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An instrument that indicates wind direction is known as a(n)().

weather vane,wind vane or wind sock






sling psychrometer


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更多 “单选题An instrument that indicates wind direction is known as a(n)().A weather vane,wind vane or wind sockB hydrometerC hygrometerD sling psychrometer” 相关考题
考题 SHIFT OF WIND DIRECTION IN AN ANTICLOCKWISE MANNER, FOR EXAMPLE FROM NORTH TO WEST ( OPPOSITE OF VEERING ) defines ______.A.Backing (of wind)B.Veering (of wind)C.Shifting of windD.altering of wind

考题 阅读以下说明和Java程序,填补代码中的空缺(1)~(5),将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 对部分乐器进行建模,其类图如图6-1所示,包括:乐器(Instrument)、管乐器(Wind)、打击乐器( Percussion)、弦乐器(Stringed)、木管乐器(Woodwind)、铜管乐器(Brass)。图6-1 类图 下面是实现上述设计的Java代码,其中音乐类(Music)使用各类乐器(Instrument)进行演奏和调音等操作。【Java代码】 enum Note{ /* 枚举各种音调 */ MIDD[LE_C, C_SHARP, B_FLAT; //其他略 } interface Instrument { /* 接口,乐器 */ (1) ; //play方法接口 void adjust() ; //adjust方法接口 } class Wind (2) { public void play(Note n) { System.out.println(Wind.play()+n); } public void adjust() { System.out.println(Wind.adjust()); } } /* 类Percussion和Stringet实现代码略 */ class Brass (3) { public void play(Note n) { System.out.println(Brass.play()+n); } public void adjust () { System.out.println(Brass.adjust()); } } class Woodwind extends Wind { public void play (Note n) { System.out.println(Woodwind.play()+n); } } public void tune(Instrument i) { i.play(Note.MIDDLE_C); } void adjust(Instrument i) { i.adjust(); } void tuneAll (4) e ) { class Music { for(lnstrument i : e) { adjust(i); tune(i); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Music music= (5) Music(); Instrument[] orchestra={ new Wind(), new Woodwind() }; music.tuneAll(orchestra); } 奉程序运行后的输出结果为: Wind.adjust() Wind.play() MIDDLE_C Wind.adjust() Woodwind.play() MIDDLE_C

考题 The numeral in the center of a wind rose circle on a pilot chart indicates the ______.A.total number of observationsB.average wind force on the Beaufort scaleC.average wind force in knotsD.percentage of calms

考题 The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the ______.A.cloud movementB.vessel headingC.wavesD.swells

考题 When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the ______.A.direction the wind is blowing towardB.direction the wind is blowing fromC.duration of the maximum gust of windD.wind chill factor

考题 You are located within a stationary high pressure area.Your aneroid barometer is falling very slowly.This indicates a(n)______.A.Wind shift of 180°B.Large increase in wind velocityC.Decrease in the intensity of the systemD.Increase in the intensity of the system

考题 A wind vane on a moving vessel shows ______.A.dead reckoning wind directionB.true wind directionC.apparent wind directionD.estimated wind direction

考题 An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.A.apparent wind speed onlyB.true wind speed and true wind directionC.true wind speed onlyD.apparent wind speed and true wind direction

考题 Changing direction by bringing the stern of the vessel through the eye of the wind is known as _______.A.jibingB.running before the windC.ReefingD.tacking

考题 In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ______.A.changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etcB.changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east, etcC.changes direction violently and erraticallyD.remains constant in direction and speed

考题 阅读下列说明、C++代码和运行结果,填补代码中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 [说明] 对部分乐器进行建模,其类图如下图所示,包括:乐器(Instrument)、管乐器(Wind)、打击乐器(Percussion)、弦乐器(Stringed)、木管乐器(Woodwind)、铜管乐器(Brass)。 类图 下面是实现上述设计的C++代码,其中音乐类(Music)使用各类乐器(Instrument)进行演奏和调音等操作。 using namespace std; enum Note(/*枚举各种音调*/ MIDDLE_C,C_SHARP,B_FLAT }; classInstrument{/*抽象基类,乐器*/ public: ______; //play函数接口 virtual voidadjust()=0; //adjust函数接口 }; class Wind ______{ public: void play(Note n) { cout<<"Wind.play() "<<n<<endl; } void adjust(){cout<<"Wind.adjust()"<<endl; } ); /*类Percussion和Stringed实现代码略*/ class Brass ______{ public: void play(Note n) {cout<<"Brass.play() "<<n<<endl; } void adjUSt(){cout<<"Brass.adjust()"<<endl;) }; classWoodwind:public Wind{ public: void play(Note n) { cout<<"Woodwind.play()"<<n<<endl; } }; class MusiC { public: voidtune(Instrument*i) { i->play(MIDDLE_C.; } voidadjust(Instrument*i){ i->adjust(); } void tuneAll(______ e[],int numIns){ /*为每个乐器定调*/ for(int i=0; i<numIns; i++){ this->tune(e[i]); this->adjust(e[i]); } } }; /*使用模板定义一个函数size,该函数将返回数组array的元素个数,实现代码略*/ int main(){ Music*music=______ Music(); Instrument*orchestra[]={new Wind(),new Woodwind() }; music->tuneAll(orchestra,size(orchestra));/*size返回数组orchestra的元素个数*/ for(int i=0;i<size(orchestra);i++) deleteorchestra[i]; delete music; } 本程序运行后的输出结果为: Wind.play()0 Wind.adjust() Woodwind.play()0 Wind.adjust()

