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Retailers have the experience that consumers seem to

feel eager to buy discounted goods.


be hungry for special kinds of goods.


be interested in major department stores.


第一段第二句提到“Retailers attracted discount-hungry consumers…”,由discount-hungry consumers可知,选项A表达意思与原文相同。
更多 “单选题Retailers have the experience that consumers seem toA feel eager to buy discounted goods.B be hungry for special kinds of goods.C be interested in major department stores.” 相关考题
考题 Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I want to buy ()for her. A、anything specialB、special somethingC、something special

考题 —I’d like to have credit information about my corporate partner in Australia.—() A. Well, our department deals with all kinds of consultant service.B. Please call me at any time, if you have any questions.C. I have something wrong with the credit of my cooperate partner.

考题 I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gilt. Do you have _____in mind?A. special somethingB. special anythingC. anything special

考题 Such expensive dresses are not ______ in ordinary department stores.() A. misleadingB. lightedC. operatedD. available

考题 Consumers are influenced by ads and often buy ________ impulse. A.onB.forC.inD.to

考题 19. You can't go anywhere even when you feel thirsty or hungry.

考题 共用题干 A Special JourneyI am often asked to describe the experience of_______(51)a child with a disability一to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it,to imagine how it would feel.It's like this…_______(52)you're going to have a baby,it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful_______(53).The Coliseum,the Michelangelo,David,the gondolas in Venice.You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.After months of eager anticipation,the day finally_______(54).You pack your bags and _______(55)you go.Several hours later,the plane lands.The_______(56)comes in and says,"Welcome to Holland.""Holland?"you say."What do you mean by Holland?I signed up for Italy!I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed_______(57)going to Italy."But there's been a change in the flight plan.They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible,disgusting,filthy place,full of pestilence,_______(58)and disease.It's just a_______(59)place._______(60)you must go out and buy new guide books.And you must learn a whole new language.And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.It's just a different place.It's slower-paced than Italy,less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath,you look around…and you begin to_______ (61)that Holland has windmills…and Holland has tulips.Holland even has Rembrandts.But everyone you know is busy coming and going_______(62)Italy…and they're all bragging about_______(63)a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life,you will say"Yes,that's where I was_______(64)to go.That's what I had planned."But if you spend your life_______(65)the fact that you didn't get to Italy,you may never be free to enjoy the very special,the very lovely things about Holland._________(61)A:suppose B:expectC:notice D:feel

考题 资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere. While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers. Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores. The underlined part in the second paragraph means.A.Illegal B.Condemnable C.Rife D.Common

考题 资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere. While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers. Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores. Which of the following statement is not true?A.Chinese market needs more regulations. B.Western retailers cannot succeed in Chinese market. C.In China owing a car does not necessarily mean efficient travel. D.To start a successful business, a better understanding of consumer preference is important.

考题 资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere. While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers. Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores. What can be inferred from the third paragraph? Shopping at neighborhood stores are more of Chinese consumers shopping habit.B.Large flagship stores are unpopular in China. C.Americans do not like small, conveniently located retail outlets. D.government ban on free shopping bags has dampened Chinese buyers enthusiasm.

考题 资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere. While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers. Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores. What is the most likely content the speaker discussed before these three paragraphs? Best Buy's failure in China.B.Chinese local retailers' reason for success. C.Overseas retailers' struggle in the Chinese market. D.The development of retail industry in China.

