be taken,  ● mentioning possible dissatisfactions from within with the policy,  ● recommendations for how to make the staff happy with it.  ● Write 200—250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 2  ● Recently your company is planning to bid for hosting an exhibition and now the manager of your company has asked you to write a letter to the organizing committee to introduce your company to them.  ● Write a letter to introduce the details about your company.  ● introducing the department structure and service,  ● introducing previous exhibitions you have hosted,  ● expressing your confidence in the success if you are permitted to host it.

考题 问答题Practice 3  ● Your manager is considering whether to purchase or to rent a new company premise. He has asked you to write a report concerning this.  ● Write a report for your manager, including the following information:  ● what you know about the premise,  ● why it is good for you to take the relevant action,  ● how your company would benefit from it.  ● Write 200-250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 9  ● You are the Purchasing Manager for a large company. Last month you decided to look for a new supplier for the stationery and office equipment that your company uses. You have found a new supplier, Compass Office Goods Ltd.  ● Write a memo to your company’s department heads:  ● explaining why you looked for a new supplier.  ● saying who the new supplier is.  ● asking for feedback about the goods that they supply.  ● Write 40—50 words.

考题 问答题Practice 7  ● Your company has planned three training courses:Foreign Language Development, Changes in Technology, Management Skills.  ● You have been asked to write a report, recommending the course you think would be most useful for people who do the same kind of job as you.  ● Write the report, saying which course you have chosen.  ● Explain why you feel it would be the most useful and why the others are not so suitable.  ● Write 200-250 words on your Answer Sheet.

考题 问答题Practice 2  ● You work in a company which deals with industrial waste. You have read about a new kind of pump which could save your company thousands of dollars in service and maintenance costs.  ● Write a memo to your Head of Department saying:  ● where you read about the new pump  ● why you think it could be a good investment  ● how you might get more information about it.  ● Write 40—50 words on a separate sheet.

考题 问答题Practice 1  ● You work for a large company. You are going to be transferred to another department within your company.  ● Write an email to all staff:  ● telling them which department you are moving to  ● saying when you will be moving department  ● explaining what your new responsibility will be.  ● Write 40-50 words.