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Mrs. Satow would probably agree that ______.

Jed’s friends can prevent her son’s death


her son’s suicide is unavoidable


Ulifeline is a worthwhile website


depression is the final cause of suicides


推理判断题。文章最后一段指出,“Mrs. Satow称该网站为“知识库”,她认为这个网站或许能阻止她儿子的死亡”,由此推断,Mrs. Satow认为这个网站很有用,故C项正确。A项,原文是“如果Jed的朋友知道抑郁症的一些迹象,那么他们就可能看见一些”,并非说他们可以阻止她儿子的自杀,故A项不正确。
更多 “单选题Mrs. Satow would probably agree that ______.A Jed’s friends can prevent her son’s deathB her son’s suicide is unavoidableC Ulifeline is a worthwhile websiteD depression is the final cause of suicides” 相关考题
考题 55. What do we know about the character(个性) of my neighbor’s mother?A. She would like to buy expensive things.B. She would like to buy cheap things.C. She would like to help others when they’re in trouble.D. She would like to have her son pay for her shopping.

考题 It was Mrs. White’s day off, and Paul was () duty in her place. A、inB、toC、onD、off

考题 Who will the tutor help?A. Mrs. Johansson B. Emily C. Mrs. Johansson’s daughter D. Mrs. Johansson’s son

考题 My mother was relieved that her son would be satisfied with his performance so he wouldn't do another one, at least for her ______. A: sakeB: lakeC: makeD: wake

考题 Mrs. White's husband tried to ______.A.cheer her upB.stop her from going to the supermarketC.stop her from buying unnecessary thingsD.make her less happy

考题 Text 2The real heroine of the novel stands at one remove to the narrative. On the face of it, readers are more likely to empathize with, and be curious about, the mysterious and resourceful slave, Sarah, who forms one point of an emotional triangle. Sarah is the property of Manon, and came with her to a failing Louisiana sugar plantation on her marriage to the good-for-nothing, bullying owner. But Manon’s husband is soon struck by Sarah, and the proof lies in their idiot small son, Walter.However, the reader is forced to see things through Manon’s eyes, not Sarah’s, and her consciousness is not a comfortable place to be. Never a please or a thank you passes her lips when talking to slaves, though manners is the order of the day in white society. Manon is enormously attracted by inter-racial marriage (for the place and time—the early 19th century—such a concern would not be unusual, but in her case it seems pathological). Walter, with “his father’s curly red hair and green eyes, his mother’s golden skin, her full, pushing-forward lips”, is the object of her especial hatred, but she chatters on about all the “dreadful mixed-blooded”, the objectionable “yellow” people.Beyond Manon’s polarized vision, we glimpse “free negros” and the emerging black middle-class. To Manon’s disgust, such people actually have self-respect. In New Orleans buying shoes, Manon is taken aback by the shopkeeper’s lack of desired respect. Mixed race prostitutes acquired the affections of male planters by giving them something mysterious their wives cannot often What that might be, and why wives can’t offer it too, are questions Manon can’t even ask, let alone answer.The first third of the book explores the uneasy and unsustainable peace between Manon, Sarah and the man always called just “my husband” or “he”. Against the background of violent slave revolts and equally savage revenges, it’s clear the peace cannot last. It’s part of the subtlety of this book that as the story develops and the inevitable explosion occurs, our view of all the characters swiftly changes. Sarah turns out to deserve all the suspicion Manon directs at her; at the point of death Manon’s husband displays an admirable toughness and courage; and Manon herself wins the reader’s reluctant admiration for her bravery, her endurance, and her total lack of self-pity.Perhaps the cruelest aspect of this society is the way it breaks down and distorts family affections. A slave’s baby is usually sold soon after birth; Sarah’s would-be husband, if he wants her, must buy her; and Manon herself, after all, is only the property of her husband.第26题:Which of the following reflects Manon’s attitude towards colored people?[A] Sympathetic.[B] Suspicious.[C] Concerned.[D] Disgusted.

考题 They removed personal items-bags,notebooks,her six-year-old son's ______(belong)from the car.

