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All living creature are thought to ______ an organism that came into being three billion years ago.

descend to


descend on


descend into


descend from


人们认为所有的生物都是在三十亿年前起源于微生物。descend to屈尊去做某事。descend on袭击。descend into向下行。descend from起源于。
更多 “单选题All living creature are thought to ______ an organism that came into being three billion years ago.A descend toB descend onC descend intoD descend from” 相关考题
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考题 Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT________.A.some chemicalsB.low temperaturesC.some tiny living thingsD.certain natural materials

考题 If there () no air and water, all living creatures would die. A、isB、wereC、beD、been

考题 After the teacher’s words,all the students in the class _________.A. 1ooked very seriousB. thought they would be richC. began to think about their designsD. began to play games

考题 共用题干 Adaptation of Living ThingsCertain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind.This natural biological process is called adaptation.Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptationare those that may help in getting food or shelter,in providing protection,and in producing and protecting the young.That results in the evolution of more and more organisms(微生物)that are better fitted to their environments.Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way,but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class.A plant,for example,depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic(无机的)chemicals.It depends upon its green leaves for using the sun's energy to make food from inorganic chemicals.These are general adaptations,common to most plants.In addition,there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies.Some insects are hidden by their body color or shape,and many look like a leaf or a little branch.The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings.Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting.They may adapt.in their structure,function,and genetics;in their development and production of the young;and in other respects.An organism may create its own environment,as do warm-blooded mammals(哺乳动物),which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.Usually adaptations are an advantage,but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that,if conditions change,it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.The author cites the behavior of warm-blooded mammals in order to illustrate that______.A:a living thing may have the ability to create an environment of its ownB:a living creature may have the ability to remain still when an enemy is nearC:a living creature may have the ability to make food from its inorganic chemicalsD:a living creature may have the ability to change the color of its skin

考题 共用题干 Adaptation of Living ThingsCertain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind.This natural biological process is called adaptation.Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptationare those that may help in getting food or shelter,in providing protection,and in producing and protecting the young.That results in the evolution of more and more organisms(微生物)that are better fitted to their environments.Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way,but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class.A plant,for example,depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic(无机的)chemicals.It depends upon its green leaves for using the sun's energy to make food from inorganic chemicals.These are general adaptations,common to most plants.In addition,there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies.Some insects are hidden by their body color or shape,and many look like a leaf or a little branch.The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings.Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting.They may adapt.in their structure,function,and genetics;in their development and production of the young;and in other respects.An organism may create its own environment,as do warm-blooded mammals(哺乳动物),which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.Usually adaptations are an advantage,but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that,if conditions change,it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.Which of the following is NOT directly mentioned?A:A living thing may adapt in its structure.B:An organism may adapt in its function.C:A living creature may adapt in its genetic makeupD:A living organism may adapt in its sleeping habit.

考题 My daughter was leafing through some old photo albums the other day when she laughed and pulled out an old picture to show me. There I was a skinny 12 year old with thick, bushy, brown hair. l looked down at the picture and smiled. Only one thought was on my mind: "If only I knew then what I know now. If I knew then what I know now: I would have danced more, laughed more, and sang more no matter who was watching. I would have not cared a bit what other people thought of me. I would have cared a whole lot more, however, about what God thought of me. I would have been fearless in showing my love, sharing my joy, and living my life. Of all the four ideas, which won ' t the author agree with? A. One should not care what other people think of him/her. B. One should show his/her love bravely. C. One should only care what God thinks of him/her. D. One should do anything regardless of who is watching.

考题 --What are you doing this weekend --I haven′t decided yet. ______ --Well, I thought we could have anotherfamily party.A.What B.All right C.Why D.Pardon

考题 The Maori believe that their ancestors,and all living things in the world,were descended from()Athe skyBthe landCthe GodDthe gods

考题 We all thought()pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.A、thatB、whichC、thisD、it

考题 The Maori believe that their ancestors,and all living things in the world,were descended from()A、the skyB、the landC、the GodD、the gods

考题 类立克次氏体(Rickettsia-Lick Organism RLO)

考题 单选题Which of the following scenarios would best sport the position given in Passage 2 ?A The gradual migration of a herd of elephants into new territory due to a shortage of water and food in their original habitatB An increase in prehensile taft strength after a species of monkeys began living among taller trees to avoid terrestrial predatorsC The sudden extinction of a breed of wild donkeys following a dramatic change in climateD The discovery of prehistoric fossils demonstrating the existence of a creature with both mammalian and amphibious characteristicsE The discovery of a previously unknown species of crocodile in waters traditionally considered too cold for reptiles

考题 单选题Which of the following questions is answered according to the information given in the passage?A What is the toxin used by the fish killer?B Who first discovered the organism?C How does the fish killer paralyze fish?D How many fishes can the organism kill each day?

考题 单选题All the following names are used to describe the organism EXCEPT ______.A dinoflagellateB Pfiesteria piscimorteC killer algaeD a science fiction

考题 单选题We all thought()pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.A thatB whichC thisD it

考题 单选题The Maori believe that their ancestors,and all living things in the world,were descended from()A the skyB the landC the GodD the gods

考题 单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.A I heard that be joined the army.B They have no idea at all where he has gone.C The thought came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill.D Several years later, word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.

考题 单选题I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, (), and that the individual’ highest fulfillment, greatest happiness, and the widest usefulness are to be found in living()his will.A named by whatever name; in harmony withB named by whoever name; in harmony toC naming by however name; in harmonious with

考题 单选题All living creature are thought to ______ an organism that came into being three billion years ago.A descend toB descend onC descend intoD descend from

考题 单选题What did Mr. Posthorn think of Felix’s education?A He thought his father had not encouraged him enough.B He was surprised that Felix had managed to learn anything at all.C He thought Felix had wasted a great deal of valuable time.D He believed that Felix could catch up with the other boys later.