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Contrary to expectations, the film was successful()when it was released.









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更多 “单选题Contrary to expectations, the film was successful()when it was released.A currentlyB fastC readilyD instantly” 相关考题
考题 What you have done is () our expectations. A、attached toB、responsible toC、contrary toD、on the contrary

考题 Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane Eyre was recently made into a highly successful film by a Taiwan director, Ang Lee.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 I was amazed by people's readiness to help a stranger, even when it seems to run contrary to their own best interests.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 I don't think the audience would care _________the film is financed or distributed.A. whetherB. ifC. howD. when

考题 22.1 used to love this film when I was young,but I _________ it that way any more.A. don- t feelB. didn- t feelC. haven- t feltD. hadn- t felt

考题 ________our expectation, the experiment turned out to be a complete failure.A: Contrary toB: Contrary withC: Contrary againstD: Contrary for

考题 It’s not surprising that as a successful businessman, my friend Martin is not ____ he was when he graduated five years ago.A. thatB. whatC. howD. why

考题 When replacing a thermostatic expansion valve sensing bulb, it is necessary toA.apply a light film of oil to increase heat transferB.apply a light film of oil to prevent oxidationC.apply a heavy coating of grease to function as a heat sinkD.carefully coat the device with silicone sealant to reduce the effects of convective cooling

考题 With _w ______were you talking when I came in?

考题 材料:Spark erosion is caused by a voltage discharge between the main bearing and journal surface. The cause of the potential is the development of a galvanic element between the ship’s hull, sea water, and the propeller shaft/crankshaft.The oil film acts as a dielectric. The puncture voltage in the bearing depends on the thickness of the oil film. With increasing engine ratings, the specific load in the main bearing is increased. his will reduce the oil film thickness, and enable the discharge to take place at a lower voltage level.Since the hydrodynamic oil film thickness varies through a rotation cycle, the discharge will take place at roughly the same instant during each rotation cycle, i.e. when the film thickness is at its minimum. The roughening will accordingly be concentrated in certain areas on the journal surface. In the early stages, the roughened areas can resemble pitting erosion. but later, as the roughness increases, the small craters will scrape off and pick up white metal-hence the silvery white appearance.Therefore, to ensure protection against spark erosion, the potential level must be kept at maximum 80 mV, which is feasible today with a high efficiency earthing device. If an earthing device is installed, its effectiveness must be checked regularly. Spark erosion is only observed in main bearings and main bearing journals.问题:According to the paragraph one, a voltage between the main bearing and journal surface is produced by______.A.propeller rotationB.leakage from M/E electric control unitC.a galvanic elementD.friction between the main bearing and journal surface______engine ratings increase, the hydrodynamic oil film between the main bearing and journal surface is______.A.The lower/thinnerB.The higher/the thickerC.The lower/thickerD.The higher/thinnerWhen will the spark erosion take place on the journal surface during each rotation cycle?A.when the film thickness is at its minimumB.when the film thickness is at its maximumC.when the engine is on its compression strokeD.when the engine is on its exhaust strokeDuring the engine room watch keeping, which equipment must be noted to ensure protection against spark erosion?A.the antifouling plantB.the earthing deviceC.the main engine electric heating coilsD.the shaft generator请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 A celestial body will cross the prime vertical circle when the latitude is numerically ______.A.greater than the declination and both are of the same nameB.less than the declination and both are of the same nameC.greater than the declination and both are of contrary nameD.less than the declination and both are of contrary name

考题 --Was it not until last week__________he decided to give up smoking? --No, he began __________ he saw the new film last month. A.when; as soon B.that; immediately C.did; that D.that; till

考题 _________a word, this movie can be rated as a successful domestic film.A.Of B.At C.In D.By

考题 The film___________ for half an hour when I got to the cinema.A.began B.begun C.had begun D.had been on

考题 Sometimes I scratch my head when I read about the government′s efforts to improve schools:new standards and tests to be applied,strict teacher evaluations,and threats of school closures and?job losses.They frighten the school employees,not to mention the students.Instead of making people?unable to solve problems or try new ideas—which is what fear does to us—research on school reform?strongly suggests that policy-makers should encourage school leaders to take a more humane?approach.In their study on the reform efforts of twelve Chicago public schools,Bryk and Schneider found that enabling positive social relationships between the adults was the key to successful school?improvement and that trust was at the heart of those relationships. Trust in schools comes down to one thing:psychological safety or safety to speak one′s mind,to?discuss with openness and honesty what is and isn′t working,to make collective decisions. Yet this kind of safety doesn′t come easily to schools.According to Bryk and Schneider,the?adults in school rely on each other to do their jobs correctly and with integrity(正直).The challenge?is that our expectations are very diverse based on our unique backgrounds. At one school where I taught,each teacher had different expectations about how much extra?effort teachers should put into their work—a big difference between the teachers who left after the?last bell and those who worked into the evening.And when expectations are unconscious or?unspoken,it becomes impossible for others to live up to them. We also make assumptions about the intentions behind a person′s behavior.As we all know,assumptions are often wrong.For example,parents and teachers may think the principal made a?particular decision based on his career advancement rather than what′s best for the students.If we?don′t feel psychologically safe to question our assumptions and expectations,trust flies out the?window and our relationships suffer. According to Bryk and Schneider,what was most important for successful school improvement?《》()A.New standards and tests in schools. B.Positive social relationships. C.Strict teacher and student evaluations. D.Assistance of the government.

考题 Contrary to expectations, the film was successful()when it was released.AcurrentlyBfastCreadilyDinstantly

考题 5W2H法中5W和2H分别代表What、Where、When、W()、W()、H()、()。

考题 5W2H法中5W和2H分别代表:What、Where、When、()、()、()、()。


考题 When a valid SQL Query in a DB Read step returns 0 rows, which branch of the step will be executed? ()A、Timeout  B、SQL Error  C、Successful  D、Connection Not Available  

考题 You issued the following RMAN command:  RMAN CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON;     What is NOT an impact of using the above command?()A、 When a successful backup is recorded in the RMAN repository, then a backup of the current control file is performed.B、 When a structural change is made to the database, then a backup of the current control file is performed.C、 When a successful backup is performed in the RMAN repository, then a backup of the spfile is performed.D、 When a structural change is made to the database, then a backup of the alert log file will be performed.

考题 单选题Contrary to expectations, the film was successful()when it was released.A currentlyB fastC readilyD instantly

考题 填空题5W2H法中5W和2H分别代表What、Where、When、W()、W()、H()、()。

考题 单选题You issued the following RMAN command:  RMAN CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON;     What is NOT an impact of using the above command?()A  When a successful backup is recorded in the RMAN repository, then a backup of the current control file is performed.B  When a structural change is made to the database, then a backup of the current control file is performed.C  When a successful backup is performed in the RMAN repository, then a backup of the spfile is performed.D  When a structural change is made to the database, then a backup of the alert log file will be performed.

考题 问答题【参考范例五】PART 2Describe an actor/actress in film who has impressed you. You should say: when you watched the film what role he/she plays in the film what is the film about and explain why you find him/her impressive.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

考题 单选题A celestial body will cross the prime vertical circle when the latitude is numerically ().A Greater than the declination and both are of the same nameB Less than the declination and both are of the same nameC Greater than the declination and both are of contrary nameD Less than the declination and both are of contrary name

考题 单选题When I got to the cinema, the film had already started; I ought to get there earlier.A got toB had already startedC ought to getD earlier

考题 单选题and Great Expectations was a wonderful ______ .Dickens’ early life was very hard. His family was poor, and his mother sent him out to work in a factory when he was 12.A bookB storyC playD film