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He()driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby

insisted on


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insisted in


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更多 “单选题He()driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearbyA insisted onB insisted atC insisted thatD insisted in” 相关考题
考题 BPaul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve Paul saw a dirty and poorly-dressed boy walking 26 his shining car.“Is this your car,Paul?”he asked.Paul told him how he got the car and the boy was 27 .“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing?Boy,I wish…” he said, without 28 his sentence.Paul thought the boy wished he had a 29 like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”Paul looked at the boy in surprise. He invited him to take a 30 in his car and the boy agreed happily. After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes 31 ,said,“Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?”Paul smiled a little.He thought the boy wanted to 32 his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong 33 . The boy ran back into his house, and after a short while came back with his disabled brother in his arms.He 34 him down on the step and pointed to the car. “There she is, Buddy, just like what I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t 35 him a cent. Some day I’m going to give you one just like it.”26. A. inside B. around C. through D. across

考题 Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more __36__, waiting for the final school bell. Upon its _37____everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except DavidDavid was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often _38___what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __39__ for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David __40__. I can still remember he was always __41____a smile and willing to help. He always __42__after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He__43___just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly__44___homeWeeks passed and the __45___over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of__46__before the holiday break. I smiled in ___47 __as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David ___48___standing by my desk.“I have something for you ”he said and ____49____from behind his back a small box .__50___it to me, he said anxiously, “Open it ”I took the box from him ,thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my __51__saw nothing. I looked at David‘s smiling face add back into the box and said,“The box is nice ,David ,but it’s__52__”“Oh no it isn’t”said David.“It’s full of love. My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”Tears filled my eyes ___53___Iooked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given____54___to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning ___55___the little empty box set on my desk36. A. anxious B. courageous C. serious D. cautious

考题 I crossed the street to __________ meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. A.avoidB.allowC.forgetD.remember

考题 My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke. He worked as a chief accountant, and he worked really long hours. People used to say that he was a workaholic. When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable. He didn't use to be sociable at all. He used to spend a lot of time alone working in the garden. I used to be frightened of him as a child. He used to shout at us all the time. Then, suddenly he became ill, and then the doctors told him he had to give up work. He changed almost overnight. His attitude to lots of things changed. He relaxed and spent time with his grandchildren. When he died, I think he was a really happy, relaxed man.(1). My grandfather used to ().A、drink a lotB、work very hardC、be the manager(2). He was () when he came home.A、 very pleasantB、excitedC、easy to get angry(3). When I was a child, I ().A、 liked him very muchB、I hated himC、was afraid of him(4). Doctors asked him to ()after he had a stroke.A、 stop workingB、change his attitudeC、work less(5). When he died, he ().A、 was feeling worriedB、was irritableC、was a happy man

考题 People often fall ill because of me.36 , they can hardly blame me; it is largely their own37 . A tired person may get38 , especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air. A sudden change in 39is another factor. In hot summer, people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home. They will catch a cold easily.My latest victim is an energetic student. After school, he played football hard for two hours. Though 40 . He still went to the cinema. Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately.I seized this golden chance to 41him. He reacted, trying to 42me, but I was already43deep in his throat. He kept sneezing(打喷嚏) and his nose was running.44he put on some warm clothes, it didn't work, for there were too many of us. Besides, his sore throat kept45 him, and he developed a cough to force me and my family out, but46.The next day he couldn't go to 47.He had lost his appetite and was not as 48as before. His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C, which would help his49.For two days he was50by his mother. As he rested more, his defense strengthened and I began lo feel the51. I knew I had to 52him before long. But I am not the one who gives up easily, and I made every effort to fight back.53, it was my turn to feel54now, for his defense system was starting an all-out attack against me. I became 55and finally my time was over.Do you know what I am?36. A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Then