考题 Helen’s husband is Mark. Mark and Helen have got two children: a son and a daughter. The son’s name is Andrew and the daughter’s name is Joyce. Joyce has got two children, a son and a daughter. So Helen and Mark have got two grandchildren. Helen’s granddaughter’s name is Pam and her grandson’s name is Dan. Andrew isn’t married and he hasn’t got any children. Pam and Dan like playing on the computer with their uncle. Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law, Tom.1.Andrew is Dan’s uncle. ()A.RightB.Wrong2.Mark is Dan’s father. ()A.RightB.Wrong3.Tom is Dan’s grandfather. ()A.RightB.Wrong4.Joyce is Tom’s wife. ()A.RightB.Wrong5.Pam is Andrew’s niece. ()A.RightB.Wrong

考题 Mary has just returned to the USA after studying in England far three years. She decided to study at a British university rather than an American one because her mother is from England and she wanted to get to know her mother,s family better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths’College,which is in London. She lived with her grandmother while she was studying. The college was recommended by a friend's brotherwho had studied in England for his MBA. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much.1. Mary is now in___A.EnglandB.the USAC.France2. She studied at___untverstty.A.a BritishB.an AmericanC.a Chinese3. Mast probably, her grandmother_________A. worked in the collegeB. studied English LiteratureC. lived in London4. Her friend's brother recommended her to________A. study for her MBAB. study in the collegeC. work for his company5. Mary would return to Europe to_.A. studyB. spend her holidayC. work

考题 She kept the door shut lest the noise outside should ______ with her son’s sleep.() A. attainB. interfereC. spanD. achieve

考题 The old lady _________ on hearing her son’s death.A、broke inB、broke downC、broke outD、broke away

考题 Mrs. Anderson went to great lengths to keep her son from getting mixed up in such dreadful things.()

考题 She ____ till four or five in the morning to get all the clothes ready for her son’s wedding. A、recoverB、buildC、sewedD、depend

考题 Part 2 3 Not long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed. The caller was a parent saying, “Your child is bullying my child, and I want it stopped!” the bully’s parent replied, “You must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel.”A trillion phone calls later, the conversation is the same. When children are teased or tyrannized, the parental impulse is to grab the phone and rant. But these days, as studies in the U.S.show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever. Such calls often lead to playground recriminations and don’t really teach our kids any lessons about how to navigate the world and resolve conflicts.When you call parents, you want them to “extract the cruelty” from their bullying children, says Laura Kavesh, a child psychologist in Evanston, Illinois. “But many parents are blown away by the idea of their child being cruel. They won’t believe it.” In a recent police-department survey in Oak Harbor, Washington, 89% of local high school students said they had engaged in bullying behavior. Yet only 18% of parents thought their children would act as bullies.In a new U.S.PTA survey, 5% of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying. But many educators warn that those conversations can be misinterpreted, causing tempers to flare. Instead, they say, parents should get objective outsiders, like principals, to mediate.Meanwhile, if you get a call from a parent who is angry about your child’s bullying, listen without getting defensive. That’s what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy’s food. Her son had confessed, but the victim’s mom “wanted to make sure my son hadn’t given her son a nasty disease,” says McHugh, who apologized and promised to get her son tested for AIDS and other diseases. She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHugh’s son that his bad behaviour was being taken seriously. McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results. All were negative.Remember: once you make a call, you might not like what you hear. If you have an itchy dialing finger, resist temptation. Put it in your pocket.第11题:The word “bullying” probably means _____.[A] frightening and hurting [B] teasing [C] behaving like a tyrant [D] laughing at

考题 Laura McHugh promised to get the bullied boy tested for diseases because _____.[A] her son confessed to being wrong [B] she was afraid to annoy the boy’s parent[C] he was likely to be affected by these diseases [D] she wanted to teach her own son a lesson

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said. Laura didn't go to the police or courts because__.A.she was afraid of being laughed at B.the priest asked her not to do so C.her husband was a nice guy D.she was not well-educated

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Husband-Wife Relationship B.Women's Rights C.Laura's Marriage D.Family Violence

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said.The message Laura left her husband was most likely“__”.A.Do not beat the kid any more B.Learn to take care of the family C.Leave me and my children D.Be a good father

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Laura has two childre B.Laura never got any jo C.Laura's husband got punishe D.Laura got little help from the societ

