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An explosion is a sudden increase in amount()

rapid burning causes it


to be cause dby rapid burning


causing it'burningtoberapid


caused by rapid burning


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题An explosion is a sudden increase in amount()A rapid burning causes itB to be cause dby rapid burningC causing it'burningtoberapidD caused by rapid burning” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following “to” is NOT used as a preposition()? A.Unfortunately, the boss objected to your proposalB.Education is importanC.Their expenses amount to fifty dollarsD.The prices are bound to increase

考题 When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical-hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will .A.pick up more of any increase in loadB.pick up less of any increase in loadC.share an equal amount of any increase in loadD.drop an equal amount of any decrease in load

考题 If a heavy sea strikes the rudder, the shock is transmitted through ___ to the rams, this cause a sudden increase in oil pressure in one of the cylinders.A.the control rodB.the hunting gearC.the floating ringD.the tiller arm

考题 According to the passage, what helps to explain why the population problem has come on "all of a sudden"?A) The penny which doubles itself every day for one month.B) The time span of at least two million years in human history.C) An illustration of the exponential growth rate given by the author.D) The large amount of money you would luckily make after the fourth week.

考题 You receive a remote assistance request. It expires before you are able to accept it. You need to increase the amount of time you have to accept remote assistance requests.What should you do?() A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 Which of the following is true regarding the use of switches and hubs for network connectivity()。 A.Switches take less time to process frames than hubs take.B.Switches do not forward broadcasts.C.Hubs can filter frames.D.Using hubs can increase the amount of bandwidth available to hosts.E.Switches increase the number of collision domains in the network.

考题 An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to ______.A.aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanksB.increase the rate of discharge of cargoC.force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphereD.lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks,making explosion nearly impossible

考题 Which three best describe the customer benefits of the Cisco Lifecycle Services approach?()A、improve the skill sets of its staff membersB、increase the value of and return on investment for its networksC、increase network staff productivityD、increase the amount of server room rack spaceE、improve network availability, resiliency, security, and scalabilityF、increase the amount of time required to integrate network changes

考题 A technician wants to increase the reliability of a DHCP server. Which of the following components should be installed to increase the server’s uptime on the network?()A、 Increase the amount of RAMB、 Use a lower voltage power supplyC、 Add a hardware firewallD、 Install redundant NICs

考题 Your company uses Microsoft Applicat ion Virtualization (App - V). When sequencing applications, you receive an error indicating that the App - V Sequencer is unable to save temporary files. You need to ensure that you can sequence applications. What should you do on the App - V Sequencer computer?()A、Increase the amount of memory.B、Increase the storage space available to the %TMP% directory.C、Increase the storage space available to the %TEMP% directory.D、Increase the storage space available to the scratch directory.

考题 单选题Heavy fuel oils generally have an upper average ash content of 0~1% by weight.Which of the following conditions could be expected if the ash content increase above this amount?()A Glazing of the cylinder linersB Increase valve wearC Excessive oil pumpingD Increase fuel consumption

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is not true concerning symptom of a fire in the scavenge air box?()A an increase in the exhaust temperature of the affected cylinderB the turbocharger may surgeC the explosion pressure in all cylinders will rise violentlyD smoke from the turbocharger air inlet filter will be seen

考题 单选题When a sudden increase in steam demand occurs from the boiler, the water level in the drum at the higher pressure will()A rise quicklyB rise slowlyC drop quicklyD drop slowly

考题 单选题A probable cause for a turbo generator tripping out on overspeed is a sudden()A loss of field excitationB total loss of loadC large increase in loadD loss of steam pressure

考题 单选题On a clear,warm day,you notice the approach of a tall cumulus cloud. The cloud top has hard well defined edges and rain is falling from the dark lower edge. Should this cloud pass directly overhead().A it will be preceded by a sudden increase in wind speedB it will be preceded by a sudden decrease in wind speedC the wind speed will not change as it passesD the wind will back rapidly to left in a counterclockwise direction as it passes

考题 单选题When a sudden increase in steam demand comes to normal, the drum pressure will and water level in the drum will().A rise, rise alsoB rise, dropC drop, riseD drop, drop also

考题 单选题If the cause of a sudden severe list or trim is negative initial stability,counter flooding into empty tanks may().A increase the righting momentB cause an increase in the righting armC bring the unit to an upright equilibrium positionD cause the unit to flop to a greater angle

考题 单选题A technician wants to increase the reliability of a DHCP server. Which of the following components should be installed to increase the server’s uptime on the network?()A  Increase the amount of RAMB  Use a lower voltage power supplyC  Add a hardware firewallD  Install redundant NICs

考题 单选题To reduce the amount of catenary you may().A shorten the hawser or increase the tug's speedB lengthen the hawser or reduce the tug's speedC place your tug in ironsD make a sharp turn

考题 单选题In the past 50 years, there _____ a great increase in the amount of research _____ on the human brain.A was...didB has been...to be doneC was...doingD has been...done

考题 单选题Which of the following is true regarding the use of switches and hubs for network connectivity()。A Switches take less time to process frames than hubs take.B Switches do not forward broadcasts.C Hubs can filter frames.D Using hubs can increase the amount of bandwidth available to hosts.E Switches increase the number of collision domains in the network.

考题 单选题If a heavy sea strikes the rudder, the shock is transmitted through () to the rams, this cause a sudden increase in oil pressure in one of the cylinders.A the control rodB the hunting gearC the floating ringD the tiller arm

考题 单选题When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical- hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will ().A pick up more of any increase in loadB pick up less of any increase in loadC share an equal amount of any increase in loadD drop an equal amount of any decrease in load

考题 单选题You create a tabular employee report and are concerned about readability because the employee records are very close together. What is the best way to increase the amount of white space between the records?()A In the layout model increase the size of the employee record fields. B In the report wizard increase the display width values of the employee record fields. C In the property palette increase the size of the repeating frame surrounding the employee records. D In the life previewer, high light a field, click on the parent frame icon and make the frame bigger verticall.

考题 单选题The pipe friction and the resistance will () as a result of an increase in the amount of fluid flowing through the system.A reduceB riseC raiseD fall

考题 单选题When the load is increased on a turbocharged diesel engine, the amount of increased air supplied by the turbocharger will()A lag behind the increased fuel supplied to the engineB enter the engine along with the increase in the fuelC enter the engine before the increased fuel supplyD leave the turbocharger as a negative pulse

考题 单选题The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the reliability of equipment or systems () may result in hazardous situations.A which the sudden operational failureB that the sudden operational failureC the sudden operational failureD the sudden operational failure of which