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The teacher wrote his _____ in the margin of the composition.









更多 “单选题The teacher wrote his _____ in the margin of the composition.A criticB commandsC commentsD commission” 相关考题
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考题 While studying at Lawrence High School, Frost wrote poems and finished his studies at the top of his class.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 He was a philosopher who wrote plays and poems and essays () his doctrine. A、expoundingB、forgoC、explosiveD、presided

考题 23. Jay Chou wrote songs ________for two years.A.for him selfB. for his friendsC. for his motherD. for Coco Lee, Jacky Cheung and some other singers

考题 )22. What can we learn about the teacher from the passage?The teacher is a kind -teacher.②The teacher never scolds his students.③The teacher works very hard.④The teacher likes to help his students.A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②③④

考题 25. Which is NOT true according to this passage?A. The writer loves his teacher very much.B. A good teacher should not scold his students. 'C. The teacher may be rich if he becomes a businessman.

考题 The teacher came into the room, with his hands _______behind his back.A. being crossedB. having crossedC. crossedD. to be crossed

考题 By his genius he()all these old stories()masterpieces of his life. A、put; intoB、turned; intoC、wrote; asD、set; as

考题 In his composition he made few spelling mistakes.

考题 Jim Binns wrote me about some of his __________.A、skepticismB、misgivingC、misgivingsD、contemporaries

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考题 That student blamed his failure ( ) his teacher. A、toB、onC、ofD、for

考题 “ Can you finish writing a ( )composition today” the teacher asked anxiously. A、two thousand-wordB、two-thousand-wordC、two-thousands-wordsD、two thousands words

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考题 In his composition there are ________errors _______a few misspellings.A: no other ... thanB: some other ... thanC: more ... thanD: other ... than

考题 Which of the following statements is TrUE()。 A、You'll not write a good composition until you like the topicB、When Baker wrote the essay, he thought his teacher would like itC、Mr. Fleagle had liked Baker's compositions beforeD、Baker succeeded in writing two compositions

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考题 问答题Your class has recently had a discussion about testing. For homework, your teacher has asked you to write a composition in no less than 120 words, giving your opinion about the following statement:  A test can tell the whole story.  Please write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

考题 单选题The teacher ____ his lesson with pictures.A illustratedB explainedC illustrationD illuminated

考题 单选题First of all, a teacher should show love for his students on top of his academic knowledge.______,he is not qualified for his position.A ThereforeB OtherwiseC HoweverD Because

考题 单选题1 wrote him a letter to show my _____ of his thoughtfulness.A expectationB congratulationC attentionD appreciation

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考题 单选题The teacher wrote his _____ in the margin of the composition.A criticB commandsC commentsD commission

考题 问答题Your class has recently had a discussion about reading. For homework, your teacher has asked you to write a composition in no less than 120 words, giving your opinion about the following statement:  Reading is an excellent way to increase your knowledge.  Please write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

考题 问答题The following comment was printed recently in a local newspaper:  Much of what is taught in schools nowadays is a waste of students’ time.  Your teacher has asked you to write a composition on this subject, with reference to your own learning experiences. Write your composition of no fewer than 120 words on the answer sheet. Do not write any addresses.

考题 单选题The teacher wrote his comments in the _____ of Joe’s paper.A bracketB marginC bulletinD edition

考题 单选题What do we know about Lawrence after he became a teacher?A He wrote many novels and stories.B He worked with miners in his spare time.C He escaped from the mines where his family lived.D He learned how to write stories from a famous writer.