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Multi-exit-discriminator、AS-Path、Weight、Local preference在BGP选路中的先后顺序?


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更多 “问答题Multi-exit-discriminator、AS-Path、Weight、Local preference在BGP选路中的先后顺序?” 相关考题
考题 Which BGP attribute is considered first as a tie-breaker in JUNOS software?() A. originB. weightC. as-path lengthD. local-preference

考题 Which BGP route selection criterion is superior?() A. lowest MEDB. highest weightC. lowest local preferenceD. highest local preference

考题 In which three ways are C-BGP and E-BGP sessions similar?() A. Both are configured as type external.B. Both configurations use the peer-as command.C. Neither advertises the local-preference attribute.D. Both set next-hop self when advertising routes to peers.E. Both modify the AS-path attribute when advertising routes.

考题 In JUNOS software, what is the only BGP attribute where a higher value is preferred?() A. MEDB. originC. preferenceD. local preference

考题 关于BGP路由属性说法正确的是()。 A.在AS之间也可以使用local preference属性B.AS-Path属性可以避免路由环路的产生C.BGP的路由聚合可能会改变原有的AS-Path属性D.下一跳属性路由不可达不影响BGP路由的发布E.用import方式引入其它路由协议到BGP中,此路由在BGP中体现的起点属性为Incomplete

考题 下面关于BGP的叙述哪个是正确的()。 A.BGP采用TCP方式发送路由协议信息B.BGP每30秒就会刷新一次路由信息C.BGP的AS-path属性不可控制D.BGP对路由的控制可使用MED属性和Local preference属性来实现

考题 Which BGP command provides the router ID, local preference, next hop, and BGP path in its output?() A. show ip route bgpB. show ip bgpC. show ip bgp neighborsD. show ip bgp summary

考题 关于BGP Local-Preference,下面哪些描述是正确的?() A.在BGP选路规则中,Preference-Value的优先级要高于Local-Preference,即优先比较Prefrred-ValueB.BGP路由Local-Preference的缺省值是100C.BGPLocal-Preference通常在选路规则策略中用于控制数据流如何入ASD.在BGP选路规则中,MED的优先级要高于Local-Preference即优先比较MED

考题 What are the mandatory, well-known BGP attributes?()A、origin,AS-path,next-hopB、AS-path,origin,MEDC、AS-path,origin,weightD、AS-path,weight,MED

考题 A router has two paths to reach another network in a different autonomous system. Neither route was generated by the local router and both routes have the same default weight an d local preference values. Which statement is true about how BGP would select the best path?()A、To influence one route to be preferred, its default local preference value will be changed via the use of the command bgp default local - preference 50B、Th e router will prefer the shortest autonomous system pathC、If the command bgp always - compare - med has been given, then the router will prefer the route with the highest MEDD、The router will prefer the route with the lower MED

考题 In JUNOS software, which is the only BGP attribute where a higher value is preferred?()A、MEDB、OriginC、WeightD、PreferenceE、Local preference

考题 下面关于BGP 的叙述哪个是正确的()   A、 BGP 采用TCP 方式发送路由协议信息B、 BGP 每30 秒就会刷新一次路由信息C、 BGP 的AS-path 属性不可控制D、 BGP 对路由的控制可使用MED 属性和Local preference 属性来实现

考题 关于BGP 路由属性说法正确的是()A、 在AS 之间也可以使用local preference 属性B、 AS-Path 属性可以避免路由环路的产生C、 BGP 的路由聚合可能会改变原有的AS-Path 属性D、 下一跳属性路由不可达不影响BGP 路由的发布E、 用import 方式引入其它路由协议到BGP 中,此路由在BGP 中体现的起点属性为Incomplete

考题 CMNET骨干网和国内运营商之间BGP策略是( )A、把从直连专线学到路由的LocAl-Preference设置为500B、把从直连专线学到路由的LocAl-Preference设置为100C、把从直连专线学到路由的LocAl-Preference设置为200D、把从直连专线学到路由的LocAl-Preference设置为300

考题 关于BGP的Local_Preference属性,以下说法正确的是()A、Local_Preference属性为公认可选属性B、Local_Preference的属性值仅影响离开该AS的流量,不影响进入该AS的流量C、BGP路由器将该属性传给IBGP邻居D、BGP路由器将该属性传给EBGP邻居

考题 Multi-exit-discriminator、AS-Path、Weight、Local preference在BGP选路中的先后顺序?

考题 Which attribute must exist in the BGP update packet?()A、LOCAL_ PREFB、AGGREG ATORC、AS_PathD、Weight

考题 Which BGP attribute is considered first as a tie-breaker in JUNOS software?()A、originB、weightC、as-path lengthD、local-preference

考题 Which BGP attribute is considered first as a tie-breaker in JUNOS software?()A、MEDB、originC、weightD、as-path lengthE、local-preference

考题 In JUNOS software, what is the only BGP attribute where a higher value is preferred?()A、MEDB、originC、preferenceD、local preference

考题 多选题关于BGP Local-Preference,下面哪些描述是正确的?()A在BGP选路规则中,Preference-Value的优先级要高于Local-Preference,即优先比较Prefrred-ValueBBGP路由Local-Preference的缺省值是100CBGPLocal-Preference通常在选路规则策略中用于控制数据流如何入ASD在BGP选路规则中,MED的优先级要高于Local-Preference即优先比较MED

考题 多选题下面关于Local-Preference和MED描述正确的是()Adefaultlocal-preference命令来配置BGP的缺省本地优先级B缺省情况下,Local-Preference的值为0Cdefault med命令来配置BGP的缺省MED值D缺省情况下,MED的值为100

考题 单选题Which BGP command provides the router ID, local preference, next hop, and BGP path in its output?()A show ip route bgpB show ip bgpC show ip bgp neighborsD show ip bgp summary

考题 多选题In which three ways are C-BGP and E-BGP sessions similar?()ABoth are configured as type external.BBoth configurations use the peer-as command.CNeither advertises the local-preference attribute.DBoth set next-hop self when advertising routes to peers.EBoth modify the AS-path attribute when advertising routes.

考题 单选题A router has two paths to reach another network in a different autonomous system. Neither route was generated by the local router and both routes have the same default weight an d local preference values. Which statement is true about how BGP would select the best path?()A To influence one route to be preferred, its default local preference value will be changed via the use of the command bgp default local - preference 50B Th e router will prefer the shortest autonomous system pathC If the command bgp always - compare - med has been given, then the router will prefer the route with the highest MEDD The router will prefer the route with the lower MED

考题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding EBGP and Confederation BGP?() (Choose two.)AEBGP peers advertise MED and change Next Hop.BEBGP peers advertise Local Preference and do NOT change Next Hop.CConfederation BGP peers advertise MED and do NOT change Next Hop.DConfederation BGP peers advertise Local Preference and change Next Hop.

考题 单选题Which BGP route selection criterion is superior?()A lowest MEDB highest weightC lowest local preferenceD highest local preference