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Most covered lifeboats will right themselves after capsizing if the().

lower ballast tanks are filled with water


sea anchor is deployed to windward


fuel tanks are not less than half full


passengers are strapped to their seats


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更多 “单选题Most covered lifeboats will right themselves after capsizing if the().A lower ballast tanks are filled with waterB sea anchor is deployed to windwardC fuel tanks are not less than half fullD passengers are strapped to their seats” 相关考题
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考题 Most covered lifeboats will right themselves after capsizing if the ______.A.lower ballast tanks are filled with waterB.sea anchor is deployed to windwardC.fuel tanks are not less than half fullD.passengers are strapped to their seats

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考题 A:Well, after my report, there’ll be a break for refreshments. B:()A、The break won't be longB、All right, I seeC、All right, I'll see it

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考题 单选题Most totally enclosed lifeboats are equipped with which of the following? ()A Tanks for the storage of drinking waterB Ballast tanks to prevent the boat from capsizingC A hydraulic start diesel engineD Auxiliary mechanical propulsion (Fleming gear)

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考题 单选题Most covered lifeboats will right themselves after capsizing if the().A passengers are strapped to their seatsB fuel tanks are not less than half fullC sea anchor is deployed to windwardD lower ballast tanks are filled with water

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考题 单选题A:Well, after my report, there’ll be a break for refreshments. B:()A The break won't be longB All right, I seeC All right, I'll see it

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