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An increase in crankcase pressure generally indicates()

worn connecting rod bearings


worn engine cylinder liners


high cylinder firing pressure


stuck spring-loaded manhole covers


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更多 “单选题An increase in crankcase pressure generally indicates()A worn connecting rod bearingsB worn engine cylinder linersC high cylinder firing pressureD stuck spring-loaded manhole covers” 相关考题
考题 Sweating of the refrigeration system compressor crankcase is caused by_______ .A.too much superheatB.insufficient superheatC.suction pressure too lowD.excessive refrigerant returning to the compressor

考题 A single barometric pressure reading of 28.60 indicates ______.A.rapidly improving weatherB.deteriorating weatherC.a severe low pressure systemD.fair weather and calm

考题 You are located within a stationary high pressure area.Your aneroid barometer is falling very slowly.This indicates a(n)______.A.Wind shift of 180°B.Large increase in wind velocityC.Decrease in the intensity of the systemD.Increase in the intensity of the system

考题 A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a ______.A.high pressure systemB.low pressure systemC.high dew pointD.low dew point

考题 A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)______.A.cycloneB.anticycloneC.cold frontD.occluded front

考题 单选题A substantial increase pressure could be an indication of a/an ()A worn cylinder linerB faulty cylinder relief valveC excessive lube oil pressureD excessive scavenge air pressure

考题 单选题A dirty intercooler on an air compressor will cause ().A damage to the un-loader operating diaphragmB an increase in current flow to the motorC high pressure in the receiver and filterD an excessive consumption of crankcase oil

考题 单选题A substantial increase in crankcase pressure could be an indication of ()A excessive lube oil pressureB the proper seating of new ringsC a worn cylinder linerD a malfunctioning cylinder relief valve

考题 单选题An increase in diesel engine crankcase pressure generally indicates excessive()A compression pressureB lube oil header pressureC scavenge air pressureD piston ring blow-by

考题 单选题The vapor pressure of a substance().A decreases as temperature increasesB increases with the temperatureC is not affected by temperatureD may increase or decrease as the temperature rises

考题 单选题The pressure difference before and after the lube oil filter indicates ()the filter should be cleaned.A whenB howC whereD whether

考题 单选题Large crosshead type engine generally has two lubrication systems, a function performed only by crankcase oil system is()A lubricatingB coolingC cleaningD neutralizing

考题 单选题A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a().A high pressure systemB low pressure systemC high dew pointD low dew point

考题 单选题What occurs in the combustion space of a diesel engine cylinder shortly after ignition and before the piston reaches TDC?()A Rapid increase in temperature with constant pressureB Rapid increase in pressure with constant temperatureC Rapid increase in pressure and temperatureD Rapid increase in volume and decrease in pressure

考题 单选题()generally indicates that a gale or storm is approaching.A Falling barometric pressureB Rising barometric pressureC The circulations of windsD The change of wind direction

考题 单选题A single barometric pressure reading of 28.60 indicates().A rapidly improving weatherB deteriorating weatherC a severe low pressure systemD fair weather and calm

考题 单选题An increase in crankcase pressure generally indicates()A worn connecting rod bearingsB worn engine cylinder linersC high cylinder firing pressureD stuck spring-loaded manhole covers

考题 单选题Broken valve strips in an operating low pressure, air compressor will cause ().A an immediate crankcase explosionB oil contamination in the compressed airC a decrease in compressor capacityD no immediate loss of the compressed air capacity

考题 单选题If the refrigeration compressor crankcase is sweating, the cause may be due to ().A a shortage of refrigerantB the compressor running continuouslyC liquid refrigerant returning to the compressorD the compressor short cycling on the high pressure cutout

考题 单选题A liquid indicator sight glass is useful in determining whether or not a refrigeration system is sufficiently chargedIt is generally located in the().A high pressure liquid lineB low pressure liquid lineC high pressure vapor lineD low pressure vapor line

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning any evaporator?()A High conductivity of the distillate indicates distillate salinity is excessiveB Increasing the absolute pressure of the shell will increase the distillers capacityC Mesh separators are used in evaporators to filter the distillateD Reducing the brine density will reduce the heat lost overboard

考题 单选题A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)().A cycloneB anticycloneC cold frontD occluded front

考题 单选题An increased pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates the strainer is ()A holedB fouledC cleanD dry

考题 单选题The basic function of the centrifugal pump impeller is to ().A directly increase the pressure of the liquid being pumpedB directly increase the velocity of the liquid being pumpedC convert the potential energy of the liquid to kinetic energyD separate air from the liquid being pumped

考题 单选题Sweating of the refrigeration system compressor crankcase is caused by ().A too much superheatB insufficient superheatC suction pressure too lowD excessive refrigerant returning to the compressor

考题 单选题An increase in the air inlet manifold pressure of a diesel engine will result in a/an ().A decrease in maximum cylinder pressureB increase in ignition lagC decrease in fuel consumption per horsepower-hourD decrease in exhaust manifold pressure

考题 单选题Excessive oil foaming in the crankcase of a refrigeration compressor is most likely to occur() when the compressor.A has continuously for a long periodB suction pressure is below normalC oil level is below normalD starts after a long idle period

考题 单选题What monitoring device best indicates the load being carried by a diesel engine?()A Lube oil pressure gaugeB Jacket water temperature gaugeC TachometerD Exhaust pyrometer