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Chinese characters need ______.

three and four-key combinations


English keyboards


different computers


Western-style keyboards


根据最后一段指出中国电脑和网络的发展的最大障碍是西方键盘不适合打中国汉字。从该段倒数第三句提到的“The best system…involves using complex three and four-key combinations to enter specific characters.”可知选项A符合题意。
更多 “单选题Chinese characters need ______.A three and four-key combinationsB English keyboardsC different computersD Western-style keyboards” 相关考题
考题 He ________ a system to put Chinese characters into computers. A. arrangedB. droppedC. protestedD. devised

考题 You need to have the experience of directing different activities to __________.A. be an editor of the music magazine B. head a bank branch of Town BankC. teach English in Language Centre D. work as a nurse in Child Care Centre

考题 This Chinese-English dictionary is useful ( ) high school students. A、withB、toC、byD、at

考题 Chinese()are not written with an alphabet, making it very hard for a lot of A、namesB、foodsC、characteristicsD、characters

考题 It's very interesting to study names of different countries.Chinese names are different (1) foreign names.Once an English lady came to visit me.When I was introduced to her she said, “ Glad to meet you, Miss Ping.” Then she gave me her name card with three words on it:"Betty J.Black.So I said, “Thank you, Miss Betty.” We looked at each other and laughed heartily.Later I found that the English people (2)their family names last and the given names first, while their middle names are not used very much.I explained to her that the Chinese family name comes first, the given name last, so she(3) never call me Miss Ping.She asked if we Chinese had a middle name.I told her we didn't.but people may often find three wordson a Chinese name card.In this case the family name still come first, and the other words after it(4)a two-word given name.it is quite usual in China.My sister is Li Xiaofang.She has two words in her given name instead (5) just one like mine.(完型填空)A.PutB.FromC.ShouldD.ofE.are

考题 Our English teacher() our buying an English-Chinese dictionary. A、suggestedB、wishedC、hopedD、asked

考题 Many words from Chinese and English are different in both the denotational meanings and connotational meanings. Which of the following is an example for this?() A.龙/dragonB.猫头鹰/owlC.狐狸/foxD.猪/pig

考题 Animals are friends of human beings, so the languages of all nations contain a lot of words about animals. Certain words for animals do carry similar denotative and connotative meanings in both languages. In English, for instance, “dove” is often related to “peace”, and in Chinese we have a similar term “和平鸽”. Another example is that “fox” and “狐狸” both imply the quality of “being sly”, as is obvious in the idioms of “as sly as a fox” and “像狐狸一样狡猾”.However, there are many words with the same denotative meanings but different connotative meanings. For instance, “bat” is an evil animal in European folk legends. The English idioms like “as blind as a bat” and “as crazy as a bat” give explanation by themselves. But many Chinese people believe that “bat” is the symbol of good luck, health and happiness. This is mainly because in “蝙蝠” “蝠” is pronounced the same with “福” (good fortune) in “幸福” (happiness) and “洪福” (limitless blessing).Still, there are many other words whose denotative and connotative meanings are both different in English and Chinese. For example, in the western world, “dragon” is a fire-spitting mythical animal, signifying violence, as in “He is a bit of dragon here.” By contrast, most Chinese people regard “龙” (Long) as a symbol of dignity and power, as in the idiom “望子成龙” (hold high hopes for one’s child).1. Some English words about animals carry both denotative and connotative meanings.()A.TrueB.False2. Many words from Chinese and English are the same in both the denotational meanings and connotational meanings, such as “fox” and “狐狸”.()A.TrueB.False3. The Chinese word “蝙蝠” carries the same connotative meanings with the English word “bat”.()A.TrueB.False4. The Chinese word “龙” carries the same denotative meaning with the English word “dragon”.()A.TrueB.False5.“He is a bit of dragon here.” The equivalent Chinese version of this sentence is: 他在这一带为非作歹。()A.TrueB.False

考题 6. Chinese is different __________ English.A.fromB.inC.atD.on

考题 4.—What's this________ English?—It’s an English-Chinese dictionary.A. atB.inC. onD. of

考题 From the passage we can conclude that______.A. different people have different ideas about the same thingB. Westerners culture is similar to our Chinese cultureC. in general, Westerners and the Chinese don't like pigsD. all of the Chinese like pigs better than Westerners

