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由上文“half a million young people(50万年轻人)”可知,这是一个大型的集会,是年轻人聚在一起的意思。come along表“发生,陪伴”;come up意为“走进,上来”;come together意为“集合”。come out意为“出来,出现”。故本题选C。
更多 “单选题_____A alongB upC togetherD out” 相关考题
考题 Your desire to establish business relations with us ( )with ours.A. alongB. along sideC. coincidesD. come

考题 It would have taken hours to work the answer out, so I ____ my pocket calculator. A. turned inB. turned upC. turned toD. turned out

考题 Do it right ____ , or it will be late. A. alongB. wayC. awayD. down

考题 Your desire to establish business relations with us ( )with ours.A.alongB.along sideC.coincidesD.come

考题 It seems that the Hope Project ______well in China.A. is getting alongB. is being got alongC. got alongD. is getting on with

考题 I tried phoning her office,but I couldn\'t_________A.get alongB.get onC.get toD.get through

考题 Without my glasses I can hardly ______ what has been written in the letter. A.make forB.make upC.make up forD.make out

考题 Millions of people in Europe were killed by the Black Death, which()in the 14th century. A、broke offB、broke upC、broke downD、broke out

考题 Thanks for your invitation and I will come ( )at eight.A、alongB、longC、aloneD、lone

考题 We would appreciate your sending us a catalogue of your Rubber Boots ()with termsof payment and the largest discount you can allow us.A、togetheringB、togetheredC、togetherD、togetherness

考题 you should () your reasons for canceling your purchase order.A、set forthB、set upC、set inD、set out

考题 I ( )an old friend of mine when I went shopping in supermarket. A.come alongB.come aboutC.come acrossD.come on

考题 The factory ______ 20,000 bicycles a month.A. turns intoB. turns upC. turns inD. turns out

考题 32_______.A.alongB.upC.downD.around

考题 The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tanker that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a ______.A.come-alongB.crossoverC.manifoldD.runaround

考题 Tom is snobbish, always _________the influential people." A.making out for B.making up C.making up to D.making up for

考题 The only decent hotel in town had hung out a “Full House” sign, so their only choice ( ) at a small inn.A.is to put up B.has been to put up C.will be put up D.was to put up

考题 The girl has awakened the feelings inhim that his thought had been __________long ago.A.called up B.taken up C.stamped out D.handed in

考题 The jumbo boom can ().A、lift heavy cargoB、load and unloadC、join ropes togetherD、lift light cargo

考题 所有进出UPC机房的人员都是经过()书面授权的名单。A、GMB、DGMC、EDGMD、UPC主管

考题 The factory(), bicycles a month.A、turns intoB、turns upC、turns inD、turns out

考题 Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be()to the draft.A、enclosedB、attachedC、togetherD、alongwith

考题 UPC产品编码是由()位数字组成。(此处UPC编码指的是标准版编UPC编码)

考题 关于商品UPC/EAN编码,下列些是正确的()A、UPC和EAN是国际通用的商品唯一识别编码的意思B、用UPC算号器算出来的UPC码可以正常使用不会造成侵权C、UPC必须是正规机构申请或购买的D、UPC是12位数的数字编码,EAN是13位数的数字编码

考题 It is required to use the capstan to haul a line . The order given is “()”.A、Heave away the lineB、Single upC、Let goD、Pay out

考题 What is the meaning of integration?()A、To link some separate factors as a whole chainB、UnitedC、To put togetherD、Mixture

考题 商品条码分为两大类,()A、EBN条码和UPC条码B、EAN条码和UBC条码C、EAN条码和UPC条码D、EAM条码和UPC条码

考题 单选题商品条码分为两大类,()A EBN条码和UPC条码B EAN条码和UBC条码C EAN条码和UPC条码D EAM条码和UPC条码