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A high rate of separation between oil and water is favored by ().

large size of oil globule


low temperature


high viscosity


high flow rate


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更多 “单选题A high rate of separation between oil and water is favored by ().A large size of oil globuleB low temperatureC high viscosityD high flow rate” 相关考题
考题 With the price of oil _______, the economy of oil-producing countries is expanding at a high rate. A.going upB.goes upC.gone upD.to go up

考题 One of the reasons that causes oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning purifier isA.seal water supply be cut offB.make-up water supply be cut offC.oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD.the flow rate of oil is too much

考题 Injectors for use with heavy fuel oil must be cooled by either water or light oil to_____.A.prevent heat corrosion to internal componentsB.increase fuel delivery rate and economyC.prevent pre-ignitionD.avoid carbonization of the nozzle tips

考题 A high rate of separation between oil and water is favored by ______.A.large size of oil globule(小球)B.low temperatureC.high viscosityD.high flow rate

考题 The height of tide is the ______.A.depth of water at a specific time due to tidal effectB.difference between the depth of the water and the area's tidal datumC.difference between the depth of the water and the high water tidal levelD.difference between the depth of the water at high tide and the depth of the water at low tide

考题 The difference in water spray pattern between the high-velocity tip and low-velocity applicator used with the all-purpose nozzle is due to ______.A.a difference in water pressureB.the method of breaking up the water streamC.the length of the applicatorD.All of the above

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考题 单选题A high rate of separation between oil and water is favored by ().A large size of oil globuleB low temperatureC high viscosityD high flow rate

考题 单选题You should frequently compare drum-mounted and remote-reading water level indicators() between these have contributed to failures because of overheating through shortage of water, when a boiler was being oil-fired.A descriptionsB discrepanciesC differentD deflections

考题 单选题When you are transferring fuel oil to the setting tanks, precautions to be observed should include ()A plugging gooseneck tank vents to prevent accident overflowB maintaining a high transfer rate until a slight trickle of oil is observed flowing from the overflow lineC sounding the tanks frequently and reducing the transfer rate as the level approaches maximum fillD maintaining a supply of chemical dispersant to cleanup minor oil spills adjacent to the ship

考题 单选题An over-speed trip stops a diesel engine when the engine ()A runs out of fuelB has low lubricating oil pressureC exceeds a set maximum speedD has high cooling water temperature

考题 单选题If the cooling water temperature and the lube oil temperature in a diesel engine are too high, the cause can be ()A a dirty lube oil strainerB internal water leaksC an oil suction line restrictionD excessive wears of the cooling water pump

考题 单选题Black smoke coming from a boiler can be caused by ().A low water levelB high water levelC excessively high fuel pressureD low oil temperature

考题 单选题A new ocean going ship of 2000 gross tons having an inoperative oily water separator may dispose of its bilge slops by ().A holding its slops onboard until they can be pumped into the city sewer systemB circulating them through the lube oil purifier to remove water and debrisC holding its slops onboard until they can be discharged to a shore side reception facilityD pumping them into a settling tank for separation before pumping the oily water residue overboard

考题 单选题The height of tide is the ().A depth of water at a specific time due to tidal effectB difference between the depth of the water and the area's tidal datumC difference between the depth of the water and the high water tidal levelD difference between the depth of the water at high tide and the depth of the water at low tide

考题 单选题The difference in water spray pattern between the high-velocity tip and low-velocity applicator used with the all-purpose nozzle is due to().A a difference in water pressureB the method of breaking up the water streamC the length of the applicatorD All of the above

考题 单选题Injectors for use with heavy fuel oil must be cooled by either water or light oil to ()A prevent heat corrosion to internal componentsB increase fuel delivery rate and economyC prevent pre-ignitionD avoid carbonization of the nozzle tips

考题 单选题The remaining oil/water mixture now flows down into the fine separating compartment and moves slowly between the() in the Turbulo separator.A catch platesB swash platesC cover platesD bedplates

考题 单选题The position of the interface between oil and water within the centrifuge is achieved by the use of ().A gravity discB centrifugal bowlC a stack of discsD main sealing ring

考题 单选题The principle of separation by which all commercially available oily water separators function is () differential between oil and water.A the temperatureB the viscosityC the gravityD the size

考题 单选题For a L√Opurifier, if the back pressure of the oil outlet is too high, the interface between oil and water in the bowl will ().A be interruptedB move downwardsC move outwardsD retain original position

考题 单选题One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is()A seal water supply be cut offB make up water supply be cut offC oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD the flow rate of oily water is too much

考题 单选题One of the reasons that causes oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning purifier is ()A seal water supply be cut offB make-up water supply be cut offC oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD the flow rate of oil is too much

考题 单选题A diesel engines crankcase oil level is found to be too high√ You should suspect that ().A the engine was over filledB there might be a fuel leakC there might be a water leakD all of the above

考题 单选题When bilge water is heated in a holding tank, which one of the following statements is not accurate?()A The high temperature facilitates primary gravity separationB Most of the oil and organic solvents are raised to the top layerC The high the temperature is, the more the top oil will be collectedD The high temperature has little use on the separation of emulsified oil

考题 单选题The function of lubricating oil is to ()A maintain even distribution of bearing wearB maintain a constant oil temperatureC maintain a pressurized film between moving surfacesD remove entrained water

考题 单选题Black smoke coming from a boiler can be caused by ().A low water levelB low oil pressureC excessively high fuel pressureD an improper air/fuel ratio

考题 单选题Coalescence is the breakdown of surface tension between oil droplets in an oil/water mixture, which causes them to join and () in size.A expandB extractC increaseD decrease