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A system administrator decides to review the system error log after installing new hardware. Which of the following is the correct command to use?()









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更多 “单选题A system administrator decides to review the system error log after installing new hardware. Which of the following is the correct command to use?()A errptB syslogC prtdiagD errlogger” 相关考题
考题 A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()A、/tmp/conslogB、/etc/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

考题 public class X {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  badMethod();  System.out.print(“A”);  }  catch (Exception ex) {  System.out.print(“C”);  }  finally {  System.out.print(“B”);  }  System.out.print(“D”);  }  public static void badMethod() {  throw new Error();  }  }  What is the result?()  A、 ABCDB、 Compilation fails.C、 C is printed before exiting with an error message.D、 BC is printed before exiting with an error message.E、 BCD is printed before exiting with an error message.

考题 An administrator is planning to bring a newly purchased server online. Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()A、Follow the pre-installation plan and procedures.B、Review the system logs to check for errors.C、Notify all users that the old system will be taken offline.D、Apply all security updates to the system.

考题 What is the FIRST and most important step in system troubleshooting?()A、back up the system dataB、gather information about the problemC、try rebooting the system to see if that fixes the problemD、check the System Error Log or Event Log

考题 An administrator is planning to bring a newly purchased server online. Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()A、 Follow the pre-installation plan and procedures.按照预先安装计划和程序。B、 Review the system logs to check for errors.C、 Notify all users that the old system will be taken offline.D、 Apply all security updates to the system.

考题 A System p administrator is investigating a possible security breech and wants to review  information about failed login attempts to the system.  Which of the following commands will show this()A、fwtmp  /etc/security/failedloginB、cat /etc/security/failedloginC、whoD、alog -f /etc/security/failedlogin -o

考题 Which of the following commands can be used to review the system error logs?()A、 errpt -aB、 errpt -lC、 errdemon -lD、 syslogd -r

考题 A system administrator issued the errpt command and had no results. The system administrator determined that error logging was turned off. Which of the following commands should be used to start logging system errors?()A、/usr/bin/errmsgB、/usr/lib/errdemonC、/usr/lib/errloggerD、/usr/bin/errinstall

考题 A system administrator has just finished upgrading a system to AIX 5.2. If there are future problems, the system administrator would like to add an entry to the AIX errorlog to record this event. Which of the following commands can be issued for this purpose?()A、/usr/bin/errmsg "System upgraded to AIX 5.2"B、/usr/bin/errlog "System upgraded to AIX 5.2"C、/usr/bin/errupdate "System upgraded to AIX 5.2"D、/usr/bin/errlogger "System upgraded to AIX 5.2"

考题 A system administrator decides to review the system error log after installing new hardware. Which of the following is the correct command to use?()A、errptB、syslogC、prtdiagD、errlogger

考题 Which of the following statements best describes error logging?()A、Syslogd creates error log entries in the system error log. B、The default error log is stored in /var/adm/ras/error.log. C、All entries in the error log are related to software problems. D、Error logging is automatically enabled during system initialization.

考题 A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A、/var/log/conslogB、/var/log/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

考题 How does a system administrator add a new user to a system?()A、mkuserB、cruserC、adduserD、edit /etc/password

考题 How would a system administrator review root’s current cron jobs of the following?()A、crontab -lB、cron -l rootC、lscron -l rootD、cat /var/cron/crontabs/root

考题 After installing the base operating system and the Server bundle, a system administrator decides to remove several printer definitions that the system users will not need. Which of the following procedures is the best way for a system administrator to remove the extra printer definitions?()A、Select the SMIT option to remove software productsB、Reinstall the desired filesets using the "Force Overwrite" optionC、Delete the unnecessary entries from the /usr/lpp/printers directoryD、Use the ODM edit (odem) utility to revmoe the definition from the system's ODM database

考题 A system administrator is monitoring a system that has recently shown a decrease in performance.The administrator suspects that the system may be low on memory and may be paging excessively.Which of the following commands is best to identify a possible paging problem?()A、iostatB、netstatC、psD、vmstat

考题 When trying to run topas on an AIX 4.3.x system, the system administrator gets the error message "ksh: topas:  not found."   Which of the following options is the most likely reason this occurred?()A、 The fileset bos.perf.tools is not loaded on this system.B、 The fileset perfagent.tools is not loaded on this system.C、 The command topas is only available in AIX version 5.x.D、 The path variable does not include /usr/samples/kernel/. Either add it to the .profile or cd to that location and run the command again.

考题 对于IIS日志文件的访问权限,下列哪些设置是正确的?()A、SYSTEM(完全控制)Administrator(完全控制)Users(修改)B、SYSTEM(完全控制)Administrator(完全控制)Everyone(读取和运行)C、SYSTEM(完全控制)Administrator(完全控制)Inernet来宾账户(读取和运行)D、SYSTEM(完全控制)Administrator(完全控制)

考题 单选题Which of the following commands can be used to review the system error logs?()A  errpt -aB  errpt -lC  errdemon -lD  syslogd -r

考题 单选题Before installing an operating system on a server, which of the following is the BEST resource for an administrator to review the compatibility of the OS with the video card?()A Server manualB Manufacturer websiteC IEEE standardsD HCL

考题 单选题An administrator is planning to bring a newly purchased server online. Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()A  Follow the pre-installation plan and procedures.按照预先安装计划和程序。B  Review the system logs to check for errors.C  Notify all users that the old system will be taken offline.D  Apply all security updates to the system.

考题 单选题You have a computer that runs Windows 7. You need to identify which applications were installed during thelast week.  What should you do?()A From Reliability Monitor, review the informational events.B From System Information, review the Software Environment.C From Performance Monitor, review the System Diagnostics Report.D From Performance Monitor, run the System Performance Data Collector Set.

考题 单选题Which of the following statements best describes error logging?()A Syslogd creates error log entries in the system error log. B The default error log is stored in /var/adm/ras/error.log. C All entries in the error log are related to software problems. D Error logging is automatically enabled during system initialization.

考题 单选题A system administrator has just finished upgrading a system to AIX 5.2. If there are future problems, the system administrator would like to add an entry to the AIX errorlog to record this event. Which of the following commands can be issued for this purpose?()A /usr/bin/errmsg System upgraded to AIX 5.2B /usr/bin/errlog System upgraded to AIX 5.2C /usr/bin/errupdate System upgraded to AIX 5.2D /usr/bin/errlogger System upgraded to AIX 5.2

考题 单选题A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A /var/log/conslogB /var/log/console.logC /var/adm/ras/conslogD /var/ras/console.log

考题 单选题public class X {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  badMethod();  System.out.print(“A”);  }  catch (Exception ex) {  System.out.print(“C”);  }  finally {  System.out.print(“B”);  }  System.out.print(“D”);  }  public static void badMethod() {  throw new Error();  }  }  What is the result?()A  ABCDB  Compilation fails.C  C is printed before exiting with an error message.D  BC is printed before exiting with an error message.E  BCD is printed before exiting with an error message.

考题 单选题A system administrator is in the process of documenting the system. Which of the following commands will provide a list of the devices defined on the system?()A lsdev -CB lslpp -CC lsattr -CD odmget -C

考题 单选题In the process of the stand-by, warm-up the engine usually through give preheat of which parts of the diesel engine?()A cooling water of the cooling systemB fuel of the FO systemC LO of the LO systemD cooling water of the cooling system and LO of the LO system