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Which the HTTP method represents a request for information about the supported methods on an HTTP server?()











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更多 “单选题Which the HTTP method represents a request for information about the supported methods on an HTTP server?()A  GETB  INFOC  HEADD  TRACEE  OPTIONS” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following is a formal invitation that requests a formal response that describes the method of work and associated compensation.A Request for quotation (RFQ)B Request for proposal (RFP)C Request for bids (RFB)D Invitation for bids (IFB)E Letter of intent (LOI)

考题 148 Which of the following is a formal invitation that requests a formal response that describes the method of work and associated compensation.A. Request for quotation (RFQ)B. Request for proposal (RFP)C. Request for bids (RFB)D. Invitation for bids (IFB)E. Letter of intent (LOI)

考题 Which of the following is a secure method of copying information over a public network?() A.SCPB.SMTPC.SNMPD.TFTP

考题 Which of the information should be entered on the form?A.Amount of money earned B.Name of employer C.Remittance method used D.Employee's company address

考题 Given a Filter class definition with this method: 21.public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, 22.ServletResponse response, 23.FilterChain chain) 24.throws ServletException, IOException { 25.// insert code here 26.} Which should you insert at line 25 to properly invoke the next filter in the chain, or the target servlet if thereare no more filters?()A、chain.forward(request, response);B、chain.doFilter(request, response);C、request.forward(request, response);D、request.doFilter(request, response);

考题 Which two classes or interfaces provide a getSession method?()A、 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestB、 javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionContextC、 javax.servlet.http.HttpsServletResponseD、 javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEventE、 javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeEvent

考题 Which is a benefit of precompiling a JSP page?()A、It avoids initialization on the first request.B、It provides the ability to debug runtime errors in the application.C、It provides better performance on the first request for the JSP page.D、It avoids execution of the _jspService method on the first request.

考题 Which HTTP method has the characteristic that multiple indential requests may produce side effect beyond those of a single request()?A、 PUTB、 GETC、 INFOD、 POSTE、 HEADF、 TRACE

考题 Which of the following is a secure method of copying information over a public network?()A、SCPB、SMTPC、SNMPD、TFTP

考题 Given a header in an HTTP request:X-Retries:4 Which two retrieve the value of the header from a given HttpServletRequest request?()A、Request.getHeader("X-Retries")B、Request.getIntHeader("X-Retries")C、Request.getRequestHeader("X-Retries")D、Request.getHeaders("X-Retries").get(0)E、Request.getRequestHeaders("X-Retries").get(0)

考题 Which protocol provides a method of sharing VLAN configuration information between switches?()A、VTPB、STPC、ISLD、802.1QE、VLSM

考题 Which protocol provides a method of sharing VLAN configuration information between two Cisco switch?()A、VTPB、802.1QC、RSTPD、STP

考题 Which install method should be used to recycle an LPAR without retaining any information from its original configuration?()  A、MigrationB、PreservationC、New and Complete OverwriteD、Alternate disk installation

考题 Which the HTTP method represents a request for information about the supported methods on an HTTP server?()A、 GETB、 INFOC、 HEADD、 TRACEE、 OPTIONS

考题 Your web application uses a simple architecture in which servlets handle requests and then forward to aJSP using a request dispatcher. You need to pass information calculated in the servlet to the JSP for view generation.This information must NOT be accessible to any other servlet,JSP or session in the webapp. Which two techniques can you use to accomplish this goal?()A、Add attributes to the session object.B、Add attributes on the request object.C、Add parameters to the request object.D、Use the pageContext object to add request attributes.E、Add parameters to the JSP’s URL when generating the request dispatcher.

考题 You are creating a web form with this HTML: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Which HTTP method is used when sending this request from the browser?()A、GETB、PUTC、POSTD、SENDE、FORM

考题 You have a login.ascx control and to display it in a view which method u would use()A、http.displayB、http.partialC、http.loadD、http.get

考题 单选题For debugging purposes, you need to record how many times a given JSP is invoked before the user’ssession has been created. The JSP’s destroy method stores this information to a database. Which JSPcode snippet keeps track of this count for the lifetime of the JSP page?()A %! int count = 0; %% if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %B %@ int count = 0; %. % if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %C % int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %D %@ int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %E %! int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %

考题 单选题A web browser need NOT always perform a complete request for a particular page that it suspects mightNOT have changed. The HTTP specification provides a mechanism for the browser to retrieve only a partialresponse from the web server; this response includes information, such as the Last-Modified date but NOTthe body of the page. Which HTTP method will the browser use to retrieve such a partial response?()A GETB ASKC SENDD HEADE TRACE

考题 单选题Which the HTTP method represents a request for information about the supported methods on an HTTP server?()A  GETB  INFOC  HEADD  TRACEE  OPTIONS

考题 多选题Which two classes or interfaces provide a getSession method?()Ajavax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestBjavax.servlet.http.HttpSessionContextCjavax.servlet.http.HttpsServletResponseDjavax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEventEjavax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeEvent

考题 单选题Which HTTP method has the characteristic that multiple indential requests may produce side effect beyond those of a single request()?A  PUTB  GETC  INFOD  POSTE  HEADF  TRACE

考题 多选题Your web application uses a simple architecture in which servlets handle requests and then forward to aJSP using a request dispatcher. You need to pass information calculated in the servlet to the JSP for view generation.This information must NOT be accessible to any other servlet,JSP or session in the webapp. Which two techniques can you use to accomplish this goal?()AAdd attributes to the session object.BAdd attributes on the request object.CAdd parameters to the request object.DUse the pageContext object to add request attributes.EAdd parameters to the JSP’s URL when generating the request dispatcher.

考题 单选题Your web application uses a simple architecture in which servlets handle requests and then forward to aJSP using a request dispatcher. You need to pass information calculated by the servlet to the JSP;furthermore, that JSP uses a custom tag and must also process this information. This information mustNOT be accessible to any other servlet, JSP or session in the webapp. How can you accomplish this goal?()A Store the data in a public instance variable in the servlet.B Add an attribute to the request object before using the request dispatcher.C Add an attribute to the context object before using the request dispatcher.D This CANNOT be done as the tag handler has no means to extract this data.

考题 单选题You are creating a web form with this HTML: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Which HTTP method is used when sending this request from the browser?()A GETB PUTC POSTD SENDE FORM

考题 单选题Which protocol provides a method of sharing VLAN configuration information between two Cisco switch?()A VTPB 802.1QC RSTPD STP

考题 单选题Which is a benefit of precompiling a JSP page?()A It avoids initialization on the first request.B It provides the ability to debug runtime errors in the application.C It provides better performance on the first request for the JSP page.D It avoids execution of the _jspService method on the first request.

考题 单选题由于无法满足请求条件,因而无法生成响应实体的HTTP错误代码是()。A 405 method not allowedB 406 not acceptableC 408 request timeoutD 407 Proxy Authentication Required