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更多 “名词解释题DML” 相关考题
考题 以下哪项不属于DML操作( )A.insertB.updateC.deleteD.create

考题 数据库管理系统(DBMS)通过数据操纵语言(DML)来实现数据的检索、插入、修改和删除。DML有两种类型,其中将SQL语言与某种高级语言结合使用的方式称为【 】型。

考题 dbms 提供dml 实现对数据的操作。嵌入高级语言中使用的dml 称为() A. 自主型B. 自含型C. 宿主型D. 交互型

考题 DBMS中的查询处理器由DDL编译器、DML编译器、嵌人型DML预编译器及【 】组成。

考题 View the Exhibit for some of the parameter settings. You start a session and issue the following command:SQLCREATE INDEX emp_ename ON emp(ename) TABLESPACE users INVISIBLE;What is the outcome of the above command?()A. The index is not used by the optimizer but is maintained during DML operations.B. The index is not used by the optimizer and is not maintained during DML operations.C. The index is used by the optimizer only if a hint is specified in the query statement and is maintained during DML operations.D. The index is used by the optimizer only if a hint is specified in the query statement but is not maintained during DML operations.

考题 DBMS中的查询处理器由DDL编译器、DML编译器、嵌入型DML预编译器及【 】组成。

考题 DBMS提供DML实现对数据的操作。可以独立交互使用的DML称为( )。A. 宿主型B. 独立型C. 自含型D. 嵌入型

考题 DBMS提供DML实现对数据的操作。可以独立交互使用的DML称为()。A、宿主型B、独立型C、自含型D、嵌入型

考题 层次、网状的DML属于()语言,而关系型DML属于()语言。

考题 下列中哪个不是DML命令?()A、InsertB、CreateC、UpdateD、Delete

考题 非过程性DML

考题 DML

考题 下列有关对视图执行DML操作的表述中哪个是正确的?()A、可以对简单视图执行DML操作。B、不能对包含WITH CHECK OPTION子句的视图执行DML操作。C、可以对包含WITH READ ONLY选项的视图执行DML操作。D、可以对包含由表达式(如COST+1)定义的列的视图执行DML操作。

考题 嵌入型DML

考题 定义并解释以下术语:模式、外模式、内模式、DDL、DML模式

考题 SQL DML分成数据查询和()两类。

考题 Why does performance degrade when many UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements are issued on a tablethat has an associated Bitmap index()A、The DML operations re-create the Bitmap index blocks.B、The Bitmap index is rebuilt automatically after a DML operation.C、The smallest amount of a bitmap that can be locked is a bitmap segment.D、Additional time is taken to remove NULL values from the Bitmap index after a DML operation.

考题 You have altered a non-unique index to be invisible to determine if queries execute within an acceptable response time without using this index. Which two are possible if table updates are performed which affect the invisible index columns?()A、The index remains invisible.B、The index is not updated by the DML statements on the indexed table.C、The index automatically becomes visible in order to have it updated by DML on the table.D、The index becomes unusable but the table is updated by the DML.E、The index is updated by the DML on the table.

考题 DDL和DML分别代表什么?

考题 单选题Which statement about the enabling of table compression in Oracle Database 11g is true?()A  Compression can be enabled at the table, tablespace, or partition level for direct loads only.B  Compression can be enabled only at the table level for both direct loads and conventional DML.C  Compression can be enabled at the table, tablespace, or partition level for conventional DML only.D  Compression can be enabled at the table, tablespace, or partition level for both direct loads and conventional DML.

考题 单选题Why does performance degrade when many UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements are issued on a tablethat has an associated Bitmap index()A The DML operations re-create the Bitmap index blocks.B The Bitmap index is rebuilt automatically after a DML operation.C The smallest amount of a bitmap that can be locked is a bitmap segment.D Additional time is taken to remove NULL values from the Bitmap index after a DML operation.


考题 名词解释题嵌入型DML

考题 填空题层次、网状的DML属于()语言,而关系型DML属于()语言。

考题 问答题DDL和DML分别代表什么?

考题 单选题DBMS提供DML实现对数据的操作。可以独立交互使用的DML称为()。A 宿主型B 独立型C 自含型D 嵌入型

考题 多选题You have altered a non-unique index to be invisible to determine if queries execute within an acceptable response time without using this index. Which two are possible if table updates are performed which affect the invisible index columns?()AThe index remains invisible.BThe index is not updated by the DML statements on the indexed table.CThe index automatically becomes visible in order to have it updated by DML on the table.DThe index becomes unusable but the table is updated by the DML.EThe index is updated by the DML on the table.