考题 __________the English novels you asked for,I also brought you an English-Chinese dictionary.A.In spite ofB.In addition toC.In return forD.Instead of

考题 This is not typical of English,but is a feature of the Chinese language,A:particular B:characteristic C:remarkable D:idiomatic

考题 This is not typical of English,but is a feature of the Chinese language.A: particular B: characteristic C: remarkable D: idiomatic

考题 The old English man let his car to a Chinese couple.A:provided B:offered C:rented D:sold

考题 It is widely accepted that English is the global language of modern times. About three decades ago,French was recognized as the language of diplomacy(外交),and German was considered the language of science and technology.English now dominates(主导)not only as the language of science but also diplomacy,computing,and tourism.Today,in terms of native speakers,Mandarin Chinese is the world′s largest language. Yet there are people who believe that China will become the most powerful country in the world.Some have?even fixed the date as early as the year 2020.At present,while English is more widely spoken than any other?language,there are more people who speak Chinese than English due to the large population in China alone.If China?does become a world power,there is no doubt that this language will spread worldwide. As the controversy over which language will become dominant in the world continues,there are many who feel?that the dominance of English is unique and irreversible(不可逆的).However,a separate study from David Graddol′s suggests that English′s dominance in the scientific area will continue.There is also an argument that the?English language would be changed greatly by 2020 for various reasons.With the possibility of China rising as a?world power,Mandarin could definitely challenge the dominance of English as a global language. Which language is now considered as the language of diplomacy?A.French. B.Chinese. C.German. D.English.

考题 It is widely accepted that English is the global language of modern times. About three decades ago,French was recognized as the language of diplomacy(外交),and German was considered the language of science and technology.English now dominates(主导)not only as the language of science but also diplomacy,computing,and tourism.Today,in terms of native speakers,Mandarin Chinese is the world′s largest language. Yet there are people who believe that China will become the most powerful country in the world.Some have?even fixed the date as early as the year 2020.At present,while English is more widely spoken than any other?language,there are more people who speak Chinese than English due to the large population in China alone.If China?does become a world power,there is no doubt that this language will spread worldwide. As the controversy over which language will become dominant in the world continues,there are many who feel?that the dominance of English is unique and irreversible(不可逆的).However,a separate study from David Graddol′s suggests that English′s dominance in the scientific area will continue.There is also an argument that the?English language would be changed greatly by 2020 for various reasons.With the possibility of China rising as a?world power,Mandarin could definitely challenge the dominance of English as a global language. The author says that Chinese is expected to spread worldwide if__________.A.China becomes a real world power B.China has a larger population C.China has the modern technology D.more tourists come to China

考题 ( )is a typical tone language. A.French B.Chinese C.American English D.English

考题 单选题More and more Chinese are learning foreign languages, ______English.A previouslyB predominantlyC practicallyD permanently

考题 单选题Mr. Black said the local bird was an interpreter because ______A the three Chinese birds didn’t know EnglishB it was different from the Chinese birdsC he was making a joke

考题 单选题My English teacher warned me()Chinese in the classroom.A to not speakB don’t speakC to speak notD not to speak

考题 单选题What's the Chinese()for the English word "refer"?A equalityB equalC equivalentD equation

考题 单选题()Chinese in your English classA Not speakB Don’t speakC No speak

考题 单选题我们需要不同种类的油漆用于不同的区域。()A We need same kinds of paint for different areas.B We need different kinds of paint for different areas.C We need different kinds of paint for each areas.D We need same kinds of paint for every areas.

考题 单选题In the eighteenth century, politics was thought be an improper sphere for women, whose boycott of English goods was different than any protest the English had seen beforeA whose boycott of English goods was different than any protest the English had seen beforeB whose boycotting English goods was different than any protest the English had seen beforeC whose boycott of English goods was different from any protest the English had seen beforeD whose boycott of English goods was different from any protest the English saw beforeE whose boycotting of English goods was different from any protest the English have seen before

考题 单选题All students are required to translate this poem______English into Chinese.A withB fromC onD for

考题 单选题—The six students from Lianyungang got first prize in the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition in Jiangsu.—______ exciting news it is!A WhatB HowC What anD How an