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What is the proper command to shut down the database in a consistent manner?()

shutdown abort 


shutdown kill 


Shutdown nowait 


shutdown immediate


shutdown halt


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题What is the proper command to shut down the database in a consistent manner?()A shutdown abort B shutdown kill C Shutdown nowait D shutdown immediateE shutdown halt” 相关考题
考题 You have three production databases, HRDB, FINDB, and ORGDB, that use the same ASM instance. At the end of the day, while all three production database instances are running, you execute the following command on the ASM instance :SQL shutdown immediate;What is the result of executing this command?()A. The ASM instance is shut down, but the other instances are still running.B. It results in an error because other database instances are connected to it.C. All the instances, including the ASM instance, are shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode.D. HRDB, FINDB, and ORGDB instances are shut down in the ABORT mode and the ASM instance is shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode.

考题 You are a Database Administrator with WonderWeb. You use a password file to establish connections to the Sales database located on the server. You created the password file using the following command:        ORAPWD file=d:/oracle/ora9i/orapwU01 password=admin entries=4   You erroneously deleted the password file while the database was running. You re-create the password file using the following command:   ORAPWD file=d:/oracle/ora9i/orapwU01 password=change_on_install entries=4   However, when you try to connect as the SYS user, you receive the following error:        ORA-01031: insufficient privileges   What should you do to resolve this error?()A、 Delete the newly created password file and re-create another password file with the password admin, without shutting down the database.B、 Enable the operating system authentication, shut down the database, disable the operating system authentication, and restart the database using the password file.C、 Enable the operating system authentication, shut down the database, re-create the password file using the same ORAPWD command, and restart the database using the password file.D、 Delete the newly created password file, enable operating system authentication and shut down the database. Then, re-create another password file using the same ORAPWD command and restart the database using this password file.

考题 You have discovered that one of three control files has been lost. What steps would you follow to recover that control file?()   a. Shut down the database.  b. Restore a control-file copy from backup media.  c. Use the create control file command to create a new control file.  d. Copy the backup control file into place.  e. Create a new copy of the control file from one of the surviving control files.  f. Recover the database using the recover database using backup control file command.  g. Start up the database. A、a, b, f, gB、c, f, gC、a, d, f, gD、a, f, gE、a, e, g

考题 Your archive-log destination directory runs out of space. What is the impact of this on the database?()  A、 None. The database will switch over to the stand-by archive-log destination directory.B、 A warning message will be written to the alert log of the database,but no adverse impacts to the database will be experienced.C、 The database will shut down,and will not restart until you correct the out-of-space situation.D、 The database will continue to try to write to the archive-log destination directory for one hour. After one hour,the database will shut down normally.E、 Once Oracle has cycled through all online redo logs,it will stop processing any DML or DDL until the out-of-space condition is corrected.

考题 If a log file becomes corrupted, it may cause the database to stall. How would you correct such a situation?()  A、 Recover the online redo log from backup.B、 Delete and re-create the log file.C、 Use the alter database clear logfile command to clear the log file.D、 Shut down the database and restart it.E、 Shut down the database and then mount it. Clear the log file with the alter database clear logfile command and then restart the database with alter database open resetlogs.

考题 Which of the following options is true about shutting down an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance?()  A、 If the SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command is issued to the ASM instance, the ASM instance immediately shuts down.B、 If the SHUTDOWN ABORT command is issued to the ASM instance, the ASM instance will shut down all the database instances and then shut down immediately.C、 If the SHUTDOWN NORMAL command is issued to the ASM instance, before shutting down, the ASM instance waits for the dependent database instances to shut down.D、 If the SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL command is issued to the ASM instance, the ASM instance passes the same SHUTDOWN command to the dependent database instances, but does not wait for any active transactions to complete before it shuts down.