考题 共用题干 Sport or Spectacle?Muhammad Aui is probably the most famous sports figure on earth:he is recognized on every continent and by all generations. The__________(51)of his illness as Parkinson's disease after his retirement fuelled the debate about the dangers of boxing and criticism__________(52)the sport. That,plus his outspoken opposition___________(53)women's boxing,made people wonder how he would react when one of his daugh- ters decided to____________(54)up the sport.His presence at Laila's first professional fight,however,seemed to broadcast a father's support.Of course Muhammad Aui wanted to___________(55)his daughter fight.The ring announcer introduced him as the"the greatest"and as he sat down at the ringside the crowd chanted.Twenty-one-year-old Laila's debut fight(首次亮相)was a huge success and there was as much publicity for the___________(56)as her father's fights once attracted Laila's opponent was much weaker than she was and__________(57)the fight lasted just 31 seconds.Since then, Laila has won most of her fights by knoc-king out her opponent"She knows ______ (58)she's doing,"said one referee about her."She knowsabout moving well.You can see some of her dad's moves."Laila Ali would rather not_________ (59)herself to her father. She prefers to make. __________(60). Her father supports her decision to enter the sport but he has not spared her the details of what can happen. Laila__________(61)that her father wants her to understand the worst possible scenario to see_________(62) she still wants to go forward with it.She knows she's going to get hit hard at times,that she may get a broken nose or a swollen(肿胀的)face , but at least she is prepared for it.Laila's decision to start boxing despite her father's__________(63)with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease has of course sparked a mixture of praise and__________(64).But Laila is a determined individual and it is her famous last name that has made her a magnet for worldwide media attention.Of course,the ___________(65)on the boxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions about whether women's boxing is sport or spectacle._________(53)A:inB:onC:toD:by

考题 "...She was married to an officer in India,long ago India;and she had a life of physical adventure(冒险)as exciting as her poetry.Her husband could cross rivers using crocodiles(鳄鱼)as stepping stones.He died when she was only 39.Unwilling to exist without him,she took her life,leaving a son in England." I stared at the paper,21?reading,couldn′t help thinking. Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule,but they can move like lightening when they want to.And they don′t mind hurrying?22?they′re hungry.There used to be lots in Indian rivers,living on fish mostly;but what′s a little fish for a fifteen-foot crocodile?They ate people,fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near;women doing the?23,or children playing at the water′s 24.A hungry crocodile′s mouth?25?over a meal with a sound like a gunshot.A big fellow can?26?in a man in two bites(咬)。 That woman′s husband crossed rivers?27?from one crocodile′s back to the next.I believe it.It had to be done quickly before the creature could see what was happening.It wasn′t28?a brave,active man;and no doubt he improved with practice.He could never look?29while crossing. The wife used to watch him--I felt sure of that.She lived?30?the adventure,the?31?excitement of it all.Their real life was with tigers,snakes...It′s no wonder she wrote?32poetry. Then he died.I imagined how she felt.Was there another man?33?him in India,in the world?She was still young,hardly a sitting-room widow(寡妇)."I must?34,too."she said to herself.So she did what she felt she had to do.A?35?probably,to her head. But her young son,their son?Was her love for him nothing compared to her husband?Well,what do you think? 第30题答案是A.without B.till C.for D.on

考题 单选题The author's depiction of Rachel in lines 11-21 (Her daughter,. Edwards) primarily serves to illustrate her ______.A prospects for a fortunate marriageB resemblance to the great fallen Phineas EdwardsC enviable style and intelligenceD recognition of the contrast between her and AphraE desire to excite jealousy in her friends

考题 单选题I object ______ as he is still too young.A my son to smokeB my son smokingC to my son to smokeD to my son’s smoking

考题 单选题The first paragraph is written to ______.A report the suicide of a young manB show the suffering of Mr. And Mrs. SatowC describe the Satows’ confusion over their son’s deathD introduce the topic of a website called Ulifeline

考题 单选题D’après cet électeur, Monsieur Jospin n’a pas gagné assez de voix, c’était _____.A à cause de son bilan sur le passé au lieu d’un projet pour l’avenir de l’Etat au cours de cette campagneB à cause de son comportement sérieuxC à cause qu’il n’est pas tourjours souriantD à cause de son caractère personnel

考题 单选题From “I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents”, we can infer that _____.A Rowling’s expectation is different from her parents’B Rowing’s parents hoped to be richC Rowling’s parents support her writing careerD Rowing and her parents didn’t get along well

考题 单选题Anne's father would not()to her marrying a foreigner.A contentB consentC approveD choose