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主要消耗(Main Consumption)


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更多 “名词解释题主要消耗(Main Consumption)” 相关考题
考题 Henry cannot resist the lure of drugs.A.abuseB.flavorC.temptationD.consumption

考题 Many people see pollution as only. part of______.A. the environmental balanceB. our daily lifeC. the consumption of goods by manD. the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods

考题 价格--消费曲线(Pric-consumption curve)

考题 In ten years, the grain consumption of our town decreased with 20%.()

考题 下列需要分配计入“直接材料”成本项目的是()。A.多个产品共同消耗的辅助材料 B.车间消耗的主要材料 C.车间消耗的辅助材料 D.多个产品共同消耗的主要材料 E.管理部门消耗的主要材料

考题 翻译:speed and consumption

考题 主要原材料消耗包括()。A、有效消耗B、工艺损耗C、非工艺损耗D、无效消耗

考题 主要原材料消耗的构成包括三个部分,即()、工艺性消耗和非工艺性消耗。A、有效性消耗B、无效性消耗C、产品净重消耗D、产品毛重消耗

考题 下列需要分配计入“直接材料”成本项目的是()。A、某产品直接消耗的主要材料B、车间消耗的主要材料C、车间消耗的辅助材D、多个产品共同消耗的主要材料

考题 物资消耗定额可以分为()A、工艺消耗定额和非工艺消耗定额B、工艺消耗定额和工艺性辅助材料消耗C、主要原材料消耗和工艺性辅助消耗D、工艺性辅助消耗和废品消耗

考题 变换工序的主要消耗定额是蒸汽消耗量。

考题 甲醇主要消耗在哪里?如何降低甲醇消耗?

考题 Consumption 消费

考题 评价燃料消耗的指标主要有()A、燃料总消耗量B、单位实际消耗C、燃料消耗定额比D、燃料月度消耗

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考题 工艺消耗定额包括()A、工艺消耗定额和非工艺消耗定额B、工艺消耗定额和工艺性辅助材料消耗C、主要原材料消耗和工艺性辅助消耗D、工艺性辅助消耗和废品消耗

考题 单选题One major disadvantage of a low-speed diesel as compared to a steam main-propulsion system is().A the extra weight required for the diesel reduction gearingB a minimum speed for the engines that limits the minimum speed of the vesselC the higher fuel consumption per SHPD the low efficiency of the system when a controllable pitch propeller is used

考题 单选题What is in common between Sweden and Finland on alcohol issue?A They have the same alcohol culture.B Both have a decline in alcohol consumption in recent years among the youth,C Increase in alcohol consumption is partly due to import from their neighboring countries.D There was once a tax cut on alcohol in both countries.

考题 单选题下列需要分配计入“直接材料”成本项目的是()。A 某产品直接消耗的主要材料B 车间消耗的主要材料C 车间消耗的辅助材D 多个产品共同消耗的主要材料

考题 单选题主要原材料消耗的构成包括三个部分,即()、工艺性消耗和非工艺性消耗。A 有效性消耗B 无效性消耗C 产品净重消耗D 产品毛重消耗

考题 单选题When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder,().A the exhaust will be clearB fuel consumption will be lowC all the fuel will be burned at top dead centerD fuel consumption will be high

考题 名词解释题价格--消费曲线(Pric-consumption curve)

考题 问答题翻译:speed and consumption

考题 单选题物资消耗定额可以分为()A 工艺消耗定额和非工艺消耗定额B 工艺消耗定额和工艺性辅助材料消耗C 主要原材料消耗和工艺性辅助消耗D 工艺性辅助消耗和废品消耗

考题 单选题Fuel oil transfer systems used onboard diesel propelled vessels are required to have ().A two fuel oil transfer pumps provided where one is to be independent of the main engineB two fuel oil transfer pumps, with a combined capacity exceeding the maximum consumption of the main engineC engine driven transfer pumps and only used in constant speed applicationsD the capacity of the engine driven pump exceed the consumption rate of the engine to which it is attached

考题 单选题Which of the following Cool Blue technologies will help energy consumption budgeting of System x servers based upon current actual consumption? ()A IBM Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool (SSCT)B IBM Active Energy ManagerC Rear Door Heat eXchangerD IBM Power Configurator

考题 多选题评价燃料消耗的指标主要有()A燃料总消耗量B单位实际消耗C燃料消耗定额比D燃料月度消耗