考题 AI was waiting for a phone call from my agent. He had left at message the night before, telling me that my show was to be cancelled. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, but there was still no call. Three hours passing by, I became more and more and impatient. I was certain that my agent didn’t care about my work, and he didn’t care about me. I was overcome with that thought. I started to shout at the phone, “Let me wait, will you? Who do you think you are?”At that time I didn’t realize my wife was looking on. Without showing her surprise, she rushed in, seized the phone, tore off the wires, and shouted at the phone, “Yeah! Who do you think you are? Bad telephone! Bad telephone!” And she swept it into the wastebasket.I stood watching her, speechless. What on earth...?She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the test of the house, “Now hear this! All objects in this room----if you do anything to upset my husband, out you go!”Then she turned to me. Kissed me and said calmly, “Honey, you just have to learn how to take control.” With that, she left the room.After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight , I noticed that something in my mood (情绪) had changed. I was laughing. How could I have trouble with that phone? Her anties helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things. Twenty minutes later my agent did call. I was able to listen to him and talk to him and talk to him calmly.56. Why did the author shout at the telephone?A. He was mad at the telephone.B. He was angry with his agent.C. He was anxious about his wife.D. He was impatient with the secretary?

考题 听力原文:M: Can you work for me tomorrow from 1:30 P.m. to 5:00 P.m.? You see, I have a meeting and I need someone, to fill in hose hours for me.W: I don't know if I can. I have an appointment tomorrow at 3:00 P.m. I really can't cancel it either. I can work about an hour for you, though, if that'll help.Q: Why does the man want the woman to work for him?(14)A.He has to fill in for someone.B.He has an appointment.C.He has a meeting.D.He doesn't give a reason.

考题 图片内容:一个医生给肚子痛的病人看病病人说:“I am the tailor .”(难过的神态)A man went to see his ___71___ one day , because he was surfing from pains in his _72__ . After the doctor _73_ over him carefully , he _74____ to him , “Well , there is __75____ wrong with you , don’t worry . Your only trouble is you worry too__76____ . Do you know , I had a man with the __77____ trouble as you here a few weeks ago , and I ___78___ him the same advice as I’m going to give you . He was worried _79_ he couldn’t pay his tailor’s(裁缝) bills . I told him not to worry about the bills any more . He took my advice and when he came to see me again two days ago , he told me that he now felt quite all right again .” “Yes ,I know all about that .” answered the patient __80____. “You see , I’m that man’s tailor”71.________________

考题 My brother lived at home before he got married, and so ___. A.did IB.had IC.I hadD.I did

考题 My brother is four years older than me and someone I look______ to, even though he is shorter than me.A、upB、downC、belowD、over

考题 My husband Christopher was once a financial planner. Even though he couldn't balance our budget,his clients trusted him completely and he made them feel secure. In exchange they paid him very well. We had a nice life then. At that time,my yoga studio(瑜伽馆)was just starting to make a profit,and I had recently decorated it. At last,I was in control of my working life and poured my heart and soul into making it succeed.When we first met,I fell hard for Christopher right away. although I wouldn't call it love. I'd never been with a man who was prettier than I was,but after a while I got used to this. and it didn't bother me so much. I was recovering from a broken heart and needed something to help me move on. If it wasn't love,it was good enough,and when he asked me to marry him I jumped at the chance. knowing that it might be my last.Things started out so well. I was working steadily and Christopher was patiently climbing up the ladder in his department. Then,without any warning,one gray winter afternoon in year five,he just upped and left his desk at the bank,handed in his resignation,and came home and told me he wanted to start an interior design business.He has always loved mixing and matching,and has a real eye for color,texture,and shape,but the idea of turning a hobby into a business wasn't something we had ever discussed. I thought the stress of his job was becoming too much and perhaps he would take a few months off over the spring and summer to relax and get the idea out of his system. I didn't believe he could be serious. But once he had a few clients,he began to draw up plans,ordering catalogues and turning our empty workshop into a kind of makeshift studio with all of his sketches pinned to the wall. After spending a lot of time and money on all of this preparation,and really doing quite a nice job of it,he called each client in turn and apologized,saying he wouldn't be able to design their living spaces after all.As a financial planner,Christopher______.A.paid his clients very wellB.was trusted by his clientsC.was making his yoga studio profitableD.could make his family's budget balanced

