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The size.


The furniture.


The location.


The rent.


该题问的是女士最后问的是什么。由男士的回答“325 dollars”也可推断,问题是关于价钱的,女士答语中的“What’s the rent”是解题关键,故答案为D。
M: Can I help you?
W: Yes, I’ m looking for an apartment in this neighborhood.
M: Well, I’ve got one here on Sydney Road.
W: How big is it?
M: It’s got a kitchen, a bathroom, and one bedroom.
W: Actually, I prefer something a bit bigger if that’s possible.
M: Let me see. There is a bigger one opposite the park.
W: What’s it like?
M: Well, there are two bedrooms, a sitting room, a kitchen, and a bathroom.
W: It sounds nice! What’s the rent?
M: It’s 325 dollars a month.
Q8: What was the woman doing?
Q9: What kind of apartment does the woman prefer?
Q10: What did the woman ask about in her last question?
更多 “单选题_____A The size.B The furniture.C The location.D The rent.” 相关考题
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