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The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()

the eastern coastal areas of Queensland


the Blue Mountains


the New England Tableland


the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands


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更多 “单选题The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()A the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB the Blue MountainsC the New England TablelandD the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands” 相关考题
考题 Stress is body reaction by releasing chemical things into the blood for bad experience only.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Not only () us to his home,but also()us with his amusing experience abroa. A、did he invite,entertainedB、did he invite,he entertainedC、he invited,entertainedD、he invited,he entertained

考题 Australia is the world's smallest continent and largest island, a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. Its development represents a triumph(胜利)over remoteness and a harsh landscape.It is generally accepted that Australia's original inhabitants, the aboriginal(土著的)people, have lived on the continent for 40,000 to 60,000 years. They were also its sole(唯一的)human inhabitants until two centuries ago. Indonesian traders probably visited Australia's northwest but it was unknown to the rest of the world until the 1600s. A huge south land appeared on maps before 200 AD but its existence was not confirmed until the 17th century when Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch merchants ventured into Asia.The first European settlement of the continent--by the British--began in 1788, on the site now occupied by Sydney, Australia's largest city. There were then about 1500 Europeans and an estimated 300,000 aboriginal people in Australia. The population has reached 2.25 million by 1881, 5.41 million by 1921 and 7.4 million by the end of World War II(1945). It increased sharply, partly because of a large postwar immigration program, and reached more than 17 million in 1991, despite a decline that began in the 1970s in the natural increase and net immigration. The rate of population increase in the 40 years after world war II, about two percent, has halved.Australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world, with about 70 percent of the population living in the 10 largest cities. Australians have a high standard of living by world standards. The flag of Australia is the only one to fly over a whole continent in the world. The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain, the largest star has six points for each of the states and one point for the territories, and the small stars form. the Southern Cross - a prominent of the southern hemisphere night sky.1. The passage is written to _____.A. present a general picture of AustraliaB. persuade people to travel in AustraliaC. tell people the history of AustraliaD. describe the characteristic of Australia2. The first sentence in paragraph 1 mainly suggests that _____.A. Australia is a strange countryB. it is not easy to find AustraliaC. Australia has contradictory(矛盾的)featuresD. Australia is a continent and a country as well3. Which statement about Australia's population can NOT be inferred? _____A. The population change is a gradual increase.B. The population increased rapidly for a time owing to the government's special policy.C. The rates of population increase in different periods varied.D. The rate of population increase before World War II was about one percent.4. The word urbanized means _____.A. of towns or citiesB. of emergencyC. of suburbsD. of the countryside5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? _____A. The large star on the flag of Australia has seven points.B. People were certain of Australia's existence before 200 AD because it had appeared on maps.C. Australia enjoy relatively high standard of living compared with people in other countries.D. The aboriginal people of Australia were its only human inhabitants before the 18th century.

考题 In 2008, only two of five people in China realized that in the mainland, prices were at least 20 percent higher than they were in places such as Hong Kong.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 ______ has/have no regular redemption date and can only be redeemed in limited circumstances.A.ETFB.LOFC.Securities investment fundsD.Colsed-end funds

考题 Tim ( ) a great number of different places in Australia.A.already has visitedB.has already visitedC.has visited alreadyD.has ever visited

考题 Which two benefits are provided when Cisco enterprise solutions are employed across all places in thenetwork?() A. regular upgrade processB. multivendor supportC. cost savingsD. product varietyE. well-tested interoperability

考题 Which of the following sentences from the text BEST indicates that the teacher is very considerate?A. In her calm,motherly voice she said,“By the end of winter,…”(Paragraph 2)B. With the grace that only experience can bring,she struggled to…(Paragraph 4)C. …. she still managed to look both helpful and interested. (Paragraph 4)D. …,she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl.(Paragraph 4)

考题 If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?A. What was your childhood dream?B. What is your biggest achievement?C. What is your parents’ view of you?D. What was your hardest experience in the war?