考题 第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment(约会)at 9:30 The nurse had him take a 36 in the waiting area, 37 him it would be at least 40 Minutes 38 someone would be able to see him I saw him 39 his watch and decided, since I was 40 busy—my patient didn’t 41 at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound .While taking care of his wound.I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment The gentleman said no and told me that he 42 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 43 .He told me that she had been 44 for a while and that she had a special disease I asked if she would b e 45 if he was a bit late. He replied that she 46 knew who he was,that she had not been able t0 47 him for five years now. I was 48 , and asked him,“And you 49 go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?” He smiled and said.“She doesn’t know me but I know who she is” I had to hold back 50 as he left. Now I 51 that in marriages,true love is 52 of all that is The happiest people don’t 53 have the best of everything;they just 54 the best of everything they have 55 isn’t about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.36 A breath B.test C seat D break

考题 I met him on the Internet and we chatted for several months. Every time I suggested we meet in person,he would come up with an excuse. I thought it was strange-but he told me that he had not gotten over the death of his wife and he was still grieving for her.I thought that he needed a friend and decided that I could be that friend. We sent cards, exchanged gifts,talked on the phone and I was sure that we would meet someday. I had spoken with his children so I was sure that what he told me was true. I could not wait for the day when we would meet. I was so looking forward to being able to reach out and touch him. To hug him,to hold him and feel his big strong arms around me.After almost two years of time,thousands of dollars on long distance phone calls,I was very frustrated at the endless stream of excuses as to why we could never seem to make a time to meet. Finally,contacted the website WhoisHe. com and asked if they could check out the man who had taken up so much of my heart,my energy and my life. I had enough information about him and felt that if I could confirm what he had been telling me-I could feel okay about these delays. I had hopes that I didn't want to dash if he was telling the truth. I believed I could wait a little while longer.Well, I am glad that I decided to have him checked out-he was nothing he claimed to be. He was first and foremost a married man. He was not a man grieving for the loss of his wife. He was a man cheating on his wife,with me-and I found out later,with countless others on the“net”. He did not care that he had hurt me in a very deep and pathetic way. He talked of spending his life together with me. He told my son that he wanted to make me happy. Basically,he just lied. He was such a good liar I did not see it coming. It was as if he had been able to worm his way into my heart-and he didn't care about the effect he had on my hopes and dreams.Each of us should look at the signs that are so clear if we are willing to see them. Do not let someone keep making excuse after excuse. If something feels wrong-likely it is. It is good to know the truth and be able to deal with it. Next time I will pay more attention. I may never be able to trust someone online again.It can be inferred from Para. 4 that______.A.the man was a single person in realityB.the woman was the man's only girlfriendC.the man had too many girlfriends on the netD.the woman had countless online boyfriends

考题 共用题干 You Need Courage!Shortly after I began a career in business,I learned that Carl Weatherup,president of Pepsi Co(百事可乐公司),was speaking at the University of Colorado. I tracked down the person handling his schedule and managed to get myself an appointment._____(1)So there I was sitting outside the university's auditorium,waiting for the president of Pepsi Co. I could hear him talking to the students… and talking,and talking. _____(2)He was now five minutes over,which dropped my time with him down to 10 minutes.Decision time.I wrote a note on the back of my business card,reminding him that he had a meeting. "You have a meeting with Jeff Hoye at 2:30 p. m."I took a deep breath,pushed open the doors of the auditorium and walked straight up the middle aisle(过道)toward him as he talked .Mr. Weatherup stopped._____(3)Just before I reached the door,I heard him tell the group that he was running late.He thanked them for their attention,wishedthem luck and walked out to where I was now sitting,holding my breath.He looked at the card and then at me."Let me guess,"he said."You're Jeff."Hesmiled._____(4)He spent the next 30 minutes offering me his time,some wonderful stories that I still use,and an invitation to visit him and his group in New York.But what he gave me that I value the most was the encouragement to continue to do as I had done._____(5) When things need to happen,you either have the nerve to act or you don't.________(3)A:.I began breathing again and we grabbed(霸占)an office right there at school and closed the door.B:.As I sat listening to him,I knew that I could trust him,and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him.C:.I became alarmed:his talk wasn't ending when it should have.D:.He said that it took nerve for me to interrupt him,and that nerve was the key to success in the business world.E:.I was told,however,that he was on a tight schedule and only had 15 minutes available after his talk to the business class.F:I handed him the card then I turned and walked out the way I came.

