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do shopping去购物,为固定搭配。故选B。
更多 “单选题_____A keepB doC makeD have” 相关考题
考题 There is a woman at the counter who seems very angry and I think she means ______ trouble. A.having madeB.makeC.to makeD.to have made

考题 Some of you may have finished unitone, _______, you can move onto unit two. A、if you mayB、if you doC、if notD、if so

考题 20.A. takeB. beginC. makeD. start

考题 12.A.helpB.giveC.makeD.take

考题 Do you think it necessary ______ an English diary every day?A. keepB. to keepC. keepingD. kept

考题 Some of you may have finished unit one. _____ , you can go on to unit two.A. If you mayB. If you doC. If notD. If so

考题 A:Have you sent the fax to the travel agent?B:_____A.Yes,I haveB.Yes,I doC.Yes. I've done

考题 With a little more patience, you () the job better.A、could doB、would doC、could have doneD、must have done

考题 The retired couple ( )a rich and colorful life.A.leadB.holdC.makeD.have

考题 If I were to do it, I ___ it in a different way. A.shall doB.will doC.would doD.have done

考题 If you had told earlier, I _____ like that. A: would not have doneB: would not doC: would doD: didn't do

考题 - I think the parks are lovely.-So () I A.amB.doC.have

考题 We expect () an offer next week.A、to makeB、makingC、makeD、have made

考题 You can have any of the cakes __except______ that one. A. exceptB. doC. expectD.with

考题 We advised him to give up smoking,_______a lot of exercise. A、I'm afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonightB、Of course not. I have no idea doC、No, I can'tD、That's all set

考题 which sports do you ()?A、playB、doC、have

考题 Small. moments sometimes ______a very long time.A. keepB. haveC. lastD. go

考题 ________ready for mooring.A.DoB.HaveC.MakeD.Get

考题 The master of a ship must collect general average contributions for the benefit of those entitled to them,whether they are cargo owners or ship owner,and ______ the Shipowner's lien on the cargo,where necessary,until they are paid.A.exerciseB.takeC.makeD.have

考题 Some women ___________ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.A.must make B.should have made C.would make D.could have made

考题 Weeping and wailing ____________ nothing towards solving the problem.A.does B.do C.has done D.have done

考题 Competitors must 【abide】 by the judge's decisionA.keep B.read C.understand D.obey

考题 We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.A:keep B:protect C:persevere D:reserve

考题 He regretted_______the decision too hastily.A.make B.to make C.making D.have maked

考题 民航术语中K相应的单词是()A、KEEPB、KEYC、KINGD、KILO

考题 The taxi driver always reminds passengers to()their belongings when they leave the car.A、keepB、catchC、holdD、take

考题 ()the line tight!A、KeepB、MakeC、HaveD、Take

考题 单选题You have a computer that runs Windows XP Professional. Two users named User1 and User2 share the computer. User1 and User2 encrypt files on the computer. User1 encrypts a file named file1. doc. You need ensure that both User1 and User2 can view the contents of file1. doc. What should you instruct User1 to do?()A Add the certificate of User2 to file1. doc. B Assign User2 the Full Control NTFS permission on file1. doc. C Copy file1. doc the %systemroot%/documents and settings/all users/ folder.D Move file1. doc to the %systemroot%/documents and settings/all users/ folder.