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Which of the following BEST describes RAID 10?()

Mirroring with striping


Mirroring with fault tolerance




Striping with distributed parity


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更多 “单选题Which of the following BEST describes RAID 10?()A Mirroring with stripingB Mirroring with fault toleranceC StripingD Striping with distributed parity” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following BEST describes the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6?() A. RAID 5 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 6 does not.B. RAID 6 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 5 does not.C. RAID 6 uses more parity drives than RAID 5.D. RAID 5 uses more parity drives than RAID 6.

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 5?() A. Fault tolerance and failure recoveryB. Fault tolerance and zero configurationC. Zero configuration and high performanceD. High performance and fault tolerance

考题 Which of the following RAID arrays should be used to achieve the BEST fault tolerance?() A. Four drives with RAID 0B. Four drives with RAID 3C. Four drives with RAID 5D. Four drives with RAID 10

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 10?() A. Mirroring with stripingB. Mirroring with fault toleranceC. StripingD. Striping with distributed parity

考题 Which of the following RAID levels would be the BEST choice if performance was the only determining factor?() A. RAID 0B. RAID 1C. RAID 5D. RAID 10

考题 Which of the following BEST describes a benefit of RAID 0?() A. High fault toleranceB. Ease of failure recoveryC. High performanceD. No configuration

考题 Which of the following RAID levels would provide the BEST performance with no fault protection?()A、 RAID 0B、 RAID 1C、 RAID 3D、 RAID 5

考题 Which of the following RAID levels provides the BEST read and write performance?()A、RAID 0B、RAID 1C、RAID 5D、RAID 10

考题 Which of the following RAID arrays should be used to achieve the BEST fault tolerance?()A、Four drives with RAID 0B、Four drives with RAID 3C、Four drives with RAID 5D、Four drives with RAID 10

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 10?()A、 Mirroring with stripingB、 Mirroring with fault toleranceC、 StripingD、 Striping with distributed parity

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 5?()A、Fault tolerance and failure recoveryB、Fault tolerance and zero configurationC、Zero configuration and high performanceD、High performance and fault tolerance

考题 Which of the following BEST describes a benefit of RAID 0?()A、High fault toleranceB、Ease of failure recoveryC、High performanceD、No configuration

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 5?()A、 RAID 5 is data striping across all drives.B、 RAID 5 is data striping with a dedicated parity drive.C、 RAID 5 is striped sets with two sets of parity striped across all drives.D、 RAID 5 is striped sets with parity striped across all drives.

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 1?()A、MirroringB、StripingC、Striping with parityD、Striping with mirroring

考题 Which of the following RAID levels would be the BEST choice if performance was the only determining factor?()A、 RAID 0B、 RAID 1C、 RAID 5D、 RAID 10

考题 Which of the following BEST describes the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6?()A、 RAID 5 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 6 does not.B、 RAID 6 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 5 does not.C、 RAID 6 uses more parity drives than RAID 5.D、 RAID 5 uses more parity drives than RAID 6.

考题 Which of the following RAID levels would provide the BEST performance with no fault protection?()A、RAID0B、RAID1C、RAID3D、RAID5

考题 Which of the following RAID levels provide the best performance for a system where there are mostly writes occurring?()A、 RAID 0B、 RAID 1C、 RAID 3D、 RAID 5

考题 单选题Which of the following RAID levels would be the BEST choice if performance was the only determining factor?()A  RAID 0B  RAID 1C  RAID 5D  RAID 10

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes a benefit of RAID 0?()A High fault toleranceB Ease of failure recoveryC High performanceD No configuration

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6?()A  RAID 5 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 6 does not.B  RAID 6 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 5 does not.C  RAID 6 uses more parity drives than RAID 5.D  RAID 5 uses more parity drives than RAID 6.

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6?()A RAID 5 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 6 does not.B RAID 6 uses a dedicated parity drive and RAID 5 does not.C RAID 6 uses more parity drives than RAID 5.D RAID 5 uses more parity drives than RAID 6.

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes RAID 0?()A  Striping with parityB  Striping with mirroringC  MirroringD  Striping

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes RAID 10?()A  Mirroring with stripingB  Mirroring with fault toleranceC  StripingD  Striping with distributed parity

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes a benefit of RAID 0?()A  High fault toleranceB  Ease of failure recoveryC  High performanceD  No configuration

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes a virtual machine?()A HostB VDIC Hyper-VD Guest

考题 单选题Which of the following BEST describes RAID 5?()A  RAID 5 is data striping across all drives.B  RAID 5 is data striping with a dedicated parity drive.C  RAID 5 is striped sets with two sets of parity striped across all drives.D  RAID 5 is striped sets with parity striped across all drives.

考题 单选题Which of the following best describes the age of the data in an OLTP system?()A CurrentB ProjectedC HistoricalD Current and projected