考题 阅读以下说明和Java程序,填补代码中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 [说明] 对部分乐器进行建模,其类图如下图所示,包括:乐器(Instrument)、管乐器(Wind)、打击乐器(Percussion)、弦乐器(Stringed)、木管乐器(Woodwind)、铜管乐器(Brass)。 类图 下面是实现上述设计的Java代码,其中音乐类(Music)使用各类乐器(Instrument)进行演奏和调音等操作。 [Java代码] enum Note{/*枚举各种音调*/ MIDDLE_C,C_SHARP,B_FLAT; //其他略 } interfaceInstrument {/*接口,乐器*/ ______; //play方法接口 void adjust(); //adjust方法接口 } class Wind ______{ public voidplay(Note n) { System.out.println("Wind.play()"+n); } public void adjust(){System.out.println("Wind.adjust()");} } /*类Percussion和Stringed实现代码略*/ class Brass ______{ public voidplay(Note n) {System.out.println("Brass.play()"+n); } public voidadjust(){System.out.println("BrasS.adjust()");) } Class Woodwindextends Wind{ publicvoidplay(Note n){System.out.println("Woodwind.play()"+n); } } public classMusic{ voidtune(Instrument_i){i.play(Note.MIDDLE_C.; } voidadjust(Instrument i){i.adjust(); } voidtuneAll(______ e){ for(Instrumenti:e){ adjust(i); tune(i); } } public Static voidmain(String[] args){ Music music=______ Music(); Instrument[]orchestra={new Wind(), new Woodwind() }; music.tuneAll(orchestra); } } 本程序运行后的输出结果为: Wind.adjust() Wind.play()MIDDLE_C Wind.adjust() Woodwind.play()MIDDLE_C

考题 单选题In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and().A the direction of the true windB true northC the beam on the windward sideD the beam on the lee side

考题 单选题Changing direction by bringing the stern of the vessel through the eye of the wind is known as().A jibingB running before the windC tackingD reefing

考题 单选题When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the().A direction the wind is blowing towardB direction the wind is blowing fromC duration of the maximum gust of windD wind chill factor

考题 单选题When reporting wind direction, you should give the direction in().A true degreesB magnetic compass degreeC relative degreesD isobaric degrees

考题 单选题()generally indicates that a gale or storm is approaching.A Falling barometric pressureB Rising barometric pressureC The circulations of windsD The change of wind direction

考题 单选题In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind().A Changes direction clockwise,as from north to east,etcB Changes direction violently and erraticallyC Remains constant in direction and speedD Changes direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,etc

考题 单选题An instrument that indicates wind direction is known as a(n)().A weather vane,wind vane or wind sockB hydrometerC hygrometerD sling psychrometer

考题 单选题What term indicates a curvature of the decks in a longitudinal direction?()A DeadriseB CamberC SheerD Flare

考题 单选题When a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, it is().A variableB changingC backingD veering

考题 单选题The velocity of the wind,its steady direction,and the amount of time it has blown determines a wind driven current’s().A temperatureB densityC deflectionD speed

考题 单选题The overall set in Malacca straight is to the NW, but from May to September there is a tendency for SE sets to prevail in some N and central parts.In this sentence,“set”refers to().A The direction of traffic flowB The direction of currentC The direction of monsoonD The direction of wind

考题 单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().A apparent wind speed onlyB true wind speed and true wind directionC true wind speed onlyD apparent wind speed and true wind direction

考题 单选题The numeral in the center of a wind rose circle on a pilot chart indicates the ().A total number of observationsB average wind force on the Beaufort scaleC average wind force in knotsD percentage of calms

考题 单选题A wind blows round anticlockwise defines().A backing ( of wind )B beach ( to )C veering ( of wind )D maintaining direction of the wind

考题 单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,the right half of the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because().A the wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's trackB the direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the stormC the seas are higher because of greater wind speedD All of the above

考题 单选题A line of clouds,sharp changes in wind direction,and squalls are most frequently associated with a(n)().A occluded frontB warm frontC cold frontD warm sector