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更多 “单选题_____A fromB forC againstD to” 相关考题
考题 Please bring me the ladder, and put it ()the tree, not the wall. A、byB、onC、againstD、among

考题 In the test I scored 160 ___________ a normal of 100. A. atB. withC. againstD. in

考题 Chris usually go to the gym () the weekend. A、fromB、inC、at

考题 Meanwhile, the young readers need more interesting books to help them ____these ugly papers. A、destroyB、throw awayC、fight againstD、get rid of

考题 your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence and make your nervousness work ______ you. A. towardsB.onC. againstD. for

考题 在绘图时,如果要想将屏幕上的某一个点参照为最近一个原点来作图,需先在命令行介入()A.FROMB.FORC.@D.Q

考题 在绘图时,如果要想将最后一个点参照为原点(0,0)来作图,该介入如下的哪一个命令()A.FROMB.FORC.@D.F

考题 13______A.withB.forC.againstD.without

考题 Who else, ( ) John, took part in the opening ceremony A、fromB、exceptC、besidesD、beside

考题 Will the AIDS patients benefit()the new drug?A. fromB. byC. of

考题 ________our expectation, the experiment turned out to be a complete failure.A: Contrary toB: Contrary withC: Contrary againstD: Contrary for

考题 The rain discouraged us ____ going out.A: toB: fromC: againstD: in

考题 A strong wind was ____ the broken window.A. free fromB. responsible forC. ready forD. sure of

考题 Aftertherobbery,theshopinstalledasophisticatesalarmsystemasaninsurance_________furtherlosses.A)forB)fromC)againstD)towards

考题 Itisusefultobeabletopredicttheextent______whichapricechangewillaffectsupplyanddemand.A)fromB)withC)toD)for

考题 A ofB forC beyondD into

考题 A aboveB uponC againstD with

考题 15.A.inB.forC.toD.at

考题 6. Chinese is different __________ English.A.fromB.inC.atD.on

考题 47.A.inB.forC.duringD.around

考题 Safety-management objectives of the Company should establish safeguards ______all identified risks.A.withB.withoutC.againstD.above

考题 When implementing the project, we__________a lot of unexpected opposition from ourcolleagues. A.run for B.make against C.run up against D.make away with

考题 The smog is due( )invisible gases,mostly from automobile exhaust.A.from B.to C.for D.with

考题 You can’t modernize____large external investments.A.from B.on C.without D.unless

考题 Accidents often arise from carelessness.A:result from B:result in C:stand up D:rise from

考题 __________A.from B.away C.against D.contrary

考题 _________A.on B.for C.by D.with

考题 We have drawn on you for this amount at sight through the Bank of China who has been instructed to produce the document_______ payment of the draft.A、withB、toC、againstD、on