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更多 “名词解释题packet包” 相关考题
考题 在 Java 中,若要使用一个包中的类时,首先要求对该包进行导入,其关键字是A ) importB ) packageC ) includeD ) packet

考题 在Java中,若要使用-个包中的类时,首先要求对该包进行导入,其关键字是( )。A.importB.packageC.includeD.packet

考题 以下哪种QCI等级的信道的丢包率(Packet Error LossRate)最高?() A.QCI2B.QCI1C.QCI6D.QCI5E.QCI3

考题 13、 通常我们把传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层的数据依次称为( )A. 帧(frame),数据包(packet),段(segment),比特流(bit )B. 段(segment),数据包(packet ),帧(frame),比特流(bit )C. 比特流(bit ),帧(frame),数据包(packet ),段(segment)D. 数据包(packet),段(segment),帧(frame),比特流(bit )

考题 When referring to the data structures of a packet, what is the proper term to refer to a single unit of TCP data at the transport layer?当提及一个数据包结构时,以下哪项可以表示一个TCP包在传输层的单个数据单元?()A、TCP segment.TCP段B、TCP packet.TCP包C、TCP frame.TCP帧D、TCP datagram.TCP报文

考题 通常我们把传输层.网络层.数据链路层.物理层的数据依次称为()。A、帧(frame),数据包(packet),段(segment),比特流(bit)B、段(segment),数据包(packet),帧(frame),比特流(bit)C、比特流(bit),帧(frame),数据包(packet),段(segment)D、数据包(packet),段(segment),帧(frame),比特流(bit)

考题 GPRS的英文全称为()A、Global.Packet.Radio.ServiceB、General.Packet.Radio.SystemC、General.Packet.Radio.ServiceD、Global.Packet.Radio.System

考题 packet包

考题 How does an IPv6 router deal with a packet that is larger than the outgoing interface MTU?()A、It will fragment the packet at Layer 2.B、It will fragment the packet at Layer 3.C、It will drop the packet and send an ICMPv6 message "packet too big" back to the source.D、It will drop the packet.

考题 Refer to the exhibit. A router has a 256 kbps Frame Relay circuit connected to interface serial 0/0. As a large FTP packet is being placed into the hardware transmit queue of interface serial 0/0, a voice packet is placed into the priority queue of that interface. How, and in what order, wi the packets be transmitted?()A、the voice packet will be transmitted first, followed by the FTP packet in its entiretyB、the voice packet will be transmitted first, followed by the fragmented FTP packetC、the FTP packet will be fragmented and the voice packet will be interleavedD、the FTP packet will be transmitted first in its entirety, follow by the voice packet

考题 Man-in-the-Middle类攻击可细分为()。A、Packet capturingB、Packet alterationC、Packet injectionD、Connection hijackingE、Packet insert

考题 ()数据的单位称为数据包(packet)。A、物理层B、数据链路层C、网络层D、应用层

考题 分组交换(Packet.Switching)又称报文分组交换、或包交换,也是一种存储转发技术。

考题 S3600-52P中的“P”的含义是()。A、Packet,数据包B、Power,远程供电C、SFP,光口类型

考题 GPRS的英文全称为()A、Global Packet Radio ServiceB、General Packet Radio SystemC、General Packet Radio ServiceD、Global Packet Radio System

考题 DPI 全称是(Deep Packet Inspection)深度包检测技术。


考题 IPsec以()为单位对信息进行加密的方式。A、IP Packet小包B、链路帧C、TCP包D、流媒体

考题 GPRS正确的的英文全称描述:()A、Global Packet Radio ServiceB、General Packet Radio ServiceC、General Packet Radio SystemD、Global Packet Radio System

考题 下面哪些项属于非实时业务的参数。()A、call/session:每次会话的呼叫次数;B、packet/call:每次呼叫的包个数;C、packetsize:包的大小;D、callinterval:呼叫间隔,

考题 给了两段documentation里的描述,问这个时候发哪种类型的ICMP包。 The interface on which the packet comes into the router is the same interface on which the packet gets routed out. The subnet or network of the source IP address is on the same subnet or network of the next-hop IP address of the routed packet.

考题 A router receives a packet on interface The source IP of the packet is and the destination is will the router handle the packet?()A、The destination is a host on another subnet, so the router will not forward the packet.B、The destination is a host on the same subnet, so the router will forward the packet.C、The destination is a broadcast address, so the router will not forward the packet.D、The destination is a network address, so the router will forward the packet.

考题 名词解释题packet包

考题 单选题数据链路层的数据单元一般称为().A 帧(FramE.B 段(Segment)C 分组或包(Packet)D 比特(bit)

考题 单选题以下哪种QCI等级的信道的丢包率(Packet Error LossRate)最高?()A QCI2B QCI1C QCI6D QCI5E QCI3

考题 问答题给了两段documentation里的描述,问这个时候发哪种类型的ICMP包。 The interface on which the packet comes into the router is the same interface on which the packet gets routed out. The subnet or network of the source IP address is on the same subnet or network of the next-hop IP address of the routed packet.

考题 单选题Refer to the exhibit. A router has a 256 kbps Frame Relay circuit connected to interface serial 0/0. As a large FTP packet is being placed into the hardware transmit queue of interface serial 0/0, a voice packet is placed into the priority queue of that interface. How, and in what order, wi the packets be transmitted?()A the voice packet will be transmitted first, followed by the FTP packet in its entiretyB the voice packet will be transmitted first, followed by the fragmented FTP packetC the FTP packet will be fragmented and the voice packet will be interleavedD the FTP packet will be transmitted first in its entirety, follow by the voice packet

考题 单选题IPsec以()为单位对信息进行加密的方式。A IP Packet小包B 链路帧C TCP包D 流媒体