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Which of the following special services is provided by the company?

Wedding Service


Booking hotels in London


Travelling around the world


Discounts for frequent travelers


由题干信号词special services定位至原文第五段:该公司提供的特殊服务包括婚礼服务、特殊场合服务、导游服务、游览伦敦景点服务、VIP服务等。四个选项中只有A项符合题意。
更多 “单选题Which of the following special services is provided by the company?A Wedding ServiceB Booking hotels in LondonC Travelling around the worldD Discounts for frequent travelers” 相关考题
考题 – () – We offer special services such as personal belongings, express, holiday pick-up and delivery services and so on. A、What kind of special services do you offer?B、How would you offer your special services?C、Why do you offer your special services?

考题 What is called correspondent banking?A.The bank which provides additional banking services.B.The provision of banking services to other banks.C.The particular ancillary services provided to foreign countries.D.The bank issuing credit cards.

考题 Which of the following is equipment provided by the telephone company that provides remotediagnostic and loopback services for subscriber lines?() A. 66 blockB. DemarcC. Smart jackD. 110 block

考题 Which three of the following basic network services are provided by the Cisco IOS?() A. Defines the network topologyB. Access to network resourcesC. Routing and switching functionsD. Content FilteringE. Intrusion Detection

考题 Which three components are part of the Intelligent Network Services provided by the Cisco AVVID framework? () A. IP telephonyB. securityC. IP multicastingD. QoS

考题 A vessel grounds.Salvage services are provided and the vessel successfully returned to port.Which of the following is (are) correct?Ⅰ.The salvage award is considered to be general average.Ⅱ.If the grounding was caused by the unseaworthiness of the vessel,the salvage award is to be paid solely by the owner of the vessel without regard to general average contribution.A.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.Both Ⅰ and ⅡD.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

考题 Which three are the components of the Cisco Services portfolio?()A、Cisco Remote Management ServicesB、Cisco Special ServicesC、Cisco Advisory ServicesD、Cisco Outsourcing ProgramE、Cisco Advanced ServicesF、Cisco Technical Support Services

考题 Which of these online services provides troubleshooting tools to augment services provided byCisco SMARTnet?()A、 Cisco Solution DesignerB、 Cisco Output interpreterC、 Cisco Product AdvisorD、 Cisco Smart Business Roadmap Assessment Tool

考题 Which of the following services offers scheduled telephone support for complex questions on AIX systems?()A、TechlineB、ConsultlineC、Operational Support Services - Alert for pSeriesD、Operational Support Services - RS/6000 SystemWatch

考题 Which of the following is true regarding NetWare Directory Services (NDS) configuration?()A、Remote users can access the tree through dial-in connections.B、Mobile users do not require changing the NDS name context.C、Remote users do not require a special NDS object entry.D、There are no differences between mobile users and remote users.

考题 Which of the following is NOT provided by AVC?()A、 Safe SearchB、 Web usage quotasC、 Deep IM controlD、 Media bandwidth control

考题 Which of the following are functions that are often provided by an ITSP but are not typically  provided by the PSTN?()A、 QoSB、 call setup and teardownC、 call routingD、 call supervisionE、 audio signal compression

考题 Which three components are part of the Intelligent Network Services provided by the Cisco AVVID framework? ()A、IP telephonyB、securityC、IP multicastingD、QoS

考题 Which three components are part of the Intelligent Network Services provided by the Cisco AVVIDframework? ()A、 IP telephonyB、 securityC、 IP multicastingD、 QoS

考题 Which of the following is a key component of a directory services server?()A、 VPNB、 RISC、 LDAPD、 RAS

考题 Which of the following is equipment provided by the telephone company that provides remotediagnostic and loopback services for subscriber lines?()A、66 blockB、DemarcC、Smart jackD、110 block

考题 Which of the following metrics provided by the iostat report is used to initially determine if a system is I/O bound?()A、 % idleB、 % sysC、 % userD、 % iowait

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following is true?A People in allocations are unwilling to conform to a general pattern.B Conformity is a special characteristic of business.C Businessmen are all original thinkers.D Businessmen are provided with greater opportunities than people in other professions.

考题 多选题Which three of the following basic network services are provided by the Cisco IOS?()ADefines the network topologyBAccess to network resourcesCRouting and switching functionsDContent FilteringEIntrusion Detection

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT provided by AVC?()A  Safe SearchB  Web usage quotasC  Deep IM controlD  Media bandwidth control

考题 多选题Which of the following are functions that are often provided by an ITSP but are not typically  provided by the PSTN?()AQoSBcall setup and teardownCcall routingDcall supervisionEaudio signal compression

考题 单选题Which of these online services provides troubleshooting tools to augment services provided byCisco SMARTnet?()A  Cisco Solution DesignerB  Cisco Output interpreterC  Cisco Product AdvisorD  Cisco Smart Business Roadmap Assessment Tool

考题 多选题Which three are the components of the Cisco Services portfolio?()ACisco Remote Management ServicesBCisco Special ServicesCCisco Advisory ServicesDCisco Outsourcing ProgramECisco Advanced ServicesFCisco Technical Support Services

考题 多选题Which of the following services use TCP?()ADHCPBSMTPCSNMPDFTPEHTTPFTFTP

考题 单选题Which of the following is equipment provided by the telephone company that provides remotediagnostic and loopback services for subscriber lines?()A 66 blockB DemarcC Smart jackD 110 block

考题 单选题Which of the following was not a true description of southern blacks’ situation after the Civil War?A They were provided separate but equal facilities and services.B They were second-class citizens.C They were terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan.D Their freedom was restricted by “black codes”.

考题 单选题Which of the following is true regarding NetWare Directory Services (NDS) configuration?()A Remote users can access the tree through dial-in connections.B Mobile users do not require changing the NDS name context.C Remote users do not require a special NDS object entry.D There are no differences between mobile users and remote users.