考题 共用题干 第一篇What Does GMO Free Mean?Genetically modified organisms(GMOs)in food are concern for a number of consumers who are worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.As a result,many companies in the late 1990s began to apply the GMO free label,indicating that their food does not contain genetically modified organisms.A number of nations legislate labeling,and in Europe,food must be labeled to indicate whether or not it contains GMOs.In the United States,however,GMO free labeling is purely voluntary and not regulated by any governmental body or organization.Since it is not regulated,there has been some question about the validity of the GMO free label in the US.A number of organizations have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),as well as the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),to enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs.Many food activists want a label that is standardized,so that consumers who are concerned about this issue can be assured about the GMO content of products they purchase.Most US consumers have foods containing GMOs in their home.The majority of corn and soybeans grown in the US have been modified,as have several other crops.Some research indicates that many processed foods contain GMO ingredients,so for consumers who are concerned about this issue,GMO free labeling would be helpful.For consumers who want to eat natural,organic foods,knowing that the products they buy are GMO free is often very important. Although there is no federal labeling program in the US,some organic farmers and natural food producers have chosen to start their own certification programs.Getting certified through such programs can be very difficult,but many producers believe consumers will be willing to pay extra for the verification.The harmful nature of GMOs has been questioned,especially by commercial agriculture producers and seed providers.No scientific evidence has been found to suggest that genetic modification of crops is harmful to humans. Some consumers feel that it is important to be able to make conscious choices about what they eat,however,and want the ability to choose GMO free foods if they so desire.Some studies suggest that GMOs may be harmful to agriculture,with cloned genetically modified species harming overall biological diversity and modified genes finding their way into wild plants and non-modified crops.This is especially true in the case of corn,where GMO contamination became a major issue in the 1990s.Other research,however,indicates that genetically modified crops can be of benefit to the environment. Plants designed to be resistant to herbicides(除草剂)and pesticides (杀虫剂),for example,have been seen to reduce the amount of these chemicals used by farmers on both GM and non-modified crops.In the last paragraph,"these chemicals"means______.A:genetically modified crops B:herbicides and pesticidesC:genetically modified species D:genetically modified genes

考题 共用题干 第一篇What Does GMO Free Mean?Genetically modified organisms(GMOs)in food are concern for a number of consumers who are worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.As a result,many companies in the late 1990s began to apply the GMO free label,indicating that their food does not contain genetically modified organisms.A number of nations legislate labeling,and in Europe,food must be labeled to indicate whether or not it contains GMOs.In the United States,however,GMO free labeling is purely voluntary and not regulated by any governmental body or organization.Since it is not regulated,there has been some question about the validity of the GMO free label in the US.A number of organizations have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),as well as the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),to enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs.Many food activists want a label that is standardized,so that consumers who are concerned about this issue can be assured about the GMO content of products they purchase.Most US consumers have foods containing GMOs in their home.The majority of corn and soybeans grown in the US have been modified,as have several other crops.Some research indicates that many processed foods contain GMO ingredients,so for consumers who are concerned about this issue,GMO free labeling would be helpful.For consumers who want to eat natural,organic foods,knowing that the products they buy are GMO free is often very important. Although there is no federal labeling program in the US,some organic farmers and natural food producers have chosen to start their own certification programs.Getting certified through such programs can be very difficult,but many producers believe consumers will be willing to pay extra for the verification.The harmful nature of GMOs has been questioned,especially by commercial agriculture producers and seed providers.No scientific evidence has been found to suggest that genetic modification of crops is harmful to humans. Some consumers feel that it is important to be able to make conscious choices about what they eat,however,and want the ability to choose GMO free foods if they so desire.Some studies suggest that GMOs may be harmful to agriculture,with cloned genetically modified species harming overall biological diversity and modified genes finding their way into wild plants and non-modified crops.This is especially true in the case of corn,where GMO contamination became a major issue in the 1990s.Other research,however,indicates that genetically modified crops can be of benefit to the environment. Plants designed to be resistant to herbicides(除草剂)and pesticides (杀虫剂),for example,have been seen to reduce the amount of these chemicals used by farmers on both GM and non-modified crops.Commercial agriculture producers and seed providers questioned the______.A:the consumers choice B:the nutrition of GMOsC:the output of GMOs D:the harmful nature of GMOs