考题 根据下面资料,回答 I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning my Dad told me I could drive him into a 16 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be 17 at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and 18 to pick him up at 4 p.m. then dropped off the car at the 19 . With several hours to spare, I went to a theater 20 , when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he 21 I′d been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I 22 there I apologized for being late, and told him I′ d 23 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I′ll never forget the 24 he gave me. "I′m disappointed you 25 you have to lie to me, Jason." Dad looked at me again. "When you didn′t 26 , I called the garage to ask if there were any 27 , and they told me you hadn′t yet picked up the car." I felt 28 as I weakly told him the real reason. A 29 passed through Dad as he listened attentively. "I′m angry with 30 . I realize I′ve failed as a father. I′m going to walk home now and think seriously about 31 I′ve gone wrong all these years." "But Dad, it′s 18 miles!" My protests and apologies were 32 . Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him, 33 him all the way, but he walked silently. Seeing Dad in so much 34 and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was 35 the most successful lesson. I have never lied since. 第(29)题选A.nervousness B.sadness C.silence D.thought

考题 The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home,because I was( )the speed limit.A.transcending B.exceeding C.surpassing D.overtaking

考题 共用题干 You Need Courage!Shortly after I began a career in business,I learned that Carl Weatherup,president of PepsiCo(百事可乐公司),was speaking at the University of Colorado. I tracked down the person handling his schedule and managed to get myself an appointment._________(1)So there I was sifting outside the university's auditorium,waiting for the president of PepsiCo.I could hear him talking to the students … and talking,and talking._________(2)He was now five minutes over,which dropped my time with him down to 10 minutes.Decision time.I wrote a note on the back of my business card,reminding him that he had a meeting. "You have a meeting with Jeff Hoye at 2:30 p. m."I took a deep breath,pushed open the doors of the auditorium and walked straight up the middle aisle(过道)toward him as he talked.Mr.Weatherup stopped.__________(3)Just before I reached the door,I heard him tell the group that he was running late.He thanked them for their attention,wished them luck and walked out to where I was now sitting,holding my breath.He looked at the card and then at me."Let me guess,"he said."You're Jeff."Hesmiled._________(4)He spent the next 30 minutes offering me his time,some wonderful stories that I still use,and an invitation to visit him and his group in New York.But what he gave me that I value the most was the encouragement to continue to do as I had done,_________(5) When things need to happen,you either have the nerve to act or you don't._________(4)A:I began breathing again and we grabbed(霸占)an office right there at school and closed the door.B:As I sat listening to him,I knew that I could trust him,and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him.C:I became alarmed:his talk wasn't ending when it should have.D:He said that it took nerve for me to interrupt him,and that nerve was the key to success in the business world.E:I was told,however,that he was on a tight schedule and only had 15 minutes available after his talk to the business class.F:I handed him the card then!turned and walked out the way I came.

考题 共用题干 Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more responsible.It came from Denmark to the U.A.E.jewelry shop in a gray box.It weighs 0.24 kilograms. It's round in the center with two silver bands that go around my wrist.And all of it is made of silver. This object tells me the importance of time in my life.I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 AM to pick up my uncle Aui and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00 AM,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.I got to my father's house at 2:00 PM on the same day and looked at my angry father's face.I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him where he handed me this watch which was a gift from him.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"I answered, "Yes,father,and I'm sorry about not picking up my uncle Ali."He said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions."I was ashamed and said,"Father,I'll never do it again.I promise."He said,"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never be late to get someone.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.My father told me to have the watch and use it to organize my life.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more responsible.It came from Denmark to the U.A.E.jewelry shop in a gray box.It weighs 0.24 kilograms. It's round in the center with two silver bands that go around my wrist.And all of it is made of silver. This object tells me the importance of time in my life.I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 AM to pick up my uncle Aui and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00 AM,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.I got to my father's house at 2:00 PM on the same day and looked at my angry father's face.I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him where he handed me this watch which was a gift from him.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"I answered, "Yes,father,and I'm sorry about not picking up my uncle Ali."He said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions."I was ashamed and said,"Father,I'll never do it again.I promise."He said,"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never be late to get someone.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.Uncle Ali was a boxer coming to the city where I lived for a tournament.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 I recognized him right away even though Richard disguised well.A:at last B:on time C:gradually D:at once

