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更多 “单选题_____A soB butC thusD or” 相关考题
考题 We will mail your order ( ) we receive your credit card number A.As soon asB.UnlessC.ThusD.Likewise

考题 ( )an exciting city Shanghai is! A. SoB. VeryC. HowD. What

考题 I have finished typing all( ) the last page. A. untilB. butC. toD. for

考题 Did David give you anything _________ the letter? A.exceptB.butC.besidesD.beside

考题 Use your head,_____you will find a good way. A.andB.butC.orD.so

考题 Remember we want to create a forward-looking image ______ increase the awareness of our brand. A.as well asB.butC.so

考题 ________________( )49.A . soB. AndC. ButD. or

考题 15.A.ifB. butC. andD. so

考题 The directors will meet tomorrow, ______the schedule is changed.A. ifB. butC. unlessD. or

考题 —Doyoulikeplayingtennis?—No,____Ilikesports.IplayfootballeverySundayA.andB.butC.soD.or

考题 I am ________ fool to believe her. A.soB.such aC.so aD.such

考题 Business people exercise their leadership in the community service area()the commercial world.A. as well asB. butC. so

考题 (), I am returning the radio to you and ask that you issue me a full refund.A、OtherwiseB、WhereasC、ThusD、Therefore

考题 下列字母中,不是搜索引擎逻辑关系语法是() A.ANDB.BUTC.ORD.NOT

考题 20.A.andB.butC.soD.becaue

考题 13.A.AndB.ButC.OrD./

考题 50. I like cartoons,_______ I don ’t like comedies.A. andB. butC. orD. so

考题 14.A. andB. butC. orD. so

考题 19.A. soB. suchC. so aD. such a

考题 第33空的正确答案是A.soB.tooC.twoD.very

考题 57.A.soB.ifC.sinceD.but

考题 第42题答案是__________A.so B.but C.however D.had

考题 Bob is__rude that everyone dislikes him.A.so B.too C.very D.such

考题 Five minutes earlier,__.we could have caught the last train.A.and B.but C.or D.so

考题 She tried hard,__she was unsuccessful.A.therefore B.but C.or D.unless

考题 __________A.so B.next C.therefore D.and

考题 Our Accounts Receivable Department has written to you three times;(),we have had no response to our letters.A、consequentlyB、moreoverC、thusD、however

考题 BOP和SOB试验是什么?