考题 共用题干 第一篇What Does GMO Free Mean?Genetically modified organisms(GMOs)in food are concern for a number of consumers who are worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.As a result,many companies in the late 1990s began to apply the GMO free label,indicating that their food does not contain genetically modified organisms.A number of nations legislate labeling,and in Europe,food must be labeled to indicate whether or not it contains GMOs.In the United States,however,GMO free labeling is purely voluntary and not regulated by any governmental body or organization.Since it is not regulated,there has been some question about the validity of the GMO free label in the US.A number of organizations have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),as well as the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),to enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs.Many food activists want a label that is standardized,so that consumers who are concerned about this issue can be assured about the GMO content of products they purchase.Most US consumers have foods containing GMOs in their home.The majority of corn and soybeans grown in the US have been modified,as have several other crops.Some research indicates that many processed foods contain GMO ingredients,so for consumers who are concerned about this issue,GMO free labeling would be helpful.For consumers who want to eat natural,organic foods,knowing that the products they buy are GMO free is often very important. Although there is no federal labeling program in the US,some organic farmers and natural food producers have chosen to start their own certification programs.Getting certified through such programs can be very difficult,but many producers believe consumers will be willing to pay extra for the verification.The harmful nature of GMOs has been questioned,especially by commercial agriculture producers and seed providers.No scientific evidence has been found to suggest that genetic modification of crops is harmful to humans. Some consumers feel that it is important to be able to make conscious choices about what they eat,however,and want the ability to choose GMO free foods if they so desire.Some studies suggest that GMOs may be harmful to agriculture,with cloned genetically modified species harming overall biological diversity and modified genes finding their way into wild plants and non-modified crops.This is especially true in the case of corn,where GMO contamination became a major issue in the 1990s.Other research,however,indicates that genetically modified crops can be of benefit to the environment. Plants designed to be resistant to herbicides(除草剂)and pesticides (杀虫剂),for example,have been seen to reduce the amount of these chemicals used by farmers on both GM and non-modified crops.Why did many companies in the late l990s apply the GMO free label?A:Because the label were beautiful.B:Because consumers worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.C:Because it could protect the food from contamination.D:Because it was regulated by every governmental body or organization.

考题 A:I want to buy some stamps with different face values .B:Special stamps?A:Yes.B:We have stamps of(    ).A、60fenB、2yuansC、60fensD、3yuan20fen

考题 单选题Professional car thieves are interested in dust-free American cars because ______.A they have enough time to dispose of the stolen carsB they have a special interest in American carsC American cars are popular among the dealersD American cars are usually new and expensive

考题 单选题What is true according to the first paragraph?A CFOs’ hard work leads to their increasing chances of promotion.B CFOs usually have no experience in management.C Marketing directors no longer have the chance to get a top position.D Chief executives used to be promoted mainly from the marketing department.

考题 单选题The best way to collect things is ______.A to have a special albumB to buy more stamps and ticketsC to exchange them with your friends

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT the reason for working women to rent dresses?A They like what is provided by the rental companies.B They need to change dress for every different occasion.C They cannot afford buying many new dresses.D They have no time for shopping in the department stores.

考题 单选题It seems that the writer______.A is interested in the imaginary life formsB is eager to find a different form of lifeC is certain of the existence of a new life formD is critical of the imaginative people

考题 单选题What point does the author want to make in the last paragraph?A There is no such thing as green shopping.B Consumers have the right to know the truth.C The green labels on products are mostly misleading.D Producers should feel guilty for deceiving consumers.

考题 单选题A She should go to the nearest supermarket to buy everything she wants.B She should bargain with the seller for a lower priceC She should visit various stores and compare the prices.D She should not buy anything in the discount stores.

考题 单选题A She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab.B She wants to get practical experience.C She is interested in becoming a psychology major.D She wants to earn extra money.

考题 单选题He didn’t buy the book because he was interested in poetry.A He didn’t buy the book because he was not interested in poetry.B He bought the book, but it is not because he was interested in poetry.C He bought the book because he was interested in poetry.D He bought the book because he was not interested in poetry.

考题 单选题It seems that the writer _____.A is interested in the imaginary life formsB is eager to find a different form of lifeC is certain of the existence of a new life formD is critical of the imaginative people

考题 单选题A car manufacturer periodically discounts certain car models to its dealers to coincide with intensive advertising campaigns focused on those cars. After analyzing the results of this program, the manufacturer found that sales of the discounted cars was strong, but it also concluded that it could reap greater profits if it did not hold promotions in this way.  Which of the following statements, if true, best accounts for the manufacturer’s conclusion about profitability?A Some consumers worry that discounted cars are more likely to be defective.B The car manufacturer had not been effective in controlling the production costs of the cars, and these rising costs ate into the manufacturer’s profits.C Although dealers requested large numbers of the cars at discounted prices, they generally sold the cars at the normal retail price, thereby keeping more of the profit for themselves.D Many consumers buy large-ticket items, such as cars, only when they are on sale.E The manufacturer’s intensive advertising campaign did not sufficiently emphasize the cars’ high levels of performance on road tests.

考题 单选题What kinds of people are in high demand on the job market?A Students with a bachelor’s degree in humanities.B People with an MBA degree from top universities.C People with format schooling plus work experience.D People with special training in engineering.