考题 He()driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearbyAinsisted onBinsisted atCinsisted thatDinsisted in

考题 He()driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearbyA、insisted onB、insisted atC、insisted thatD、insisted in

考题 填空题My brother agreed (give) ____ me a hand when I told him the troubles I met with.

考题 单选题My brother is four years older than me and someone I look()to, even though he is shorter than meA upB downC belowD over

考题 单选题He() finding a taxi for me, even though I told him I lived nearby.A insisted onB insisted atC insisted thatD insisted in

考题 问答题Passage 4  Shortly after I began a career in business, I learned that Carl Weatherup, president of PepsiCo(百事可乐公司), was speaking at the University of Colorado. I tracked down the person handling his, schedule and managed to get myself an appointment. (1) ______  So there I was sitting outside the university’s auditorium, waiting for the president of PepsiCo. I could hear him talking to the students…and talking, and talking. (2)______ He was now five minutes over, which dropped my time with him down to 10 minutes. Decision time.  I wrote a note on the back of my business card, reminding him that he had a meeting. “You have a meeting with Jeff Hoye at 2:30 pm.”I took a deep breath, pushed open the doors of the auditorium and walked straight up the middle aisle(过道) toward him as he talked. Mr. Weatherup stopped. (3)______ Just before I reached the door, I heard him tell the group that he was running late. He thanked them for their attention, wished them luck and walked out to where 1 was now sitting, holding my breath.  He looked at the card and then at me. “Let me guess.” he said. “You’re Jeff.” He smiled. (4)______ He spent the next 30 minutes offering me his time, some wonderful stories that I still use, and an invitation to visit him and his group in New York. But what he gave me that I value the most was the encouragement to continue to do as I had done. (5)______ When things need to happen, you either have the nerve to act or you don’t.[A] I began breathing again and we grabbed(霸占) an office right there at school and closed the door.[B] As I sat listening to him, I knew that I could trust him, and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him.[C] I became alarmed:his talk wasn’t ending when it should have.[D] He said that it took nerve for me to interrupt him, and that nerve was the key to success in the business world.[E] I was told, however, that he was on a tight schedule and only had 15 minutes available after his talk to the business class.[F] I handed him the card then I turned and walked out the way I came.[G] I gradually lost my patience and thought that maybe I should give up.

考题 问答题During rush hour, a Canadian man and his teenage son got on the cab    1.____and asked me to take them to La Guardia airport. They were goingback to Canada. We had a nice conversation altogether and when        2.____they got out, they gave me a good tip.  When my next passenger got in, he handed me a wallet and says      3.____he found it on the back seat. I immediately knew it belonged toCanadian man. It contained a driving license and a credit card,       4.____nothing much else.  Now, I liked the Canadian guy, so I found the 800 number onthe back of the credit card and phoned the company. I explained all     5.____what happened and gave them his number. After about half an hour,      6.____the Canadian guy called and asked me to go back to the airport andreturn the wallet. So I started for the airport. Five or six people tried  7.____to stop me as I was driving through the city, then I didn’t stop. I was   8.____doing a good thing!  Forty minutes later, I arrived at La Guardia. The guy wasstanding outside the terminal building and looked pretty stressed. I     9.____gave back the wallet and told him that I only did a little shoppingwith his credit card! It was just a joke. He was so unhappy and just     10.____laughed. “You’re my favorite New Yorker,” he said. Then he handedme fifty dollars and ran back into the airport. The whole thing- plusthe fifty dollars—really made my night.