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A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating ().

fuel supply


firing order


engine load


oil level


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更多 “单选题A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating ().A fuel supplyB firing orderC engine loadD oil level” 相关考题
考题 If the compensating needle valve of a hydraulic governor is opened more than necessary the governor will .A.have a larger than normal dead bandB.produce excessive speed response to a load changeC.respond slowly to any change in engine loadD.stabilize engine speed at the new governor setting

考题 For most diesel propulsion and generator engines, the over-speed trip device will stop the engine byA.moving the governor control to stopB.shutting off the lubricating oil supplyC.tripping the governor emergency stop leverD.shutting off the fuel supply

考题 In a main propulsion turbocharged diesel engine, the speed of the turbocharger varies according to the _____.A.governor droopB.speeder spring tensionC.fuel rack lagD.load on the engine

考题 One of the factors limiting the amount of toad which can be put on a modem marine diesel engine is the_______.A.governor sensitivityB.exhaust temperatureC.fuel injection pressureD.speed of the cam shaft

考题 A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating ___ .A.fuel supplyB.firing orderC.engine loadD.oil level

考题 A generator is prevented from becoming motorized by the use of a/an ______.A.over-speed tripB.reverse power relayC.back pressure tripD.governor controls

考题 On a diesel engine equipped with a hydraulic speed control governor, hunting in many cases can be corrected by adjusting the______.A.accumulator spring compressionB.balance pistonC.compensating(补偿) needle valveD.proportional piston

考题 单选题When a ship is entering to shallow water, ship resistance will be increased and the speed of main engine reduced.Due to the function of the governor, the main engine will()A reduce fuel feedingB increase fuel feedingC keep original fuel feedingD be overspeed

考题 单选题If the compensating needle valve of a hydraulic governor is opened more than necessary the governor will ()A have a larger than normal dead bandB produce excessive speed response to a load changeC respond slowly to any change in engine loadD stabilize engine speed at the new governor setting

考题 单选题The purpose of the compensating adjustment used in a diesel engine hydraulic governor is to ()A compensate for low oil levelB increase governor promptnessC prevent governor huntingD limit engine load

考题 单选题For most diesel propulsion and generator engines, the over-speed trip device will stop the engine by ()A moving the governor control to stopB shutting off the lubricating oil supplyC tripping the governor emergency stop leverD shutting off the fuel supply

考题 单选题On most diesel engines, the governor controls the output speed by ().A controlling the amount of fuel injected into the cylindersB varying the speed of the turbochargerC adjusting the compression ratioD changing the timing of the fuel injection camshaft

考题 单选题The device used to limit engine torque at various engine speeds is called a ()A speed limiting governorB variable speed governorC constant speed governorD load limiting governor

考题 单选题To correct a hunting problem in a main propulsion diesel engine hydraulic governor, you should ().A increase the governor oil pressureB adjust the speed droop settingC adjust the speeder spring travelD adjust the compensating needle valve

考题 单选题The governor of a generator engine is to ().A make the engine stopB regulate the timing of camshaftsC make the rpm stabilize at any required valueD make the engine run at nearly constant speed

考题 单选题If a main propulsion diesel engine hunts excessively at idle speed, you should ()A adjusts the idle speed controlB drain and flushes the governor and replace the oilC adjusts the compensating needle valve

考题 单选题Defective governor in a diesel engine may lead to ().A smoky exhaustB starting failureC ignition relayD over speed

考题 单选题In conventional systems, the injection pressure(), while it’s()in common rail diesel engines.A fluctuates with the engine speed to some extent, independent of the engine speedB keeps constant at all engine speed, dependent on the engine speed to some extentC keeps constant at all engine speed, independent of the engine speedD is decided by the engine speed, constant at all engine speed

考题 单选题Increasing the load on an engine equipped with a constant speed mechanical governor, will cause the engine speed to initially ().A increaseB decreaseC fluctuateD remain constant

考题 单选题On a diesel engine equipped with a hydraulic speed control governor, hunting in many cases can be corrected by adjusting the ()A accumulator spring compressorB balance pistonC compensating needle valveD proportional piston

考题 单选题Friction developing between the moving parts of a governor, governor linkage and control valve will cause the governor to ().A react with insufficient speed droopB fail to react to small speed changesC have excessive sensitivity to small speed changesD remain in the neutral position

考题 单选题Prior to starting most medium-speed propulsion diesel engines, which of the procedures listed should be observed?()A The expansion tank should be topped offB The thermostatic water regulating valves should be manually openedC The fuel filters should be changedD The engine should be turned over slowly with the indicator cocks open

考题 单选题The ability of the governor to prevent fluctuations in engine speed is termed ().A sensitivityB stabilityC promptnessD speed droop

考题 单选题On a diesel engine equipped with an isochronous governor, if the “speed droop” control is reduced to the “zero” setting, the engine ()A speed will drop drastically with any increase in loadB will stop due to zero fuel supplyC will stall upon application of loadD speed will remain fairly constant despite load changes

考题 单选题An electrically driven automatically operating auxiliary blower is provided for slow speed and () of a low speed diesel engine.A manoeuvring operationsB bad combustionC coolingD mooring trial

考题 单选题A device which functions to bring a diesel engine to a full stop to protect it from damage is known as a/an ()A torque limiterB over-speed tripC over-speed governorD load limit governor

考题 单选题The direct acting mechanical governor used with some small diesel engines, controls fuel flow to the engine by()A governor flyweight action on a pilot valve which controls fuel injectionB governor flyweight motion acting on fuel controls through suitable linkageC positioning a butterfly valve in the fuel delivery system positioningD a servomotor piston attached to the fuel controls