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Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates () duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.

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更多 “单选题Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates () duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.A validity inB valid forC effective atD effectiveness for” 相关考题
考题 Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel?

考题 Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates ______ duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.A.validity inB.valid forC.effective atD.effectiveness for

考题 A vessel used for international service shall possess ______ valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.A.International Cargo Gear CertificateB.International Loadline CertificateC.International Safety Construction CertificateD.International Seaman Identification

考题 When clearing customs for a foreign voyage,which of the following is processed at the custom's house and returned to the vessel? ______.A.Shipping ArticlesB.Traveling Curio ManifestC.Official LogbookD.Cargo Gear Register

考题 Which is supplied to the vessel by the MSA ________.A.Bell bookB.Cargo gear registerC.Official LogbookD.Rough Logbook

考题 The vessel shall be employed in such lawful trades between safe ports and places within Northern America as the ______ or their agents shall direct.A.CharterersB.Cargo ownersC.OwnersD.The merchants

考题 In accordance with GENCON,Owners shall have a lien on ______ for detention.A.the cargo for freight,dead-freight,demurrage and damagesB.dispatch moneyC.premium if paidD.total and/or partial loss of and/or damage to the vessel

考题 In accordance with LOF,the owners of the vessel their Servants and Agents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that ______.A.the cargo owners provide their proportion of security before the cargo is releasedB.the cargo owners provide their proportion of security after the cargo is releasedC.the cargo owners dose not provide their proportion of security before the cargo is releasedD.the cargo owners does not provide their proportion of security after the cargo is released

考题 The safe working load for the assembled cargo gear and the minimum angle to the horizontal for which the gear is designed shall be marked on the ______.A.deckB.head of the boomC.heel of the boomD.mast or king post

考题 Regulations concerning the stowage,lashing,and securing of timber deck cargoes aboard general cargo vessels may be found in the ______.A.International Cargo Bureau RegulationsB.Load Line RegulationsC.Rules and Regulations for Cargo and Miscellaneous VesselsD.Vessel's classification society rules and regulations

考题 All wire rope used in shipboard cargo gear must be identified and described in a certificate. The certificate shall certify all of the following EXCEPT the ______.A.date of the testB.load at which a test sample brokeC.name of the vesselD.number of strands and of wires in each strand

考题 国际货物运输保险的英文是()。A、Insurance for International TransportB、International Ttransportation Cargo InsuranceC、International Cargo InsuranceD、Internationall Insurance for Cargo

考题 单选题The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all tests and inspections of gear take place and are logged().A when a new Master assumes commandB daily,at 0800 local zone timeC weekly,before 2400 SaturdayD immediately after assuming the watch

考题 单选题Once a vessel has loaded packaged hazardous cargo,the cargo spaces shall be inspected. The spaces shall also be inspected at least once in every 24 hours. The only exception to daily inspection is when().A a vessel is equipped with an automatic smoke or fire detecting systemB the cargo hatches are of steel constructionC the cargo is of a nonflammable typeD there is sufficient fire protection located on the main deck adjacent to the cargo hatch

考题 单选题Where are the test certificates,for wire rope used as cargo runners,and loose gear certificates usually maintained? ()A With the Cargo Gear Register on the shipB In the Official LogC At the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office with the vessel's inspection recordsD At the central records center of the agency testing the cargo gear

考题 单选题On your vessel,a wire rope for the cargo gear shows signs of excessive wear and must be replaced. In ordering a new wire for this 10-ton boom,what safety factor should you use?()A ThreeB FiveC SixD Seven

考题 单选题According to regulations,access to a cargo pumproom in a tanker carrying grades C or D liquid cargo shall be().A from areas equipped with power ventilationB only from enclosed areas free from sources of vapor ignitionC from the open deckD from within the vessel

考题 单选题Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel’s fire extinguishing systems shall be()on board until the vessel’s Certificate of Inspection expires.A consealedB detainedC containedD kept

考题 单选题Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel’s fire extinguishing systems shall be kept on board().A for 1 yearB for 2 yearsC until the next Coast Guard inspectionD until the vessel's Certificate of Inspection expires

考题 单选题Vessel on her delivery shall be ready to receive cargo with clean-swept holds and()and in every way fitted for ordinary cargo service.A right,correct and safeB sufficient,efficient and coefficientC nice,tidy and in good working conditionD tight,staunch and strong

考题 单选题All handling and stowage of packaged hazardous materials on board a domestic vessel engaged in foreign trable shall be done under the supervision of().A a HAS Marine InspectorB an officer assigned to the vessel by HASC a officer from CCSD the National Cargo Bureau

考题 单选题A vessel used for international service shall possess ()valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.A International Cargo Gear CertificateB International Loadline CertificateC International Safety Construction CertificateD International Seaman Identification

考题 单选题According to regulations,access to a cargo pumproom in a tank vessel carrying grades C or D liquid cargo shall be().A from areas equipped with power ventilationB only from enclosed areas free from sources of vapor ignitionC from the open deckD from within the vessel

考题 单选题Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates () duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.A validity inB valid forC effective atD effectiveness for

考题 单选题A vessel transferring provisions or cargo at sea shall display during the day().A two black balls in a vertical lineB three black balls in a vertical lineC three shapes in a vertical line; the highest and lowest shall be red balls and the middle a white diamondD three black shapes in a vertical line; the highest and lowest shall be balls and the middle one a diamond

考题 单选题Vessel shall possess()valid for duration of charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.A International Cargo Gear CertificateB International Loadline CertificateC International Safety Construction CertificateD International Seaman Identification

考题 单选题The safe working load for the assembled cargo gear and the minimum angle to the horizontal for which the gear is designed shall be marked on the().A deckB head of the boomC heel of the boomD mast or king post

考题 单选题All wire rope used in shipboard cargo gear must be identified and described in a certificate. The certificate shall certify all of the following EXCEPT the().A date of the testB load at which a test sample brokeC name of the vesselD number of strands and of wires in each strand