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One of the functions of ventilation is to () the humidity of spaces containing sources of moisture, or to () the temperature of spaces not mechanically cooled such as the engine room.









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更多 “单选题One of the functions of ventilation is to () the humidity of spaces containing sources of moisture, or to () the temperature of spaces not mechanically cooled such as the engine room.A increase;reduceB reduce;increaseC increase;increaseD reduce;reduce” 相关考题
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考题 In C language, there are several methods of communicating data between functions, one of which is by(51)。A.argumentsB.variablesC.messagesD.constants

考题 COMPATIBILITY OF GOODS states ______.A.the method for the proper stowage of a dangerous cargoB.the necessity of lashing,securing and piling of awkward or lengthy cargoC.whether different goods can be stowed together in one holdD.ventilation method for hydrous cargo

考题 As the temperature for an air mass decreases, the ______.A.absolute humidity increasesB.relative humidity increasesC.specific humidity increasesD.dew point rises

考题 As the temperature for a given mass of air increases, the ______.A.dew point increasesB.dew point decreasesC.relative humidity increasesD.relative humidity decreases

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考题 下列通气模式,属于控制呼吸的模式是( )AVCV(Volume control ventilation)BSImV(synchron izedinter mittentmandatory ventilation)CPSV(Pressure support ventilation)DPCV(Pressure control ventilation)ECPAP(continuous positive airway pressure)

考题 Which four are attributes of single row functions? ()A、cannot be nestedB、manipulate data itemsC、act on each row returnedD、return one result per rowE、accept only one argument and return only one valueF、accept arguments which can be a column or an expression

考题 Several @functions can execute multiple statements. Which one of the following initializes a variable and can increment in during the operation?()A、 @do B、 @for C、 @while D、 @dowhile 

考题 ()is one of functions in logistics, which can deliver goods to customer directly by order in the most economic way.A、TransportationB、DistributionC、Sending goodsD、Carrying goods

考题 Customs clearance in the import-export trade is one of the traditional functions of a freight forwarder.Customs clearance measures mainly include ()。A、declarationB、document-checkingC、duty-payingD、cargo-examination

考题 多选题下列通气模式,属于控制呼吸的模式是( )AVCV(Volume control ventilation)BSImV(synchron izedinter mittentmandatory ventilation)CPSV(Pressure support ventilation)DPCV(Pressure control ventilation)ECPAP(continuous positive airway pressure)

考题 多选题Customs clearance in the import-export trade is one of the traditional functions of a freight forwarder.Customs clearance measures mainly include ()。AdeclarationBdocument-checkingCduty- payingDcargo-examination

考题 单选题A re-heater in an air conditioning system functions to ().A control inlet air temperatureB control inlet air volumeC maintain relative humidity at 15%D restore conditioned air temperature to a comfortable level

考题 单选题One of the main functions of wearing rings, as used in a centrifugal pump, is to ().A maintain radial alignment between the pump impeller and casingB absorb all impeller shaft end thrustC prevent water leakage to the atmosphereD prevent wear of the pump casing and/or impeller

考题 单选题which one of the following should maria do to display the release date in a text column?()A used the number and time format options B used the @date to text functions to convert time to text C concatenated the date types using mathematical operators D used the @text functions to convert time and number data to text in text columns 

考题 单选题One of the functions of ventilation is to () the humidity of spaces containing sources of moisture, or to () the temperature of spaces not mechanically cooled such as the engine room.A increase;reduceB reduce;increaseC increase;increaseD reduce;reduce

考题 单选题As the temperature of an air mass decreases,the().A absolute humidity decreasesB relative humidity increasesC specific humidity decreasesD dew point rises

考题 单选题If a diesel engine has been stopped because of piston seizure due to severe overheating, the crankcase()A inspection covers should not be opened until the engine has cooledB ventilation system should be continued in operation for one hour for coolingC scavenge pump should be immediately secured to prevent loss of lube oilD explosion covers should be opened slightly to provide extra ventilation

考题 多选题Which two are true about aggregate functions?()AYou can use aggregate functions in any clause of a SELECT statement.BYou can use aggregate functions only in the column list of the select clause and in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.CYou can mix single row columns with aggregate functions in the column list of a SELECT statement by grouping on the single row columns.DYou can pass column names, expressions, constants, or functions as parameter to an aggregate function.EYou can use aggregate functions on a table, only by grouping the whole table as one single group.FYou cannot group the rows of a table by more than one column while using aggregate functions.

考题 单选题When comparing the air with 50% of relative humidity with the air with 100% of relative humidity, which one will hold more water?()A the formerB the latterC not for sureD same each other

考题 多选题Customs clearance in the import-export trade is one of the traditional functions of a freight forwarder.Customs clearance measures mainly include ()。AdeclarationBdocument-checkingCduty-payingDcargo-examination

考题 单选题As the temperature for a given mass of air increases,the().A dew point increasesB dew point decreasesC relative humidity increasesD relative humidity decreases

考题 单选题Which of the following actions are stated in the correct order prior to loading or discharging cargo on a Ro-Ro vessel? ()A Lower the stern ramp,raise/open the stern door,turn on ventilation for cargo holdsB Turn on ventilation for cargo holds,raise/open the stern door,lower the stern rampC Turn on ventilation for cargo holds,lower the stern ramp,raise/open the stern doorD Raise/open the stern door,lower the stern ramp,turn on ventilation for cargo holds

考题 多选题Which four are attributes of single row functions? ()Acannot be nestedBmanipulate data itemsCact on each row returnedDreturn one result per rowEaccept only one argument and return only one valueFaccept arguments which can be a column or an expression

考题 单选题Which of following functions is not one of the functions of air conditioner?()A refreshing the airB making person upsetC adjusting the air humidityD adjusting the air temperature