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The sign used to caution persons approaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo transfer reads().

warning, keep off,stay clear


danger, do not board


warning, no smoking, no open lights, no visitors


dangerous cargo being transferred


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更多 “单选题The sign used to caution persons approaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo transfer reads().A warning, keep off,stay clearB danger, do not boardC warning, no smoking, no open lights, no visitorsD dangerous cargo being transferred” 相关考题
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考题 The sign used to caution persons approaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo transfer reads ______.A.Warning,Keep Off,Stay ClearB.Danger,Do Not BoardC.Warning,No Smoking,No Open Lights,No VisitorsD.Dangerous Cargo Being Transferred

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考题 舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()A、A life craft should be located on the gangway.B、A life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.C、A life-raft should be located on the gangway.D、A life boat should be located on the gangway.

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考题 单选题Why is a warning sign displayed at the gangway or access point of a barge during cargo transfer().A To keep visitors away from the bargeB To prohibit smokingC To prohibit open lightsD All of the above

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning the danger signal?().A When any vessel fails to understand the intentions of an approaching vessel she must sound the danger signalB Only the stand-on vessel can sound the danger signalC Distress signals may be used in place of the danger signalD The danger signal consists of 4 or more short blasts of the whistle

考题 单选题You are approaching another vessel and see that it has the signal flag “O” hoisted.What is your next action().A Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a pilotB Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone and begin a search because the vessel has a man overboardC Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because it is disabledD Approach with caution because the vessel is stopped and making no way through the water

考题 单选题舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()A A life craft should be located on the gangway.B A life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.C A life-raft should be located on the gangway.D A life boat should be located on the gangway.

考题 单选题You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag “J” hoisted. What should you do?()A Keep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo on board or she is leaking dangerous cargoB Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is requesting to communicateC Approach the vessel with caution because she is dragging her anchorD Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a tug

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考题 单选题The sailor keeping ()watch should clean the gangway, the rails, bulwark and the spaces around the gangway.A navigationB gangwayC portD anchor

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考题 单选题The sign used to caution persons approaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo transfer reads().A Warning,Keep Off,Stay ClearB Danger,Do Not BoardC Warning,No Smoking,No Open Lights,No VisitorsD Dangerous Cargo Being Transferred

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