考题 You have joined a new organization as a Database Administrator. The Security Administrator in your organization has kept human errors, such as erroneously dropping users, tables, and important data, to a minimum by carefully granting only the necessary privileges to each user. As a result of several ongoing transactions within your database, you discover that the flashback logs are rapidly increasing in the flash recovery area. To avoid out-of-space errors, you decide to delete the flashback logs from the flash recovery area. How can you delete the flashback logs from the database if your database is up and running?()A、 Shut down the database using the SHUTDOWN command. Mount the database using the STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE command and disable Flashback Database using the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement.B、 Change the parameter setting in the SPFILE for the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter using the ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=’’ SCOPE=BOTH statement while the database is up and running.C、 Shut down the database using the SHUTDOWN command. Mount the database using the STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE command. Change the parameter setting in the SPFILE for the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter using the ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=’’ SCOPE=BOTH statement. Disable Flashback Database using the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement.D、 Change the parameter setting in the SPFILE for the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter using the ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=’’ SCOPE=BOTH statement. Shut down the database using the SHUTDOWN command. Mount the database using the STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE command and disable Flashback Database using the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement.

考题 After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount the database andthen execute a command to open the database:SQL ALTER DATABASE OPEN; Which two statements are true()A、The online redo log files and online data files are opened.B、All the online data file headers are checked for consistency.C、Instance recovery is performed before opening the database.D、The path and existence of all the log file members are checked

考题 Your database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode. You start to do a backup, but your users complain that they dont want you to shut down the database to perform the backup. What options are available to you?()  A、 Put the database in hot backup mode and perform an online backup,including backing up the  archived redo logs.B、 Just back up the database datafiles without shutting down the database.C、 You will have to wait until you can shut down the database to perform the backup.D、 Mark each datafile as backup in progress, back them up individually,and then mark them as backup not in progress. No archived redo logs will need to be backed up.E、 Only back up the datafiles that the user will not be touching. Once the user has finished what they were doing,you can shut down the database and back up the datafiles the user changed during the  course of the remaining backup

考题 As soon as you discover that you have lost an online redo log, if the database is still functioning, what should be your first action?()  A、 Shut down the databaseB、 Clear the online redo logC、 Back up the databaseD、 Checkpoint the databaseE、 Call Oracle support

考题 What is the proper command to shut down the database in a consistent manner?()A、shutdown abort B、shutdown kill C、Shutdown nowait D、shutdown immediateE、shutdown halt

考题 A redo log file is corrupted while the database is open; as a consequence, database operations are stopped because archiving cannot continue. What would you do to solve the problem?()A、 clear the redo log groupB、 perform redo log file importC、 perform an incomplete recoveryD、 perform a redo log recovery using Recovery Manager (RMAN)E、 shut down the database and open the database in the NOARCHIVELOG mode

考题 You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. Your database is opened in NOARCHIVEKLOG mode. You decide to place the database in ARCHIVELOG mode.  How would you do this?()A、Execute the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG statement B、Select ARCHIVELOG option in the database control and restart the database to apply the changes. C、Shut down and start the instance, and in the NOMOUNT state execute the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG statement. D、Shut down and start the instance, mount the database, then execute the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG statement. 

考题 Which of the following steps is incorrect in the following sequence of enabling the ARCHIVELOG mode of a database?()A、Shut down the database.B、Set the appropriate parameters in init.ora file.C、Start the database in NOMOUNT state.D、Issue the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG command.E、Open the database.F、Take a full closed backup.

考题 The online redo log group configuration for your database is as follows: What will happen if the online redo log file ’ora02/oradata/redo02b.log’is corrupted while working on the database?() A、 The database will hang.B、 The database will be crashed.C、 The database will be shut down.D、 The LGWR process writes redo log entries to the other redo log member of the Group2 group

考题 单选题The database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode. It has three redo log groups with one member each.One of the redo log groups has become corrupted. You have issued the following command during the recovery of a damaged redo log file: ALTER DATABASE CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOGFILE GROUP 3; Which action should you perform immediately after using this command?()A You should perform a log switchB You should make a backup of the databaseC You should switch the database to the NONARCHIVELOG modeD You should shut down the database instance and perform a complete database recovery

考题 单选题The online redo log group configuration for your database is as follows: What will happen if the online redo log file ’ora02/oradata/redo02b.log’is corrupted while working on the database?()A  The database will hang.B  The database will be crashed.C  The database will be shut down.D  The LGWR process writes redo log entries to the other redo log member of the Group2 group