考题 Nancy Liu amved in Sydney from China as a"skilled immigrant"with an economics degree 14 years ago.With her husband,she set up a business consultancy in the suburb in southem Sydney.However,Liu was only an epitome of thousands of Chinese investors.Since then,Chinese investment has transformed the city:many of its shop signs are now in Chinese.Ms Liu was a forerunner of a new wave of Chinese immigrants to Australia's oldest and biggest city.Hong Kong once supplied most of Australia's Chinese settlers,but over the past few years the pattern has shifted.Now it is the rising middle classes from other places of China who go there,looking for a more relaxed life style.About 4%of Sydney's people were bom in China.Currendy,China has become Australia's biggest trading partner,and its largest source of foreign students.

考题 In Australia, the Constitution can be changed only by ( ) A.referendum B.British Queen C.the Prime Minister D.the Supreme Court

考题 The northern part of the Australia has a tropical climate with only two seasons,and the dry season lasts from( ). A.January to June B.July to November C.November to April D.May to October

考题 Why is Australia.s New South Wales called the premier state?()ABecause it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.BBecause it is the biggest state in Australia.CBecause it is the most important state in Australia.DBecause it has the largest population in Australia.

考题 The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()Athe eastern coastal areas of QueenslandBthe Blue MountainsCthe New England TablelandDthe highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 Western Australia is the biggest Australian state,but its population is only()of the country.s population.A9%B10%C11%D12%

考题 The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()A、the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB、the Blue MountainsC、the New England TablelandD、the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 Western Australia is the biggest Australian state,but its population is only()of the country.s population.A、9%B、10%C、11%D、12%

考题 Why is Australia.s New South Wales called the premier state?()A、Because it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.B、Because it is the biggest state in Australia.C、Because it is the most important state in Australia.D、Because it has the largest population in Australia.

考题 Which two benefits are provided when Cisco enterprise solutions are employed across all places in thenetwork?()A、regular upgrade processB、multivendor supportC、cost savingsD、product varietyE、well-tested interoperability

考题 单选题The phrase “go out of their way to shop accordingly” in paragraph 4 means “to _____”.A enjoy green shopping far away from homeB make a special effort to buy green productsC do unusual things to support green consumptionD go shopping only in places with green products

考题 单选题Generally speaking,a ship steaming across the North Pacific from Japan to Seattle is likely to experience().A adverse currents for practically the entire crossingB favorable currents for practically the entire crossingC favorable currents in the summer months and adverse currents in the winter monthsD variable currents having no significant effect on the total steaming time

考题 单选题The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()A the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB the Blue MountainsC the New England TablelandD the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 问答题Practice 10  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  We don’t really learn anything properly until there is a problem, until we make a mistake, until something fails to go as we had hoped. When everything is working well, with no problems or failures, what incentive do we have to try something new? We are only motivated to learn when we experience difficulties.  Adapted from Alain de Botton, How Proust Can Change Your Life: Not a Novel  Assignment: Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

考题 单选题Once you have established the daily ration of drinking water in a survival situation,how should you drink it?()A Small sips at regular intervals during the dayB The complete daily ration at one time during the dayC One-third the daily ration three times dailyD Small sips only after sunset

考题 单选题The phraseeven in winter(Lines 8~9)most nearly means _____.A if the winter is especially warmB during all of the year except the winterC in winter as well as in other seasonsD during the evenings in winter

考题 问答题A typist types four envelopes and four letters. She places the letters in the envelopes at random. What are the chances that only three letters are in their correct envelopes?

考题 单选题Western Australia is the biggest Australian state,but its population is only()of the country.s population.A 9%B 10%C 11%D 12%

考题 单选题Dr Iyaid Sarraj ______.A believes only a small proportion of them are interested in militant activityB thinks the generation that saw their fathers beaten by Israeli troops would grow more violentC senses more Palestinians strengthen their view that only violence can fight back IsraelD believes his rich experience will make treatment easier