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A vessel is underway with a work stage rigged over the side. A seaman may work on the stage,but only when().

wearing a life jacket


wearing a safety harness secured to the stage


wearing both a life jacket and a safety harness secured to the stage


the vessel is not making way


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更多 “单选题A vessel is underway with a work stage rigged over the side. A seaman may work on the stage,but only when().A wearing a life jacketB wearing a safety harness secured to the stageC wearing both a life jacket and a safety harness secured to the stageD the vessel is not making way” 相关考题
考题 On the high seas,a fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts would indicate the presence of a ______.A.vessel being towedB.fishing vessel engaged in trawlingC.vessel at anchor warning you of her locationD.power-driven pilot vessel on station underway

考题 A fishing vessel displaying the lights shown is ______.A.anchoredB.underway but not fishingC.tending a small fishing boatD.fishing by trawling

考题 A vessel aground would show the same dayshape as a ______.A.vessel towing a submerged objectB.dredge underway and dredgingC.hydrographic survey vessel at anchor and surveyingD.None of the above

考题 A stage should only be rigged ______.A.over the bow or stern of a vesselB.over the flat sides of a vesselC.over the open waterD.over the dockside

考题 A vessel is underway with a work stage rigged over the side. A seaman may work on the stage,but only when ______.A.wearing a life jacketB.wearing a safety harness secured to the stageC.wearing both a life jacket and a safety harness secured to the stageD.the vessel is not making way



考题 单选题On open waters,a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with a vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel’s starboard side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?().A The fishing vessel because it is to port of the sailing vesselB The fishing vessel because it is fishingC The sailing vessel because it is to starboard of the fishing vesselD The sailing vessel because it is sailing

考题 单选题A power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of().A a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverB a vessel under commandC a passenger shipD a seaplane on the water

考题 单选题Gyrocompass repeaters reproduce the indications of the master gyrocompass. They are().A accurate only in the Polar regionsB accurate electronic servomechanismsC hand operatedD accurate only if the vessel is underway

考题 单选题Underway at night,a vessel displaying the lights shown is().A Engaged in fishingB Mine sweepingC A pilot boatD Under sail

考题 单选题A vessel is underway with a work stage rigged over the side. A seaman may work on the stage,but only when().A wearing a life jacketB wearing a safety harness secured to the stageC wearing both a life jacket and a safety harness secured to the stageD the vessel is not making way

考题 单选题A vessel will NOT show sidelights when().A underway but not making wayB making way,not under commandC not under command,not making wayD trolling underway

考题 单选题A vessel transferring cargo while underway is classified by the Rules as a vessel().A restricted in her ability to maneuverB in special circumstancesC not under commandD constrained by her draft

考题 单选题A rigid replica of the International Code flag “A” may be shown by a vessel ().A pulling a submarine cableB engaged in diving operationsC engaged in underway replenishmentD transferring explosives

考题 单选题A vessel()when underway shall so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel not under command.A having engaged in fishingB engaging in fishingC engaged in fishD engaged in fishing

考题 单选题What equipment is customarily used when seamen are working on a stage rigged over the side of a vessel().A Jacob's ladderB ManropesC Heaving linesD All of the above

考题 单选题A sailing vessel is overtaking a steam vessel in a fairway on International waters,so as to pass on the steam vessel’s port side. The sailing vessel is the().A privileged vessel and would sound two short blastsB burdened vessel and would sound two prolonged blasts followed by two short blastsC burdened vessel and would sound no whistle signalD privileged vessel and would sound no whistle signal

考题 单选题A vessel aground would show the same dayshape as a().A vessel towing a submerged objectB dredge underway and dredgingC hydrographic survey vessel at anchor and surveyingD None of the above

考题 单选题When a vessel is aground,().A she is underwayB she is not underwayC whether she is underway cannot be determinedD she might be or not be underway

考题 单选题Vessel underway means that a vessel is().A on the wayB at anchorC made fast to a terminalD moving against water

考题 单选题A stage should only be rigged().A over the bow or stern of a vesselB over the flat sides of a vesselC over the open waterD over the dockside

考题 单选题A breeches buoy is being rigged from the shore to a stranded vessel. The initial shot line passed to the vessel is normally made fast to a().A hawser which is used to pass a tail-block and whip to the vesselB hawser with breeches buoy and harness attachedC hawser which should be made fast to the vessel below the intended location of the tail-blockD tail-block and whip which may be used to pass a hawser to the vessel

考题 单选题When lowering manropes alongside a stage rigged over the side of a vessel,they should be allowed to trail in the water().A to easily remove the kinks that form in the linesB to allow the seamen on the stage to know the direction and strength of the currentC to provide the seaman something to hold onto if he or she falls from the stage into the waterD only for short periods of time since they will become waterlogged and be very heavy to pull up

考题 单选题A flooded leg on a liftboat would adversely affect the vessel’s stability underway by().A increasing the righting momentB decreasing the vessel's displacementC increasing the reserve buoyancyD shifting the CG (center of gravity) off center

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE,according to the Rules().A A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverB A vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draftC A vessel constrained by her draft shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishingD A vessel engaged in fishing while underway shall,so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver

考题 单选题A vessel engaged in fishing underway sounds the same fog signal as a().A power-driven vessel stopped and making no way through the waterB vessel being towedC vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver at anchorD sailing vessel at anchor

考题 单选题A flooded leg on a lift boat would adversely affect the vessel’s stability underway by().A increasing the righting momentB decreasing the vessel's displacementC increasing the reserve buoyancyD shifting the CG (center of gravity) off center