考题 单选题You have three production databases, HRDB, FINDB, and ORGDB, that use the same ASM instance. At the end of the day, you execute the following command on the ASM instance to shut down: SQL shutdown immediate; What is the result of executing this command?()A All the instances, including the ASM instance, are shut down in the ABORT modeB The ASM instance is shut down, but the other instances are still running C The ASM instance is still functional, but the other instances are shut down D All the instances, including the ASM instance, are shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode. E HRDB, FINDB, and ORGDB instances are shut down in the ABORT mode and the ASM instance is shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode F HRDB, FINDB, and ORGDB instances are shut down in the NORMAL mode and the ASM instance is shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode

考题 单选题Your archive-log destination directory runs out of space. What is the impact of this on the database?()A None. The database will switch over to the stand-by archive-log destination directory. B A warning message will be written to the alert log of the database, but no adverse impacts to the database will be experienced. C The database will shut down, and will not restart until you correct the out-of-space situation. D The database will continue to try to write to the archive-log destination directory for one hour. After one hour, the database will shut down normally. E Once Oracle has cycled through all online redo logs, it will stop processing any DML or DDL until the out-of-space condition is corrected.

考题 多选题After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount thedatabase and then execute a command to open the database: SQL ALTER DATABASE OPEN;  Which two statements are true()AThe online redo log files and online data files are opened.BAll the online data file headers are checked for consistency.CInstance recovery is performed before opening the database.DThe path and existence of all the log file members are checked

考题 单选题While logged into a router you manually shut down the serial 0 interface using the "shutdown" interface configuration command. You then issue the "show interface serial 0" command in exec mode. What could you expect the status of the serial 0 interface to be?()A Serial 0 is up, line protocol is upB Serial 0 is up, line protocol is downC Serial 0 is down, line protocol is downD Serial 0 is down, line protocol is upE Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is downF Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is up

考题 单选题A redo log file is corrupted while the database is open; as a consequence, database operations are stopped because archiving cannot continue. What would you do to solve the problem?()A  clear the redo log groupB  perform redo log file importC  perform an incomplete recoveryD  perform a redo log recovery using Recovery Manager (RMAN)E  shut down the database and open the database in the NOARCHIVELOG mode

考题 单选题Which are the correct steps, in order, to deal with the loss of an online redo log if the database has not yet crashed?()   a. Issue a checkpoint.  b. Shut down the database.  c. Issue an alter database open command to open the database.  d. Startup mount the database.  e. Issue an alter database clear logfile command.  f. Recover all database datafiles.A a, b, c, dB b, d, e, cC a, b, d, e, cD b, f, d, f, cE b, d, a, c

考题 单选题If a log file becomes corrupted, it may cause the database to stall. How would you correct such a situation?()A  Recover the online redo log from backup.B  Delete and re-create the log file.C  Use the alter database clear logfile command to clear the log file.D  Shut down the database and restart it.E  Shut down the database and then mount it. Clear the log file with the alter database clear logfile command and then restart the database with alter database open resetlogs.

考题 单选题Which of the following options is true about shutting down an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance?()A  If the SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command is issued to the ASM instance, the ASM instance immediately shuts down.B  If the SHUTDOWN ABORT command is issued to the ASM instance, the ASM instance will shut down all the database instances and then shut down immediately.C  If the SHUTDOWN NORMAL command is issued to the ASM instance, before shutting down, the ASM instance waits for the dependent database instances to shut down.D  If the SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL command is issued to the ASM instance, the ASM instance passes the same SHUTDOWN command to the dependent database instances, but does not wait for any active transactions to complete before it shuts down.

考题 多选题After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount the database andthen execute a command to open the database:SQL ALTER DATABASE OPEN; Which two statements are true()AThe online redo log files and online data files are opened.BAll the online data file headers are checked for consistency.CInstance recovery is performed before opening the database.DThe path and existence of all the log file members are checked

考题 单选题Your ARCHIVELOG-mode database has lost three datafiles and shut down. One is assigned to the SYSTEM tablespace and two are assigned to the USERS tablespace. You can choose from the following steps to recover your database:   a. Restore the three database datafiles that were lost.  b. Issue the Startup Mount command to mount the database.  c. Issue the alter database open command.  d. Issue the alter database open resetlogs command.  e. Recover the database using the recover database command. f. Recover the datafiles with the recover datafile command.  g. Take the datafiles offline.  Which is the correct order of these steps in this case?()A a, b, e, cB b, e, dC a, b, d, cD b, g, c, fE a, b, d, f