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他说要来参加晚会,后来却又改变主意了。 (change one's mind)


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更多 “问答题他说要来参加晚会,后来却又改变主意了。 (change one's mind)” 相关考题
考题 Nobody in ( ) right mind would do such a thing. A、hisB、theirsC、herD、one's

考题 他答应来参加晚会的,但是整个晚上他都没有出现。(show up) (中译英)

考题 In the author's opinion, visual and spatial abilities are good for ______.A) achieving one's objectsB) mind and bodyC) programming talents into the brainD) imagination and communication

考题 Which is NOT seen as a lesson drawn from the Enron disaster?( ) A.401(k) assets should be placed in more than one investment option. B.Employees have to take up responsibilities for themselves. C.Such events could happen again as it is not easy to change people’s mind. D.Economic security won’t be taken for granted by future young workers.

考题 《欧也妮•葛朗台》第九章,写老葛朗台看见查理母亲的梳妆匣,“像饿虎”一般扑去抢夺,即便女儿拿起刀子准备拼命,也没有改变主意。但后来,他却突然改变了态度。请简述他转变态度的原因及表现。

考题 奠定了哲学的基础,却又给后来的哲学家们留下“二元论”难题是()。

考题 问答题Practice 1  情景:John去找Smith,请他参加年度英语晚会,正巧他不在。  任务:请你以John的名义用英语给Smith写一张50词左右的便条。  内容包括:  ·你何时来的;  ·邀请他去参加年度英语晚会,正巧他不在:  ·年度英语晚会的时间和地点;  ·晚会都有哪些节目;  ·请他尽快跟你联系。  要求:格式准确,表达清楚,字迹工整。  参考词汇:年度英语晚会(the annual English evening)  请用下面格式。Aug. 17th, 2010  Dear Smith,  …John

考题 问答题他说要来参加晚会,后来却又改变主意了。 (change one's mind)

考题 问答题Change just one letter in each word to find a familiar phrase.  MALE FOOD

考题 判断题同学们都参加了学校组织的元旦晚会,但是那天我和李明放假回家了,没能赶回来,所以没去,现在想起来真是太遗憾了。★我和李明参加了晚会。(  )A 对B 错

考题 单选题他本来打算去新疆旅游,临时又改变了主意。问:这句话讲了他的什么事?A 去了新疆B 去过新疆C 不去新疆了D 从新疆回来了

考题 单选题我就怕李刚临时改变主意,咱们又去不成了。问:说话人是什么意思?A 他很想去B 他不想去C 他改变主意了D 他很害怕李刚

考题 单选题The TPC curve,one of the hydrostatic curves in a vessel’s plans,gives the number of tons().A necessary to change the angle of list 1°at a given draftB necessary to change trim 1 cm at a given draftC pressure per square cm on the vessel's hull at a given draftD necessary to further immerse the vessel 1 cm at a given draft

考题 单选题According to the author, sleeping habits ______.A are related to the amount of sleepB are inherited from the parentsC vary from person to personD would not change in one’s lifetime

考题 单选题上次他没来参加晚会,所以我跟他翻脸了。A 结束B 转身C 生气D 着急

考题 问答题观众在参加晚会时应注意哪些礼仪?

考题 单选题Never ______ the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person’s life.A underestimate B overvalueC misuseD dismiss

考题 单选题Which is NOT seen as a lesson drawn from the Enron disaster?A The 401(k) assets should be placed in more than one investment option.B Employees have to take up responsibilities for themselves.C Such events could happen again as it is not easy to change people’s mind.D Economic security won’t be taken for granted by future young workers.

考题 单选题王明寒假本来不打算回家了,可后来又改变了主意。问:这句话讲了王明的什么事?A 准备回家B 不愿意回家C 准备离开家D 打算离开家

考题 填空题奠定了哲学的基础,却又给后来的哲学家们留下“二元论”难题是()。

考题 单选题It's too late to change your mind now, so there's no point in()tears over it.A discardingB streamingC sheddingD flowing

考题 问答题他宁愿一个人呆着也不愿去参加晚会。

考题 问答题《欧也妮•葛朗台》第九章,写老葛朗台看见查理母亲的梳妆匣,“像饿虎”一般扑去抢夺,即便女儿拿起刀子准备拼命,也没有改变主意。但后来,他却突然改变了态度。请简述他转变态度的原因及表现。

考题 单选题只要决定A的事B,就别想C让他改变D主意。了A AB BC CD D

考题 填空题Why is divorce in Australia now easy?  Because all one has to do is change one’s ____

考题 单选题男:你也去参加晚会吧,今天来的人多。女:我真想去,可是你看看身边这么多事,我能离开吗?问:女的为什么不去参加晚会?A 身体不舒服B 晚会人太多C 工作太忙了D 地点太远了

考题 单选题昨天你没来参加我的生日晚会,怎么了?A 感冒了B 参加了C 过生日D 开晚会

考题 填空题我本来已经打算放弃了,____他的话让我改变了主意。