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The basic process of biological sewage treatment consists of the liquor either by bubbling air through it or by agitating the surface()









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更多 “单选题The basic process of biological sewage treatment consists of the liquor either by bubbling air through it or by agitating the surface()A oxygenatingB oxidizingC deoxygenatingD proportioning” 相关考题
考题 X2AP基本过程包含『____』和『____』两类。(X2AP basic process consists of two types『____』and『____』.)

考题 The(69)Process Group consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the project's requirements.A.PlannlngB.ExecutingC.Monitoring and ControllingD.Closing

考题 Theois designed with a primary combustion chamber for burning sludge oil and /or solid waste, and two secondary combustion chambers for9ases.burning uncombusted exhaust A.boilerB.separatorC.incineratorD.treatment lological sewage

考题 Most marine biological sewage treatment plants consist of all the following statements except() A.aeration tanksB.settling tanksC.disinfection agent(消毒剂D.anaerobic bacteria(厌氧菌)

考题 The biological sewage treatment plant utilizes Oto completely break down the sewage into an acceptable substance for discharge-into anywaters A.agitation functionB.bacteriaC.chemicaD.oxidizing function

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考题 Why do dates require special treatment during the ETL process?为什么在ETL的过程中需要对日期进行特殊处理?

考题 第三组:The sewage treatment system must be capable of discharging an effluent that comes within the limits of the tests. Sewage can be treated biologically so that it may be discharged with minimal damage to ecosystem. Biological treatment involves the use of living organisms to treat the sewage within the sewage treatment plant so the liquids and sludge discharged are within the standards specified.Biological treatment plants are usually built up as a module and consist of various sections.Waste matter collected from the ships sanitary appliances is led through a sanitary piping system to the treatment module. The solid matter is broken up by passing it through a screen or a series of revolving cutters. The broken up solid material, together with the waste liquid, passes into a tank containing bacteria which require oxygen and a nutrient to propagate. The nutrient is contained in the solid waste material, and oxygen is supplied by bubbling compressed air through the broken up waste. The propagated bacteria change the waste material into a sludge by aerobic digestion. The sludge is finally treated to kill the coliform. bacteria before it is passed overboard.When a biological sewage plant is started up, such as when activating a new ship or after cleaning out the tank, a pellet containing bacteria is introduced into the tank. It takes approximately one week for the bacteria to propagate and make the system fully effective. The choice of sanitary appliance cleaners requires extreme care, as many cleaners are toxic to the active bacteria. Once a biological sewage plant is made active it should not be shut down. If it is it will have to be reactivated again because the bacteria will die without a supply of nutrients and oxygen.Bacteria that require oxygen for their survival are referred to as aerobic. Aerobic bacteria are normally used in ships sewage treatment equipment. Other forms of bacteria that do not require oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. Anaerobic bacteria are used in shore based sewage treatment works where methane is obtained as a by-product for use as fuel.This passage is mainly aboutA.sewage treatment methodsB.the various sections of a sewage treatment plantsC.biological sewage treatment systemD.how the sewage treatment plants are started up

考题 Biological treatment may use __ to treat sewage (1)living organisms (2)chemicals (3)additivesA.(1)B.(2)C.(3)D.(1)(2)(3)

考题 Most marine biological sewage treatment plants consist of all the following statements except ______.A.aeration(通风) tanksB.settling tanksC.disinfection agent(消毒剂)D.anaerobic bacteria(厌氧菌)

考题 The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that__________.A.scientists have found a way to prolong the period of clinical death B.biological death occurs when vital organs have suffered permanent damage C.modern scientists divide the process of dying into clinical and biological death D.cooling delays the processes leading to biological death

考题 ( )is not included in Information Security Risk Assessment Process.A.Establishing information security risk criteria B.Identifying the information security risks C.Formulating an information security risk treatment plan D.Analysing the information security risk

考题 A variety of tools is available to help the analyst to discover the users' true needs.These tools are grouped into three broad techniques that are based on the degree of change anticipated in the to-be system . Business process(71) is used when the basic business Requirements outlined in the system request focus on employing computer technology in some aspect of the business process. Two popular activities used in the technique are(72). Business process(73)means that the basic business requirements target moderate changes to the organization' s operations. (74)are three popular activities in the technique. Business process (75)means changing the current way of doing business and making major changes to take advantage of new ideas and new technology.A.automation B.modeling C.improvement D.re-engineering

考题 The ____ is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarizeD.The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several ____. In a workflow system, a process is specified using the process definition tool. Usually, processes are defined in terms of a ____, which consists of ____ indicated using a circle, and __请作答该选项__ shown as a rectangle. These two components can be linked by means of a directed arC.A.trasitions B.transformations C.transmitters D.changes

考题 单选题The extended aeration process consists of () the liquor either by bubbling air through it or by agitating the surface.A deoxygenatingB oxygenatingC chemicalizingD disinfecting

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT among the solutions to the lack of sewage water treatment plants?A Cooperation with other organizations.B Cooperation with the World Bank.C Two projects about treatment plants for sewage waters in Vlore and Pogradec.D To control the waste water discharged.

考题 名词解释题生物处理法(Biological Process)

考题 单选题The first few steps in the employment process are relatively inexpensive to the company, and each may indicate basic reasons ______ the applicant is unsuitable for the job.A becauseB whyC forD that

考题 单选题()are used to digest the sewage to produce innocuous sludge in a biological sewage treatment plant.A anaerobic bacteriaB aerobic bacteriaC air bubblesD disinfection chemicals

考题 单选题Concerning the management of sewage treatment plant using activated sludge, which of the following is correct?()A the plant should be prohibited to supplying airB the plant should work at intervalsC the plant should be added disinfector in timeD we should check strength of activated sludge, ivory-white color is best

考题 单选题A number of biological sewage treatment plants are in use at sea but nearly all work on what is called the extended aeration processBasically the consists of oxygenating the liquor by bubbling air through itAccording to the above two sentences, the word "this" means ().A a sewage treatment plantB the extended aeration processC the liquorD the bubbling air

考题 单选题Disinfector in the sewage biological treatment plant usually is ()A chlorine waterB ozoneC hypo-calcium chlorideD calcium oxide

考题 单选题Most marine biological sewage treatment plants consist of all the following statements except ().A aeration tanksB settling tanksC disinfection agentD anaerobic bacteria

考题 单选题In sewage treatment, the term maceration refers to the process of ()A breaking up solid matter into fine particlesB precipitating non-decomposed waste in a collection tankC chemically adjusting the sewage ph to 7-0D eliminating bacterium coli from the sewage

考题 单选题The()Process Group consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the project's requirements.A PlanningB ExecutingC Monitoring and ControllingD Closing

考题 单选题A number of biological sewage treatments plants are in use at sea but nearly all work on the principle called ()A deoxygenatingB extended aerationC oxygenatingD bubbling air

考题 单选题Before marine sewage treatment plant works () should be filled with fresh water.A deposition chamberB oxidation poolC disinfection chamberD all chamber