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Why do a few governments take timid measures toward smoking?

Because they are afraid of people.


Because diseases cost a lot.


Because they are afraid of reducing their revenue.


Because they are afraid of manufacturers.


由Excerpt 2可知,第一段提到,有些政府对于吸烟采取一些怯懦的措施,第二段分析了原因——答案很简单,就是为了钱,接着指出,单是烟草税收一项,政府就从吸烟者身上征收到足以支付整个教育开支的费用。这说明,原因是反对吸烟就会减少税收。故C项为正确答案。
更多 “单选题Why do a few governments take timid measures toward smoking?A Because they are afraid of people.B Because diseases cost a lot.C Because they are afraid of reducing their revenue.D Because they are afraid of manufacturers.” 相关考题
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